Restart:Untalented Man

Chapter 243 Sending Letters And Reinforcement

The king's office reverberated with tension as Riz held the letter from Mayor Samuel Lazo of Baroks in his hands. His expression shifted from curiosity to shock as he read the contents, his eyes widening in disbelief.

"What in the realm is Issac doing? How could such a sizeable army slip without anyone noticing?" Riz exclaimed, his voice tinged with frustration. Questions swirled in his mind, "Wasn't he supposed to keep them busy and prevent the imperial forces from venturing north?"

The weight of the situation bore down upon him. Not to mention the one leading the army is not some stranger but former count Hajdu himself.

Whatever their purpose is, he could imagine that it will go smoothly.

The worst-case scenarios flashed before Riz's eyes. The thought of Barlia and Inverloch joining forces sent shivers down his spine. Such an alliance would plunge the entire realm into chaos.

Determined to understand the situation, he swiftly composed a letter addressed to King Isaac. As he move his hand, words flowed from his pen, a mixture of inquiry and frustration, as he sought to understand the unfolding events.

"King Isaac," he wrote, "I trust this letter finds you well, for I write to you burdened by grave news. Reports have reached my ears of the imperial forces advancing into the northern territories. I implore you to shed light upon this matter, for the peace of my realm is hanging in the balance."

As he sealed the letter, Riz hoped for a swift and enlightening response from King Isaac, one that would assuage his concerns and shed light on the unfolding situation.

He then composed a second one, this time addressed to the mayor, Samuel Lazo. He knew that in times of uncertainty, clear directives were the best way of reply he should give.

"Dear Mayor Samuel Lazo," he began, "I have received distressing reports of the imperial forces' presence near Baroks. The news has filled me with a deep concern for the security of our realms and the well-being of our people."

Riz's words carried a sense of urgency and caution as he continued, "In light of this grave development, I implore you to exercise caution and restraint. Do not engage in any offensive actions unless you are directly attacked. Our primary focus must be the protection of our city and its inhabitants."

He continues his writing, "However, be prepared to defend your city and its people should you come under direct attack. You are hereby granted permission to conscript able-bodied men for the purpose of bolstering your defences, should the need arise. Utilize the military base in the south to gather the necessary reinforcements."

With the two letters completed, King Riz affixed his royal seal before entrusting the missives to the royal couriers to be delivered fast. Time was of the essence.

Riz lean back into his chair, his mind filled with a mix of hope and concern. This time, he did not send officers or troops from the capital to handle the situation in the south. He had full confidence in Samuel's capability as a leader and knew that he could effectively manage the defence of Baroks.

He doesn't know whether the imperial force would encroach on his land or not. But, he does know the presence of the Inverloch army will significantly affect the battle in Mezorin. 

The army led by Bain Lawrence in Mezorin needs to be reinforced quickly. As such, the called for his minister of war and defence, William Geoffrey to this office. 

After a few minutes, William arrives at his office.

"Your majesty, what did you call me for? Did something happen on the battlefield?" William asked for the development of war with haste.

"Something does happen but you wouldn't like it," Riz responded. He looked at Minister William Geoffrey with a grave expression.

"Now you made me curious....and scared, Your Majesty," said William. 

"William, I have received reports from Samuel about the sighting of the imperial forces near Hajdu City," King Riz began, his voice steady but tinged with worry. "The army is estimated to be around twenty thousand men. Their target was most likely Lonsbak, and I believe their intentions seem to extend beyond that."

William's brow furrowed, his eyes narrowing with a mix of curiosity and apprehension. "Your Majesty, this is troubling news indeed. The imperial forces could pose a significant threat to the outcome of the battle."

"That's not all. You will be shocked to know who's leading the army."

"Who is it?" William's curiosity reaches its peak.

"Former Count Hajdu, Hector Hajdu."

William took a deep breath, absorbing the news delivered to him. "If that's the case, we should assume Lonsbak is as good as fall into their hand," he replied.

"I know," Riz nodded, agreeing with William's assumption. "The reason I called you here is to raise another fifteen thousand troops to reinforce Bain Lawrence's army in Mezorin. I sincerely hope Hector won't interfere with the ongoing war but, it is just my optimistic thought. We better prepare for any eventuality."

The conquest of Lonsbak was merely the beginning. He envisioned Hector's desire for achievement would push him further. All in order to prove his worth and impress the imperial nobles, his new circle of friends. 

It was an instinct woven into the fabric of human nature, the relentless pursuit of acceptance and validation. Each person instinctually had a yearning to fit in and to avoid exclusion in some form or way.

"Your Majesty, consider it done. I will mobilize the necessary resources and ensure the troops are ready to march to Mezorin as soon as possible."

With a firm nod, Riz acknowledged Minister William Geoffrey's commitment and determination. "Thank you, William. I will leave it in your hand."

As Minister William left the king's office, the room fell into a solemn silence. Riz leaned forward, his gaze fixed on the map of the kingdom spread before him.

"No matter what, I shouldn't let the war spread into my border," he muttered slowly.

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