Reincarnated With The Van Helsing System

Chapter 326 The First Battle Of The Allied Army (Part 5)

While Aisha and Mellie were suppressing Miserius so that Mellie could cast her spell, Daimon and Lucas had already turned the other side of the battlefield into a chaotic mess.

Even in this form Lucas kept doing his best to not be cut by Disaster, but with each clash, more of what used to be his dagger kept being cut apart.

But he also took the those moments contact to counterattack, once the strength behind Daimon's swing had been used to break another part of the dagger, Lucas took impulse and then he hit Daimon with all his might, it's important to mention he has metal affinity.

So he used a boosting spell to cover his skin, and punched Disaster's flat side to avoid being cut by it, that or he directly aimed at Daimon's body.

In both Cases Daimon defended with Disaster, though this form isn't that of a broadsword like Gram, the base is the same and not even the Half Emperors back at the Wonder Myriad Stellar Chart were able to destroy it, so Daimon didn't have anything to worry about the attacks of a false early stage Arch rank attacks damaging his sword.

Also with each clash, he could feel Narasha getting more and more excited to the point that Disaster had started to vibrate a bit.

'It's fun when you use Core Synchrony Daimon~', said Narasha from within Disaster.

You might ask how come Daimon was able to follow up with the speed of an Arch rank, but back then he asked Dimas to suppress the Arch ranked djinns, the answer is pretty simple.

He isn't doing all the work, Narasha can move by herself and she is paying her full attention to block attacks and to look for openings, normally they can't fight like this yet, but with Core Synchrony activated their minds and hearts are closer, so she becomes like an extension of Daimon.

Daimon's arm is going with the flow right now, it was as if they were holding hands and dancing, the result of years of their training, Daimon fully trusted his back to her, not for anything he has called Narasha his battle companion.

Unfortunately due to Disaster being such a hard to master magic weapon, they need Core Synchrony to reach this state, as Daimon is still a bit short in physical strength, and that's why she is having so much fun right now.



Two different sounds drew the attention of the first princess and the maid Chris who had taken some distance from the battle.

First they saw that elegant thin looking black sword blocking the large metal covered fist of Lucas, which caused an ear-hurting metal colliding sound, followed by a pained scream that escaped the pirate's mouth, because the silver haired youth Kicked him on the stomach.

Lucas was actually sent backwards, the metal which covered the skin of his stomach cracked due to the strength behind Daimon's kick, and he nearly vomited due to the impact.

"No way… he broke through my iron body spell", lowly cursed Lucas, just like how Miserius had an acid shield spell as his natural defense, Lucas had a metal affinity spell which will naturally defend him when needed, something normally related to the "manifestation" phenomenon akin to Lord ranks, but that people of Neptune haven't heard about apparently, or at least that was Mellie's case.

Daimon saw Lucas's face retorting due to the pain and he smirked.

"You are just an imitation, your body is not nearly as tough as a magic beast and you aren't a knight, the fact that you increased your output strength doesn't mean your body's defense is the same".

Daimon's knows it better than anyone, because when he uses Core Synchrony he only boosts his mage realm, and that would have destroyed his body if not for his abnormal constitution, but that still was too much of a toll for him originally.

That's why he went through a hell-like training for the past eight years, to both increase his strength and defense, in other words, to really harm Daimon one's attacks needed to exceed his physical strength which was the same as physical defense for his specific case, around 35 tons.

But others weren't the same, for knights they only increased physical strength until they reached the Arch ranks, only then they increased their defenses, unless they used martial arts of course, but they couldn't protect their insides only their outer body with that.

'I'll go help Neal suppress those traitors, they have both nearly reached the late stage peak mortal level, thanks to that profane magic', said Karmandi directly to Daimon, as he without anyone noticing slid into one of the holes in the ground from which they came.

Daimon nodded; it was time to end things here too.

'As long as I don't use spells the penalty on Core Synchrony will be relatively insignificant so…', with that thought he extended his right hand and about half of his battle aura condensed into a white spear.

His knight realm didn't get a boost due to Core Synchrony, so he could use martial arts without any repercussion.

"White Heavenly Javelin", Daimon's image blurred as he fiercely charged towards Lucas, with a black sword in his right hand and a white flame spear in his left hand.

Surprisingly Lucas didn't seem to be wary of the white spear, he once again focused on blocking Disaster's edge, but when it came to the spear, he even bravely used his forearm to directly receive the impact with a smile of sufficiency.

A smile which was immediately erased from his face the very moment he was touched by Demon Light.

"Aghhhhhh…blegh!", a lung-tearing scream escaped from his mouth, but was interrupted by a gurgling sound because Daimon stabbed Disaster on his throat, Lucas tried to jump backwards, but Daimon who let go of Disaster then stabbed his chest with the white spear and Narasha pushed the sword deeper basically piercing all the way to the other side of Lucas's neck.

"W-Wasn't this enhancement supposed to counter even the strongest light element of that guy", where the last words the pirate managed to spit with a resentful voice, before he was both drained from his mana and vitality and also exploded in white flames.

Daimon chuckled seeing Disaster and Demon Light fighting to consume more of Lucas's body, before it became nothing.

