Rise of the Dark Alpha

Chapter 235 - Just An Hour


Surprisingly, Lhars was the first to return, and with two wolves in tow that he claimed would be able to remove the weapons from a single male before the guy would even know they'd touched him.

Sasha was itching to get out there and find out who had come through and why, but she was worried about Zev, too. His eyes were bright, and his body tense. But she could see the pinch of pain in the corners of his eyes, and she worried that out of concern for her, he wouldn't rest.

While Lhars asked him to list who he'd spoken to in the mind-link so far, she tugged on the healer's elbow and asked the male to give Zev something to help him rest after she left. The healer sighed, but said he would give him something for a nap.

Then Zev and Lhars were clear and it was time to go.

With the three other males watching, Sasha leaned over Zev, kissing him, though she felt awkward doing it with an audience. The Chimera didn't seem to mind, however, and waited patiently.

"Please, Sash… don't take any stupid risks."

"I won't," she assured him. Then she said into his head, I'll send you images so you can tell me who they are if Lhars isn't sure.

Do that whether Lhars is sure or not, Zev growled.

Sasha nodded, then kissed him one more time, squeezing his hand and urging him to rest before she turned and started for the door, Lhars and the other two males at her heels.

She'd forgotten how much slower she travelled than the Chimera. As soon as they entered the trail out of the village, Sasha spoke to the two wolves, making certain they understood that she had no desire for them to harm the human, only that they disarm him.

"And check him for weapons that aren't metal or plastic. Do you all know what frisking is?" she asked, with a look at Lhars.

All three males looked confused. Sasha sighed. "It's running your hands up and down someone's body to feel if there's anything under their clothes. To make sure they haven't hidden something."

"The humans don't hide their weapons from us," Lhars growled. "They want us to be reminded of their strength."

Sasha wasn't so sure. "Can you just humor me and run your hands up and down his legs and back and under his sleeves? Just to make sure."

The two wolves agreed. Lhars gave a few more orders since the two would reach the human before they did, then he sent them ahead. With grim smiles the two wolves saluted Sasha, then shifted and ran, darting out of sight and into the trees in seconds.

Sasha shook her head. "I'm sorry you have to wait for me and my slow legs," she sighed.

Lhars shrugged, but didn't respond. They walked on.

"How do I stop them—all the Chimera—giving that salute? I don't need that. I know Xar was making everyone cower. But that's not my style. And Zev said he never needed it, either."

"I think there's more important things to focus on right now," Lhars said dryly. "But maybe once everything is settled down, just make an announcement at a gathering. Let the people know what they can do to show you respect. They will adjust."

Sasha sighed and tried to press herself to walk faster. But the snow was over her ankles on the path and she was already breathing heavily. She didn't want to arrive at the human looking flustered.

"Are there any wolves where the human is? Do we know where we'll meet him yet?"

Lhars' eyes glazed for a moment, the same way Zev's had when he was communicating with others at distances. Then he grinned. "He's going even slower than we are. He hasn't reached the intersection of trails. If we hurry, we might beat him there."

Sasha gritted her teeth and pushed forward. If she got there enough ahead of him she'd have time to rest and catch her breath before he showed up. But as they walked she had an idea.

"What we need…" she panted, "Is to get there before he does. Hide the guys in the surroundings to sneak up on him. And I'll sit in the trees, hidden, when he first arrives. Just until we're certain they've got his weapons. I want to ask him some questions." Then she added, "Any news on the creatures?"

Lhars grinned. "I think you'll be very happy. I was able to contact one of my… acquaintances. And he could hardly wait to do his part to serve the new Alpha. He was spreading the word with other as he travelled.

Sasha was about to ask why Lhars was smiling when the ground beneath their feet shuddered, and Lhars turned, looking over his shoulder as Yhet bounded up behind them.

"Sasha-don," he rumbled. Sasha rolled her eyes. "Please don't call me that unless it's like a formal occasion, Yhet. Just Sasha is fine."

Yhet smiled, his hair flying in every direction as he slowed to walk alongside her, just off the trail. "Whatever you say, Sasha."

She squeezed the sweet man's broad arm and smiled, surprised by how encouraged she felt just because he was there.

They were going to do this. As long as they weren't surprised by an army of humans, they were going to do this.

Niggles of nerves bubbled in her belly, but she pushed them away and reached out to Zev in her mind.

Can you hear me?

Yes, he replied immediately, sounding relieved. Are you okay?

We're fine. We're going to hit the intersection soon. Apparently the guy hadn't reached it yet, so I'm hurrying to try and beat him. I want to be there when he arrives.

Show him to me as soon as you see him.

I'll try, Sasha said, sending the rush of love and concern she felt for him with the words.

An image flashed in her mind, then, of them back in the ice cave, clinched together when Zev had her sitting on the table and Sasha's stomach flipped.

Come back to me soon, Sash, he said, his voice quiet and wistful in her head.

Clearing her throat, Sasha blinked and made herself concentrate, as Lhars murmured that they were almost there.

Sasha took the cue and slipped into the trees, being as quiet as she could, praying the guy's senses weren't much stronger than hers, so he wouldn't hear her tip toeing through the pine needles, trying to find a spot where she could see everyone who was gathering where the two trails met, all looking off to her right which was the direction of the gateway.

She forced herself to relax, breathing as deeply as she could as the shape of a person—walking slowly, steps jerky and uncertain, turning his head back and forth as if searching the trees for an attack.

Sasha smiled. She wondered if the creatures had already found him and been moving nearby to freak him out, or if he was just this scared being in Thana by himself.

What had brought him alone if this was what he felt?

She waited, peering through the trees, to get a closer look at him. But he was still fifty feet away when a low snarl from Lhars echoed through the trees, and right on the heels of it, Zev's voice bloomed in Sasha's head.


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