Royal Dragon and Phoenix transmigrate to Earth

Chapter 706: Payback

Chapter 706: Payback

As the members of Team 1 were still frozen in fear of what was happening in front of them, a few blood-blades pierced them from the back passing right through their hearts.

None of them was able to see just who was the one that actually killed them. In fact, they weren't even able to have one look at the guy, or any idea of their life being on an end.

They could only feel their breathing slowly stall, and their heart not beating anymore, as their eyes slowly turned sleepy, to close for never to open again.

Why!? How!? To know that we need to return back in time!

The one responsible for something like this was no one else but Tianlong Yun. The truth was that even though with great difficulty, and a bit late he had managed to pull everyone out of the dining room before the explosion.

The bad part of this was that while he had managed to pull it off, it hadn't happened as great as everyone would actually expect.

The explosion had affected the space around him and the others while teleporting, so he and everyone else he teleported suffered some severe injuries.

Since he was the one that tried to protect everyone even though the space channel he had been the one to suffer the most of the damage.

As one of his wings had been cut in half, the other was barely hanging, and there were a lot of deep cuts in his body.

While his body couldn't be called impenetrable yet, with his physical prowess attacks he was still comparable to an anti-nuclear bunker, and yet he had ended in that situation.

That was more than enough to understand that the natural power of a law was many times scarier than the Realm of Mortal, and even HighGods had difficulties reaching that.

One has to know that the disturbance in the space caused by the explosion the moment that Tianlong Yun teleported himself and the others were extremely low.

In fact, due to his instincts, he was able to react way before the attack reached, and he had almost fully escaped the explosion, but that was almost full, and he hadn't been able to do so.

Their outer door had been a safe building about 30 meters away from the Mansion that was Tianlong Yun's maximum with all those people.

And they should understand that it was a great feat, but of them had the time or thought to actually think about that.

The ladies were shocked, Muto Reika included, they didn't understand how everything had happened, and why they had appeared there, but they knew that Tianlong Yun had something to do with it.

As for Tianlong WenHe, he immediately forgot about any injury or wound he might have received as they traveled through space, and appeared beside Tianlong Yun,

"Big brother are you okay!? Nothing happened to you right?"

His ladies couldn't help but feel startled and shocked at the reaction he had, and the first person he thought about, but they knew that now wasn't the time to make a scene about that.

Forgetting about Tianlong WenHe's character and personality, Tianlong Yun was the one who had saved them and suffered the most doing so.

His appearance was quite shocking and surprising, and even more so as he grabbed his detached arms, and his detached wings, turned them into blood, and reabsorbed them in his body.

His arms and the cut wing didn't reappear immediately as it would take more time, or more blood to recuperate in a short time.

"I am fine, don't worry about me! Check the others!"

"Yes, big brother!"

Only after he made sure that Tianlong Yun was okay did Tianlong WenHe finally turn his head towards his ladies and ask them about their conditions and situation.

On the other hand, Tianlong Yun focused on the recuperation of his wounds, as the sounds of the explosions and guns firing were heard clearly from outside.

Tianlong WenHe, Muto Reika, or even the other ladies were stupid people, they perfectly understood that they had escaped from whatever was happening there outside.

Each of those bullets, bombs, or grenades most probably had their names written on top of them, but due to Tianlong Yun's power, they had escaped that gruesome fate.

When the guns festival finished outside, and Tianlong Yun had recuperated a bit from his wounds, he immediately made a sign to Tianlong WenHe to approach.

The guy didn't even question or release a sound as he appeared in front of Tianlong Yun just like some kind of soldier trained for years to do so.

Without explaining much, Tianlong Yun grabbed his leg and disappeared from the safe building under the stupefied eyes of the ladies present.

They couldn't believe that there actually existed something so strange and magic in this world, as they had no idea what it actually was.

That didn't matter at the moment though, as Tianlong Yun or Tianlong WenHe that they could ask weren't there, as they had appeared amidst the newcomers.

Without losing time, Tianlong Yun was still sitting in a lotus position as he spread his Blood Law, and Fierceness Law, while letting everything else in Tianlong WenHe's hands.

As for Tianlong WenHe, there wasn't much emotion on the guy's face, he looked only like an angry demon who had been touched on his reverse scale, as he went on a killing spree.

As Tianlong WenHe was killing left and right, Tianlong Yun was focused on his recuperation and was collected all the blood around him to suck it clean of vitality, and energies to boost his own strength.

Well, more than 90% of that vitality and energy was going in the process of recovering, so he wasn't actually gaining much of a boost.

But at least his injuries, cuts, and broken parts were recovering at a visible rate. In less than 5 minutes he had closed more than 70% of his wounds.

Such a rate of recuperation and regeneration would most probably leave anyone who witness it, turn into a greedy, and unbelieving bastard.

But that didn't matter much now. Since, the first purpose of recuperating, and regaining strength had been fulfilled, it was time to continue with the second.

Hunt down whoever put forward such a plan!

For that reason, Tianlong WenHe had left the leaders of the operation for the end and had started to interrogate them slowly.

The one he was interrogating when Team 1 came outside was other than the general of the operation, but no matter how much this guy looked like a tough nut to crack, he was going to crack it open.

When Team 1 came outside, Tianlong Yun had managed to recover from all his injuries due to the 'big help' from the enemies, and Tianlong WenHe's killing spree.

Just because he had recovered his injuries didn't mean that he was in top form though, as he was still extremely weak at the moment.

If he would have to compare his strength to before this happened it would be just like comparing night and day.

Not only had he lost a large amount of energy to make possible the escape earlier, but he had also suffered all those injuries that despite being recuperated still weighed down on his body.

If it weren't for his high Soul Cultivation, and his persistent character he would have fainted more than three times already.

Still, just because he was weak, it didn't mean that he had no chance of fighting against these guys, even more so when they were just normal soldiers.

It was quite a surprise actually because no matter how idiot someone was, they would never use these worthless people to actually put up a fight against Tianlong WenHe.

He deliberately left himself out, as the enemy didn't have much information about him and his power, but most probably whoever had planned this, had thought that the missile would have been enough.

These soldiers were most probably sent only as on-site witnesses to actually confirm the death of Tianlong WenHe, and his.

After killing the members of team 1 Tianlong Yun approached Tianlong WenHe from behind the general that was being tortured as he said,


"Cough, Cough, Aaaarrrgggghhhhh, Monster, Monster"

At that moment, Tianlong WenHe stopped the torture on the guy, unblocked his voice, and said,

"Thank you very much for the compliment, now are you ready to answer some questions?"

Differently from his, and Tianlong Yun's expectations though the general heard a sudden ticking sound from his watch, and he started laughing like a maniac,

"HAAHHAHAHA~! Finished! You are finished!"

"Oh!? What do you mean?"

"Aren't you acting like this because you have supernatural powers, and are stronger than me? Well, now someone stronger than you is coming, and he will play with you 20 times worse!"

"Really!? Does this newcomer know much about the plan and the person behind all this?"

"Cough, I don't know about that! But I know that you are going to beg for your life! You are doomed, bastard!"

"Why are you so happy about it? You won't live to see it anyway!"


Before the general could even say another word though, his head was removed from his shoulders, and everything started spinning around him, and then completely fell asleep.

As for Tianlong Yun and Tianlong WenHe they sat on the cover of a car near them, with the body of the general at their feet, waiting for the coming guy.

Fortunately, they didn't need to wait much, as the guy was now standing in front of them. Well, it wasn't only one guy, it was a team of 20 people

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