Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 734: Next Steps & Main Intent

Chapter 734: Next Steps & Main Intent

The now beautiful vice-general entered the room and approached the bed while looking at a grinning Tianlong Yun that immediately ordered her to get naked and join him on the bed.

His maid was already there helping and serving him, as Tianlong Yun was trying to release the lust that it had build up due to his affair in the forest with his ex-secretary.

In fact, he hadn't really thought of killing her, and it would be much better to make her join his ranks as a slave, but just like all the bastards that had tried to kill him, she had a bomb planted to her heart.

The moment that her heartbeat stopped, or the one who had the switch to the bomb wished she would just explode taking down everyone around her down.

Certainly there were ways of going around it, and even removing that bomb inside her heart, but it was just that she wasn't worth it.

After all, she was the type of seductress that was used to betrayal and the first thing she did when everyone else had died was to try and betray them, and their sacrifice.

She seemed like someone that had loyalty towards the present strong only, and if she ever had to chose between a dying him, and a living bastard she would most probably select the second.

For that reason it was better for him to cleanly get rid of her and play it as he did. Like this, not only had he gained time for himself, but also time to make his next move.

There were three people that he was keeping his watch upon, the first was the vice-general that was actually slurping on his dragon, that lecherous bastard servant of that Young Master, and last but not least Ye-Jun.

Now that whoever was after his life had actually failed to do so, would most probably try a move on either of the two ladies, or on the 3rd general.

After all, the big bet of the game was to take under control the military base, and not just to get rid of him. Even though he didn't knew the original plan, he could still understand the notion.

Most probably that Young Master already had one of the generals in hand, and was trying to get the second, or even the third so he could have control on the base.

Experts and Masters were the true power behind a country's independence that was for sure, but military weapons were closely important as well.

While a missile couldn't kill a Soul Formation Realm expert, a nuclear bomb could go head to head with a Boundary Ascension Realm powerhouse.

As for a Great Boundary Ascension powerhouse, while one nuclear bomb wouldn't be enough 3 or 4 would most certainly cause injuries.

For that reason, in order to lead and control a country one needed both strength, and technology, otherwise there would only be a cold and civil war.

As Tianlong Yun was recovering from his injuries and experience inside his room, just like he had expected that Young Master's servant received a message.

"How could you fail, you idiot!?"

"It's not my fault Young Master, I already gave all the information, money, and weapons to those foreigners, but those useless idiots still failed to do the job.

Still looking at the conditions when he returned, the rumors around the base, and the medical reports it didn't seem like he was far from dying!"

"That doesn't satisfy me in the least, the safest dog is a dead dog! Who knows what he might do after this.

You have to find an opportunity to check upon his thoughts, and plans. If necessary you need to find a way to kill him as soon as possible, we can't allow him to cause trouble, not when I am so close!

What about the vice-general, and that other bi*tch?"

"The vice-general immediately went towards that guy with the justification of taking care of him, but she is most probably trying to gather evidence or convince him to change sides.

As for the other one, she seems to be pregnant with one of the lackeys of the vice-general who is now under isolation.

She tried to get him out, but instead she was put under house arrest as well. It seems like the vice-general is trying to keep her under control!"

"Hmph~! That bi*tch thinks she can rival me, I will make sure to teach her a good lesson when the time comes!

Until then, act according to the original plan! That bastard isn't much of an obstacle as long as he doesn't leave his room."

"I obey Young Master!"

"Anything else!?"

"What should we do about the terrorists Young Master? After the news and the happening people at the base truly think that it was their work, but there is no track of them.

Those generals might suspect our involvement!"

"It doesn't matter, that will just help us more. The less soldiers and people inside the base, the easier it will be for us to take control of the place!

You just do what you are ordered to do!"

"I obey Young Master!"

With that the conversation was over, while the lecherous servant returned his attention to the two beauties in bed with him,

"Did you hear what happened just now!? You don't have to play like you are sleeping!"

"Ma-Master w-we didn't hear any-anything!"

"It's not good to lie like this don't you know? Otherwise, you will get punished!"

With that said, he quickly slapped both of them to death, and while grinning ferociously and licking the blood on his hand, he said in a perverted tone,

"It's time for me to find some other toys!"

Not far from there, in a dark room, a man covered by the darkness of the room was enjoying a drink and a good cigarette as he asked to the shadow close to him,

"How are things going!?"

It seemed like he was alone in the room, but there was actually another voice that answered to him,

"Everything is proceeding smoothly Master. Our people have already set eyes on the seals, if they other two generals don't agree to hand them over through blackmailing we can steal them any time.

Furthermore, our preparations for the traps are already coming to a close, the only problem was the loss of those foreigners in the failed attack of the 1st grade Mayor.

We will need at least 2 weeks to replace them!"

"It's better like this, those bastards are so useless that they couldn't even kill someone like that waste! They might have endangered our plan!

Make sure in the selection of the next batch!"

"Will do Master!"

"Very well, you can go!"

With that, the guy enjoying the drink and his cigar could only feel the breeze outside after his window had opened as the hooded shadow had disappeared.

"Soon this place will belong to me, then we can have another talk about our relationship 'Young Master'!"

It was clear that this guy wasn't extremely loyal to the one trying to play behind the scenes, just like any other human being he had his own ambitions and greed.

Human being are just like a piece of plastic, the longer you stretch them, the more loose they become.

Tianlong Yun surely had no idea about the general, but he had full knowledge of what happened with that dastardly servant.

It felt like a loss to have him kill 2 beauties, but they were spoiled the days they had been with that guy, so he had no intention of approaching them.

Still, looking at his thoughts and actions, it was clear that this guy was eyeing or had already selected other targets close to him.

Perhaps that would also be his way of testing 1st grade Mayor's thoughts that Tianlong Yun was impersonating, and truthfully it was time for Tianlong Yun to spark things up.

His biggest shield these days would certainly be his new wife, and he could pretend that he had joined her camp, seeing that he had been betrayed by his Master.

'Knock, knock, knockkk~!'

With those thoughts in mind, he quickly planned his next steps, as not long after someone knocked on his door.


The one who voiced the command wasn't Tianlong Yun, but the vice-general who had taken off the veil from her face, due to Tianlong Yun's command.

Entering inside the servant guy was immediately amazed by what his eyes landed on as this was the first time he had seen the vice-general's full appearance.

'Ho-How could this be!?'

This question rang through his mind and heart, as he seemed to even loose himself in stupor for some time.

"What business do you have here servant!?"

The beautiful vice-general made sure to remind him and treat him about the position he held, as she even accentuated the word servant.

That clearly didn't fall correctly with the guys character, who quickly recomposed himself, faked a gentle and caring smile as he said,

"Vice-general this lowly one came here to check upon the 1st grade Mayor's health. After hearing about the unfortunate encounter with the terrorists and the 1st grade Mayor's bravery, I couldn't help but come and check.

At the same time I would like to offer him the regards of all the servants of the base, hoping that he recovers as soon as possible!"

"Very well, you have now seen him, and extended your wishes and regards you can leave!"

'You bi*tch, just you wait I will make sure to teach you who is the boss!'

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