Rise of the Legendary Emperor

Chapter 102: Deal with the Devil

Chapter 102: Deal with the Devil

Don put down the glass in his hand and nodded

"I don't like to beat around the bush, King Don. You know after the marriage, the bride's family give valuables, lands as marriage settlement to groom "

"Yes" Don said and waited for King Harold to get to the point as King Harold continued

"But my daughter Darlene is far more valuable than all of your little kingdoms combined so it would be only right for you to give as a marriage settlement or take it as a compensation"

Don was stunned for a moment "is he for real?", and not only Don, Everyone in the dining room was shocked as hell when they heard King Harold.

"Your majesty its"

"If I want your opinion I will ask for it, Steven" King Harold shut Uncle Steve when he tried to interfere and waited for Don to speak

Don glanced at Darlene for a second but she looked like she had nothing to do with the current situation while Princess Kate seemed to support her father

"Alright what do you expect, King Harold?"

"As you may have noticed King Don, Korrinth is a very rich kingdom but it also a small one in size and I'm planning to change that"

"Oh boy" Uncle Steve had a very bad feeling about whats King Harold is going to say next

"I'm not going to ask too much, I just want half of Emir "

King Harold said and there was no shame or a feeling of demanding too much on his face.

"half? you do realize those are barren lands right? King Harold. What are you going to do with it?"

Regardless of this outrageous request, Don asked in doubt because even he had no idea of what to do with those barren lands 

"You don't have to worry about that, King Don" King Harold didn't even look at Don when he said as he was taking a sip from his wine glass.

It was King Harold politely saying that it was none of Don's business and Uncle Steve started to panic seeing Don but still he couldn't see whether Don was angry or not.

"Of course you don't have to answer right away, take your time but don't take too long, I'm not a very patient man King Don"

"So am I Harold, so am I" Don inwardly said as he nodded and left the dining room and when he was leaving, he heard Queen Bella and Kate mumbling something to King Harold but Don couldn't hear a thing.

"Let's get what we want and get the hell out of here " Arrora said and followed Don to the outside

After reaching the garden area Arrora made sure there's no one around in the garden and said

"I've talked to Joel, the access keys are already given out to the kingdoms. Korrinth should get one in two days top"

"Yeah or I'm afraid I'll kill that guy"

"Me too" Arrora said and she was not kidding

"What you too?" Arrora and Don turned back to see Darlene walking towards them

"Oh nothing your royal highness, we were just talking about the insects around here" Arrora pointed some ladybugs on the flower petals.

"So I assume you want to talk to me about what just my father said?"

"Why would I? It's not like I'm going to marry you, Princess Darlene. I'm just here for the access key, remember"

Darlene was slightly taken back by his indifferent tone and expression but she was able to smile and asked a slightly flirtatious tone

"So tell me King Don, if we truly loved each other would you accept my father's requests?"

"No, giving out something mine is a sign of weakness and I don't do weaknesses"

"What a douche" thinking to herself, Darlene kept smiling without revealing her thoughts

"When do you plan to give me the access key? Princess Darlene"

Princess moment put her finger on her chin and acted like she was deeply thinking and said

"Probably the moment before I go to the Cold Moon Palace"

Hearing Darlene's answer, Don acted like he's also thinking deeply by rubbing his chin for a moment 

"No, I need the key the moment you get that is the day after tomorrow"

Darlene's smile faded from her face as she frowned

"I can't do that King Don, how can I trust you that you won't leave Korrinth after getting the key?"

"You can't, but do you think I want to make an enemy out of you and get into Cold Moon Palace's bad side"

"Is this a lie?" But Darlene soon realized that it was useless and risky for Don to betray her. Otherwise, it would end up as a disaster for Everlight and Emir when she becomes an inner disciple of Cold Moon Palace and decides to take revenge for betraying her, and an inner disciple had enough pull to easily destroy a rank 4 kingdom with the power like Cold Moon Palace behind.

"Also, I give you my word that I won't leave Korrinth until everyone gets what they want"

Don seemed pretty earnest to Darlene besides a small-time king was nothing to her, she was planning to reach new heights in cultivation with her talent and Don was just a stepping stone for her and she knew she would not even remember dealing with a king of a rank 4 kingdom like him in a few years.

"Then I'll take your word King Don, but remember you do not want to go back on your word" as she said she turned back and left the garden leaving Don and Arrora behind

And just after Darlene left the gardens, Don saw Princess Kate walking towards him while Arrora slightly bowed her head 

"What level are you in your cultivation, King Don?" 

Arrora was shocked to see such bluntness, asking questions like this to a servant didn't matter much however asking a king was a whole different story.

"Oh you don't have to fear anyone King Don, you are safe here" Princess Kate reassured Don but he could see her acting.

"I'm in mid master level, Princess Kate"

"Hmph" Princess Kate snickered and it was visible that she's looking down on him.

"You know what level my sister is? The peak of the great master level just a step away from becoming a grandmaster"

Princess Kate's face was full of arrogance as she continued

"Even though I don't have a talent like my big sister, I'm a peak level master and I'm not very far from reaching the great master level"

Don stood there and listened to her arrogant blabbering then he saw Kate looking at Arrora then returning her gaze back towards him

"No offense King Don, but I guess your bodyguard woman is stronger than you" Kate emphasized the word "woman".

Her arrogance and way she was talking to Don made Arrora angrier by the second but as usual, Don was calm so she couldn't do anything. Taking Don's silence as a sign of weakness, Kate continued

"As a girl, I want someone who can protect me, not the other way around King Don. How are you going to protect my sister heck forget about protecting how are you going to keep up with her? "

Kate glanced at Don to see if he's going to say something but she didn't get any reply from him and that made her even angrier and bitchy

"She could have met so many suitors like princes and kings in a few years but now "

Kate looked at him top to bottom as finally Don opened his mouth

"It was your sister that asked me to be her lover in the first place, do you know that?"

Kate opened her mouth but did not know how to refute Don's words for a moment, she was shocked.

"Whatever King Don, even if you can't reach her level, don't break her heart or I will kill you if she does..."

"Princess!!" before Kate could finish what she wanted to say, Uncle Steve came running to her and he was not happy

"You can't talk to his majesty like that, say sorry" Uncle Steve said with a serious face still Kate didn't say anything but turned back and left the gardens

"I'm sorry your majesty, she's just a little girl. She loves Princess Darlene so much as she couldn't see whos she talking to"

Uncle Steve slightly bowed his head and said but he suddenly felt a murderous aura that nearly made him choke for a second 

"You should stop asking for forgiveness and teach her some manners before she brings herself the worst"

The murderous aura disappeared after Don said that and Uncle Steve inhaled a mouthful of air since he was unable to breathe for a moment.

Uncle Steve didn't know how Don was able to release such murderous aura but he was sure to tell Kate that not to mess with him anymore, in fact, he decided not to let Kate anywhere near this youth again because Uncle Steve had a feeling that Don was not the man they had thought before, just a moment ago Uncle Steve thought of him as some youth from a little known place but now he realized that Don was dangerous man, very dangerous.

"I think we made a deal with the devil, Princess Darlene"

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