Restart:Untalented Man

Chapter 194 Escape Time

The battlefield was left with a scene of chaos and destruction. The air was thick with the smell of death and smoke from the cannons and muskets that had been fired throughout the conflict, and the ground was covered in the remains of men who had died on both sides.

The groans of the wounded and dying can clearly be heard. Without further ado, the injured Barlia's soldiers were loaded into a wagon by their fellow comrades. They are to be carried back to the camp to be tended. Vofors soldiers on the other hand were left to die.

As the sun set and cast a warm glow on the blood-soaked ground, Victor orders for a grave to be dug. The soldiers obey despite their hunger and tiredness.

The sound of shovels digging into the earth filled the air as soldiers worked together to collect and bury the fallen comrades. In a short amount of time, thousands of holes were dug. Their nose was tickled with a mix of smells of fresh earth, blood and gunpowder. 

The dead were collected and buried in makeshift graves. It was a gruelling and heart-wrenching task, filled with occasional sobs and grieving. 

Victor watched his men bury his fellow comrades with sorrow. Although they win, Barlia had suffered heavy losses themselves. Many of his men were either dead or heavily injured, and the toll on morale was palpable.

Back at the camp, torches were lit to help illuminate the dark night. Barlia's soldiers gather around to eat and drink, celebrating their victory at today's battle. For a few brief hours, they managed to put their sadness behind them. 

Meanwhile, inside a big tent, Caelisun came with a report. "General, I have assessed the losses on our side."

Victor nodded and motioned for Caelisun to continue. 

His strategist stated solemnly, "We have lost about 6,000 men, with another 8,000 injured. It is a heavy blow to us, but we still have 36,000 men available. As for Vofors' army, their defeat was a devastating blow. It is estimated that around ninety per cent of their men perish while the remaining deserted."

"Hmm...What about their weapon?" 

"We have inspected and inventoried them. The cannons were cleaned and fixed, while the arquebuses were checked for damage and reloaded. With these weapons, Barlia's army now had a better chance of winning the war and seizing the city."

Victor nodded in agreement, "At last..."


Presidential Mansion,

"They lost?!" Metternich asked for confirmation. His face begins to contort with anger as he heard the news of the defeat. 

"Yes, Mr President. They were utterly defeated." said his trusted advisor nervously as he brought the devastating news to the president late at night. 

He slammed his fist onto the table, causing his trusted advisor to flinch. "How could this have happened? We have better weapons than them."

The advisor gave a rundown of how their army was lured and flanked by the enemy, causing Metternich to curse under his breath. "What an incompetent fool!" He seethed. "What about the people, did they catch wind of this defeat?"

The advisor shook his head, "No, Mr President. Due to the restriction you impose and the battle taking place far from the city, people still don't know the outcome. Ninety per cent of the troops dead and the remaining on the run, so...I expect the news would arrive at the earliest tomorrow morning."

It would be significantly more difficult for them to mount any more resistance with only a thousand wall garrison. Not to mention, they had lost not only the battle but also their weapons and equipment to Barlia.

Albeit the city of Vofors itself remained unconquered, the setback had severely damaged their army and morale.

Metternich's mind raced as he sat in his study which once belonged to the Count Vofors. He knew that staying in Vofors was no longer an option, as the Barlian army would likely come to conquer the city on the next day. And he also knew that as the president, his life would be jeopardized. 

Time was of the essence. He had to act fast and ensure the safety of his loved ones.

Metternich gathered his family members and some trusted servants to brief the situation to them. "My beloved family and trusted servants, I have some grave news to share with you. We've lost the war and the Barlian army is at our doorstep. This city is no longer safe for us."

He stops for a second, observing their expression. As expected, everyone gasped in shock. Worry and fear were etched on their faces. He continues nonetheless, "Since all of you here are closely related to me, I've no doubts that the enemy will search for you the moment they breach the city."

His servants looked at him with concern. one of them asked. "What are we going to do, Mr President?" 

Metternich answered, "I have a plan. I found a hidden route out of the city during the revolution, and that is how we will leave the city. It will lead us outside the city, where we can travel to safety to the west."

He was inwardly grateful that he kept the existence of this passage a secret. Now, in a time of crisis, it was the perfect opportunity to use it.

While the servants are weighing his words, Metternich continues to put more pressure, "I am aware that this is a difficult choice to make, but you need to decide quickly before it is too late. We must depart as soon as possible and keep it under wrap."

One of his servants spoke up. "What about the other people in the city? Shouldn't we try to help them escape as well?"

Metternich paused for a moment. Truth be told, he doesn't care about them at all. Only his family and their safety matter to him.

However, he these servants to be on board with him so he did his best to not make it sound selfish. "I understand your concern, but we have to prioritize our safety first. The inhabitant of Vofors is most likely to be spared. From to town capture by Barlia, none of them was killed for no reason."

All of them nodded in agreement with his logical reasoning. Since none of them reject the idea, he ordered his servants to pack the essentials and told his family members to disguise their identities by dressing in plain clothes.

Once everyone is ready, Metternich walks over to a towering, ornate bookshelf in the corner of his study. He pressed a hidden button at the top of the bookshelf. With a soft click, the bookshelf started to slide to the side. A narrow opening in the wall revealed, barely big enough for a person to fit through. 

"Follow me," Metternich motioned for his family and servants to follow him as he stepped through the opening. The passage's wall was made of rough-hewn stone with dust and cobwebs at the corner while the ceiling is low. The stone steps were worn and slippery.

Metternich could hardly stand up straight, yet he has to move cautiously to avoid tripping and falling.

The passage was dark and the air was overwhelmed with a thick smell of mildew and dampness.

A few flickering candles held by Metternich and his servants managed to keep the passageway dimly lit. Though the light from it end up casting eerie shadows that seemed to dance around them as they walked. It adds more to the eerieness they're experiencing. 

As they entered the passage, they found themselves descending downward.

"We did this passage take us?" Metternich's wife spoke up after long silence.

"It will take us outside, bypassing the city wall by going beneath it," Metternich explained.

His servant chimed in. "Mr President, what if they learn about this passage? Won't they come after us?"

"That's why we have to move quickly and keep our presence here a secret. As long as we're careful and keep a low profile, we should be able to make it out unnoticed."

The darkness seemed to grow even thicker and the atmosphere become more unsettling. Before long, the ground beneath them begins to level. Nevertheless, it doesn't mean their journey becomes less challenging. It was still uneven and covered in debris, making the passage hard to move about.

They walked in what they assumed was a tunnel for hours, though it was difficult to keep track of time in the darkness. Their footsteps echoed, creating a rhythmic thud that blended with the silence.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, they reached the end of the passage.

Metternich's hand ran over the rough surface of the stone wall, searching for a hidden mechanism to open the door. He felt for any inconsistencies or cracks.

In the pitch of darkness, his fingers found a small crevice that was almost imperceptible. He pressed on it.


The stone door slightly swung open. Metternich gently pushes the door open, revealing the darkness of the night. The cool night air filled his lungs, and he could feel a sense of relief wash over him.

He peered outside, scanning for any danger. Satisfied, he takes the first step outside before turning around, "Everything is clear. You guys can come out now."

Everyone else comes out. A sense of relief washes over them.

Their face was gleaming with joy.

Matternich hurriedly closed the exit door. It was so well-concealed and indistinguishable from the outside.

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