Restart:Untalented Man

Chapter 267 Smoke From The Camp

While the disguised soldiers left the cooking area, Mayor Lazo remained, absorbing every snippet of information that could hold a clue or an opportunity to further their mission.

His keen ears caught the arrival of an unexpected visitor. He subtly positioned himself to listen in on the conversation unfolding near the cooking area, his curiosity piqued.

A young soldier, adorned with the distinct uniform of Barlia, approached the Inverloch cooks. He wore a polite smile on his face as he made his request. "Excuse me, comrades. I hope you're all faring well. I was wondering if you have any spare ingredients, particularly some onions and herbs, that you could spare for my camp?"

The Inverloch cook, a stout and amiable man furrowed his brow. He paused for a moment before responding with a hint of scepticism. "You guys don't have enough food? Shouldn't you guys keep track of the amount of food you have to sustain your big army?"

The Barlian soldier's smile faded slightly, and he nodded in acknowledgement. "Yes, they were supposed to arrive by now, but there seems to be a delay of some sort. We're trying to sort out the logistics and find out what's causing the holdup."

Barlia had been relying on two supply lines to sustain their troops for this entire time.

The first lifeline came from their homeland, where a steady stream of provisions was transported by ships onto the captured town of Caushilbo.

The second supply line traversed through the neighbouring nation of Cerdeauxia. The supply from Cerdeaux port to Dalfos was facilitated by both the republic and Caelisun, General Victor's right-hand man himself. 

These two supply routes formed the backbone of Barlia's logistical operations, supporting Barlia's military operations on the frontlines.

The cook scratched his chin thoughtfully before responding, "Well, it sounds like a matter you should investigate further. It's crucial to ensure the smooth flow of supplies, especially during a time like this." 

The Barlian soldier nodded, "You're absolutely right. We need to find out the cause of the delay and address it promptly. Our troops are counting on us for sustenance and support. So about the ingredients..."

"Well, we just receive the supply today so we do have a few extra onions and some fresh thyme that we could part with." the cook responded to the Barlian soldier's request. There was a sense of understanding in his voice.

"Thank you," the Barlian soldier expressed his gratitude for the offer of spare ingredients. His voice carried a hint of relief, indicating the significance of the shortage within their camp.

"Interesting," Mayor Lazo muttered quietly to himself. He who had been attentively listening to the conversation, felt a surge of intrigue. 


As the morning sun of the next day began to cast its gentle glow over the battlefield, both the Inverloch and Barlian camps were bustling with activity. The scent of fresh bread and sizzling meat wafted through the air as cooks diligently prepared breakfast to fuel the troops for the battles ahead. 

Soldiers emerged from their tents, stretching their weary limbs and exchanging glances before hurriedly preparing themselves. Armour was polished to a shine, weapons were checked and rechecked while the commanders could be seen huddled in discussions.

As the soldiers rose to face the new day, Mayor Lazo, along with the disguised Ryntum soldiers, emerged from their tents in the guest area.

The Inverloch supply team members are supposed to return to Szazki today.

However, Mayor Lazo had no intention of following suit. He knew that their mission required them to stay within the enemy camp, gather vital information and strike when the opportunity presented itself.

As the soldiers of the Inverloch supply team bid farewell and departed from the camp, Mayor Lazo and the disguised Ryntum soldiers remained behind with the non-combatant personnel.

He watched silently as the troops formed ranks and set off towards the battlefield

With the departure of the soldiers, the camp took on a different atmosphere. It appeared noticeably sparser and quieter compared to the bustling activity of the previous night.

Tents that were once filled with soldiers preparing for war now stood vacant or were occupied by non-combatant personnel who had specific roles to fulfil. 

Mayor Lazo assembled his disguised troops. In hushed tones, he conveyed the plan that would sow chaos within the enemy camp.

"Listen carefully, my comrades," Mayor Lazo began, his voice low but brimming with authority. "Our objective is simple, to target the enemy's supplies like food and medicines. By setting their provisions ablaze, we will cripple their capabilities to fight for a very long time. Easy, right?"

The disguised soldiers nodded. One of them spoke up, "How do we ensure that we don't get caught in the act?"

Mayor Lazo's gaze met the soldier's, "Once you've done burning their supplies, immediately spread out throughout the camp to confuse the Inverlochs before heading toward Barlia's camp. Barlia's supplies are our next target. After that, we gathered and made our way to Szazki. It's going to be a long and tiring day. I hope you steeled your heart for this endeavour."

Another soldier, scanning the camp's surroundings, chimed in, "What about the non-combatant personnel? Should we kill them?"

"No," Mayor Lazo shook his head, "Without medicine, there's not much they can do. Any more questions?" he asked, eyes scanning the faces in front of him. "No? Then, let the plan begin."

The disguised Ryntum troops moved with cautious steps.

They carefully navigated through the sparsely populated camp toward the cooking area, a central hub of activity where the enemy supplies were stored.

The disguised soldiers approached the cooking area while maintaining an air of nonchalance. Their disguise as Inverloch soldiers provides them with a semblance of belonging.

Careful not to arouse suspicion, they mingled among the cooks and support staff, engaging in casual conversations.

With a keen eye on the enemy supplies, they discreetly assessed the storage area, noting its layout and the quantity of provisions within.

Once satisfied with their observations and confident in their surroundings, the disguised troops swiftly moved into action. The disguised Ryntum soldiers withdrew matchsticks from their pockets before striking the matchheads against the rough surfaces of the matchbox.

As the flames caught hold of the dry materials, their intensity grew, devouring the vulnerable supplies with an insatiable hunger. The fire spread rapidly, crackling and hissing as it consumed everything in its path.

Thick plumes of smoke begin to billow into the air, painting the sky with a dark haze. 

Chaos erupted within the camp as the non-combatant personnel attempts to extinguish the flames. The camp became a cacophony of alarmed shouts.

The disguised soldiers blended into the confusion and slipped away unnoticed. 

Their task was accomplished.

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