Restart:Untalented Man

Chapter 261 Ryntum Come Knocking

With the victory they achieved, Napuna is free from threat. Admiral Stormrider wasted no time in giving the order for his sailors to return to the city and prepare to board their ships.

The admiral, well aware of his role as a naval commander, understood the limits of his forces on land. While their successful assault on the enemy camp had dealt a significant blow to the Blande forces, he recognized the importance of consolidating their gains and securing their position.

"We've done our part here," the admiral declared, his voice carrying a tone of authority. "It's time to regroup and return to our ships. Our place is on the sea, and that's where we'll continue to fight."

The sailors, weary but filled with a sense of accomplishment, swiftly obeyed their admiral's orders. They packed and scavenged the camp to find anything valuable and tended to their wounded before making their way back to the city. 



Major General Nolan had been entrusted with a critical role by his superior, Lieutenant General Sarika. His task was to handle the logistics of the main army, acting as a crucial bridge between their homeland and the forces venturing deep into enemy territory.

He was responsible for coordinating supply lines and ensuring the timely delivery of provisions, ammunition, and equipment to the frontline troops.

His strategic planning and organizational skills were essential in maintaining the army's operational efficiency and sustaining their momentum in hostile territory.

As such, every report and every news in the north, whether it was intelligence on enemy movements, updates on local conditions, or requests for additional supplies, had to pass through Nolan's hands.

On this particular day, a soldier approached Major General Nolan, his face filled with urgency. "Major, there's grave news. We have lost the port town," the soldier reported breathlessly.

Major General Nolan's eyes widened in disbelief as he listened to the soldier's alarming report. The news of losing the port town sent shockwaves through his mind, and he immediately needed to gather all the details to assess the situation.

"What do you mean we lost the port town?" Nolan asked, his voice filled with concern and a tinge of disbelief.

The soldier took a deep breath before continuing his account, his voice filled with a mix of urgency and sorrow. "Major, when I arrived at the port town of Caushilbo to pick up the shipments as usual, I saw people with red uniforms guarding the city. At first, I thought it might be my own imagination playing tricks on me, but as I approached to identify myself, they opened fire without warning. Despite my attempts to explain my purpose, I was shot. I'm telling you, Major, the port has fallen in the hand of Ryntum!"

Nolan's brow furrowed as he processed the soldier's words. The gravity of the situation was apparent, and he understood the implications of losing control over a strategic port town. It could disrupt supply lines, hinder reinforcements, and potentially tip the scales in favour of the enemy.


"Hmm?!" His frown grew deeper as the city alarm blared throughout the compound, its shrill sound cutting through the air.

The suddenness of the alarm caught him off guard, triggering a mix of surprise, curiosity, and trepidation that slowly crept up in his heart.

His instincts told him that this was no ordinary occurrence.

Rising swiftly from his chair, Nolan hurried to the window, his gaze fixed on the city wall beyond. Squinting his eyes, he strained to make out the figures moving back and forth atop the ramparts.

Although his view was obscured, the sight of people scurrying in a frantic manner only heightened his unease. He knew all too well that the enemy lurked just beyond that wall, ready to strike.


A deep, resonating boom reverberated through the air, causing the ground to tremble beneath his feet. It was a stark reminder of the imminent danger they faced.

Turning to the soldier who had delivered the alarming news, his eyes narrowed with a piercing intensity. "Tell our soldiers to prepare. The war has come to us!" he commanded, his voice carrying a sense of urgency and authority.

"Yes, sir!" the soldier replied crisply, his voice tinged with a hint of urgency.

"And order all the inhabitants of the city to stay in their houses. Those who disobey will be considered colluding with the enemy and will be dealt with accordingly," Nolan declared, his tone firm and unwavering.

His words carried a weighty conviction, reflecting a bitter truth that about this city.

The inhabitants had grown accustomed to the ebb and flow of power. 

When Barlia captured the city, there was no resistance from the inhabitants. They seemed indifferent, unaffected by the change in leadership.

Their primary concern revolved around maintaining their economic activities undisturbed, their daily routines undeterred by the ruling forces.

It became evident to Nolan that the people cared little about who held power as long as their economic activities were left unimpeded.

Even when the once-unified Baygarosia broke apart, the inhabitants displayed a striking lack of concern. The dissolution of their nation did not perturb them, as they continued to focus solely on their economic activities and individual pursuits.

Their collective disinterest in political matters was evident, further reinforcing the notion that they were unlikely to oppose or question those in power.

The rebels' takeover of the city was no different. The inhabitants exhibited an astonishing indifference to the upheaval due to the rebels guaranteeing to not disrupt their economic activities.

And so, they went about their lives, seemingly untouched by the rebels' actions, as if their concerns lay solely within the confines of their personal spheres. 

Nolan feared the same tactics would be used by the Ryntum to lure the inhabitant of the city to cooperate with them. Considering the Kingdom of Ryntum has the best economic situation than other powers, their persuasion would be tantalizing. 

The soldier nodded, his expression mirroring the gravity of the situation. "Understood, sir. I'll relay your orders immediately."

Nolan's jaw tightened as he watched the soldier hurry away to carry out his command.

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