Rise of the Legendary Emperor

Chapter 120: Interference

Chapter 120: Interference


Darlene and King Harold shouted as the ice block surrounding Don had exploded into pieces. The force of the explosion blasted Kate away as she flew into the air and landed on the few soldiers of Korrinth.

And after shouting Kate's name, King Harold was hit by a chunk of the ice block and fell on the ground with a big wound on his head.

The icicle that was hanging above Don's head had already vaporized by the heat radiating from Don's body 

"Great master"

Darlene said as she jumped back to steady herself from the force of the explosion.


As the army of Everlight saw Don getting out of the iceblock, they prepared for another battle with Korrinth's army but Don raised his hand and stopped them.

After stopping his men Don looked at Korrinth's men and said

"I and your princess have some unfinished business. And if any of you try to be a hero, I won't stop my men again"

"You liar, how could you be a great master?"

Darlene had never even thought that Don would be a peak level great master and her whole planned came collapsing in a mere moment

"You're calling me a liar, it's funny"

Hearing Don, Darlene didn't say anything but prepared to fight Don as she slowly stepped forward toward Don


Darlene shouted as a blast of cold air formed before her and rushed at Don to blast him away.

Seeing the gust of cold air coming at him, Don clenched his fist as a sword made of dark red fire appeared in his hand.

With the fire sword in his hand, Don simply cut through the blast with a single swing. But some of the Korrinth's men already blasted away by the force of the blast.

"Energy Volley"

Darlene didn't stop when she saw her first spell had not even touched Don as she sent pure blue arrows made of life energy at Don. Even though Don could control the elements, he couldn't control the life energy so the only way he could overcome the arrows was to simply evade them or deflect them with his fire sword.

Considering Don had the feeling of someone watching them, he couldn't use the battle energy to form a shield around him. Already he was using the device that Ken made for him to hide the battle energy signatures around him and forming fake magical fluctuations and using a pure battle energy technique like the shield would certainly create suspicions.

So Don decided to form an invisible shield around him made of air and started to evade the arrows before it could touch him. The arrows were fast but Don was faster.


Arrora was amazed by Don's acrobatic skills as he moved between the arrows evading them like his spine and bones were made of liquid.

And seeing the last of her arrows missed Don, Darlene leaped into the air and landed before Don with enough force to create cracks in the ground but the exact moment she landed on the ground, Don controlled the air element under his feet to lift his body from the ground a few inches.

When landing Darlene expected Don to be blasted away but before she could realize what happened, she felt a sudden pain in her chest.


King Harold screamed when he saw Darlene was kicked in the chest by Don and she landed on the ground after flying for a few meters away from Don.

'*cough* *cough*'

Darlene coughed as blood already started to come out of her mouth because of the force of the kick even though her breast cushioned the blow to some extent.

"Bastard I'll kill you"

Seeing his little girl got kicked by Don, King Harold picked himself from the ground and rushed towards Don but before he could even take a couple of steps, Don kicked a stone on the ground as it hit King Harold right where he was hit by the ice chunk before.

"Your majesty"

Noticing King Harold's unconscious body, General Wil rushed at him and tried to wake him up.

But Darlene was not in the situation to check up on her father as she dashed again at Don while reinforcing her sword with ice made of life energy

"Big mistake"

Don mumbled as he took a step back and prepared for the sword fight.

Up until now, Darlene used life energy spells quickly as she could before Don was able to strike her with any of his elemental attacks but now she chose to fight using her sword techniques which were Don's forte.

The two swords made of fire and ice clashed as Don and Darlene started their battle. And fortunately for Darlene, the rain came pouring which enhanced her icy blade while starting to affect Don's fire sword.

Even though Don's excellent sword technique he honed through countless battles and near-death experiences gave him the superiority over Darlene as every move he made was perfect and every strike he made, took everything of Darlene's to evade or barely dodge.

And after a few strikes, Don could certainly feel that someone was preventing him from critically injuring Darlene as his attacks were slowed down by some invisible force. Even with an invisible force protecting Darlene without her knowing, she was unable to evade Don's strikes as she was getting more and more slashes on her body.

Looking at Don and Darlene fighting, Arrora was amazed by Don's moves and the way he fights. Since she had spent quite a long time with Don, she only saw him fight a couple of times and each time, he would overwhelm her by his skill and power. While seeing the battle, Arrora couldn't tell whether Don was playing with Darlene or not because every time he targeted her body parts like neck or heart, he would slow down his attack not to critically injure her or take her life.

While Arrora was wondering about the fact, she noticed Kate tries to cast a spell to probably attack Don from behind.

"Well it's time I teach some lesson to the princess "

As she said, Arrora dashed towards Kate but not before throwing King Garreth and Jowan to Everlight's men so they wouldn't escape.

"Hello, Princess"

Kate was startled when she heard a voice from behind and when she turned back, she saw Arrora standing before her while the water beneath her turned into red with the rain washing away the blood from Arrora's clothes and body.


But before Kate could say anything, Arrora slapped Kate. The slap was so hard that it sent two of Kate's molars flying out of her mouth.


Kate's scream in pain almost overpowered the sound of downpouring but her scream was stopped midway by Arrora's punch to her face. 

It was fortunate that King Harold is unconscious because he would die of heartache watching his two daughters getting beaten by Don and Arrora.

"How dare you!"

"Still arrogant huh?"

Even after her face became swollen, Kate didn't yield as she took out her daggers and leaped at Arrora like a ferocious tiger to get kicked in the gut by Arrora.

Seeing their princesses in their current state, the Korrinth's soldiers felt a mix of anger and helplessness because they knew if they moved, there was nothing but death awaiting for them. 

"Fight me!"

General Will left King Harold on the ground and rushed at Arrora with a battle cry.

"He said don't try to be a hero"

Just by looking at the old man's stance while he was running towards her, Arrora knew that he's not a very good fighter as Arrora grabbed KAte's hand with a dagger in it and pushed it against the old man.


Kate screamed when she saw the blood come spraying out of General Wil's chest and he himself wondered why he tried to save the princess instead of escaping in his last moments.

"I, I killed him"

Seeing the lifeless body falling to the ground, Kate stuttered with her swollen face.

The events from Arrora stopping Kate's spell to killing General Wil only took a few minutes as on the other side Don and Darlene were still fighting.

"I had enough"

As he said, Don evaded Darlene's sloppy swing and kicked her in the side of her face without holding back. Just like Don thought, the invisible force prevented the kick from breaking Darlene's neck but still the kick forced her to hit the ground hard.

Looking at Darlene's face, Don knew it would at least take a couple of years to heal her face to her previous state without any healing potions like the ones he has. After taking that kick to her face, Darlene lied on the ground without any conscious while even his own men looked terrified under their masks looking at Don especially the women.

But Don felt no guilt about beating Darlene since she was the one who started the fight and also, he knew Darlene would have killed him without any second thoughts if he was weak.

Since a girl in the divine continent almost took his life because he held back because of her gender, taught him a very valuable lesson which was, a girl wouldn't spare her enemy's life just because he's a man.

And since that moment of realization, if someone tried to kill him, he would return the favor no matter the gender of the enemy.

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