Also based on what Lucas said, this enhancement method was apparently prepared to deal with Adam, which worked as he had trouble fighting with the enhanced Bottom Shredder.

But although Daimon Light seemed to be a light affinity battle aura, that isn't the case, it's a mix of fire, light, darkness, mana and battle aura, even if one of those is countered there are four more, not to mention it's destructiveness is far more what one would reach if they were used separately, such was the result of the second biggest achievement he has gotten, besides surviving and killing the manticore many years ago.

'That's what you get for comparing my Demon Light with that hero complex idiot's Holy Light'.

Daimon exhaled and then deactivated Core Synchrony, his mana was practically intact so the penalty wasn't that strong, the whole battle lasted for him nor even five minutes, so he only had to wait about half an hour or so to use it again, of course the penalty will extend for the second time, but it was a good result.

If anything, he did feel slightly tired after using more than half his battle aura reserves.

"They should be ending things soon", mumbled Daimon as he walked back to where the others were fighting not without taking Lucas's spatial ring as his loot, he was careful not to melt it with Demon Light after all.

Back at the second battlefield, the Risha sisters had found a way to deal with the pirates, the pirates were working in group to suppress the magic beasts, so the only thing they needed to do was to mess up their teamwork.

The three of them nodded at each other, and then separated to cover the whole area, separating the enemies in three groups of twenty for what they were about to do.

The pirates were too busy to notice them, but the magic beasts felt the girls using them as trampolines to jump into the air, before a beautiful pair of wings suddenly appeared on their backs.

As soon as their wings appeared, two things happened, first pretty smiles flourished on their faces as they felt Daimon's mana circulating in their mana circuits, second the pirates finally couldn't ignore them anymore.

Unfortunately, it was too late for them, the three girls shouted in unison.

"Feather Massacre Tsunami".

"Ice Blade Spiral".

"Nightmare Demonic Dawn".

Then three different wide area attacks rained down upon the pirates and Skelefiends, of course the girls were smart enough to not assign Yvonne to attack the Skelefiends, since her affinity is darkness.

So first a fire tsunami flooded most of the Skelefiends, as some of the middle Lord ranked ones managed to dodge the attack, then ice spikes raised from the ground and started rotating, stabbing both pirates and Skelefiends, some unfortunate bastards whose armors had uncovered spaces got their limbs cleanly cut by the ice blades and lastly a black line of light hit the ground "missing" the pirates which made them mockingly laugh as they moved away putting some distance.

But then with a snap of Yvonne's fingers, with the are of impact of that line of black light, a round sphere raised from the ground engulfing all the pirates as her attack had the largest area of effect out of the three.

Those were the area of effect version of the spells they learned thanks to their lineage, which they were only able to use when they were using their wounds.

By the time the attacks ended, their wings forcefully disappeared because those attacks used all the mana Daimon had given to them, so they graciously descended to the ground, just in time to see the result of their bombardment.

The early stage Skelefiends practically melted in the tsunami of fire, while the middle stage ones suffered some burns here and there, the group in the center which consisted in both pirates and skelefiends suffered two different fates, those who had flesh were stabbed by ice blade and ice spikes at some point, ending in funny positions while their blood stained the ground, that or they were frozen and immobile which was the case of the Skelefiends.

Their bones also had started to creak and become fragile due to the sudden drop in the temperature, so if they moved too much their bodies would probably shatter, as for the third group which consisted in only pirates… well, once the black sphere disappeared all of them had melted into black puddles, leaving only their clothes and armors left, surprisingly some had a few life-saving objects which they threw as if they had chosen to die by their own will.

"Yvi, that spell of yours is as terrifying as always~", mumbled Leslie, unlike her, Yvonne's attack killed all the pirates, early or middle stage none of them escaped.

"Most people aren't prepared for spells that affect the mind, if they could have seen through the nightmare the darkness wouldn't have had enough time to corrode their bodies, or they would have broken free from the sphere", said Yvonne as she shook her head.

"Lili is the winner this time, her ice has grown colder with Daimon's mana", added Yvonne as she saw the Skelefiends frozen like popsicles.

Needless to say, but the magic beasts and the surviving enemies were both in awe, unlike Aisha and the three princesses, in their eyes these girls were fairing pretty average earlier, but then in the split of a second, they wiped all the early-stage Lord ranks and about a third of the middle stage ranks.

Only eighteen middle stage Lord ranks remained, and they were already surrounded by the magic beasts, not only that but they saw those beautiful but death-announcing wings sprout out of the Risha sisters's backs, though this time they weren't as large or majestic, since they were using their own mana to activate them, it was still a hard blow to the moral of the enemies.

"Booom!", and just like that while five of magic beasts were holding the enemies, the remaining two which were the eel and the turtle, as well as the Risha sisters bombarded them once again.

They wrapped things up just in time to see Daimon returning to the area of the main battlefield.

Daimon saw their faces which has the words "praise me" written all over them, and he didn't know whether he should laugh or cry, he first ordered a couple of the magic beasts to go guard the first princess, before he beckoned at the Risha sisters.

"Come here you three, let me give you some mana", said Daimon, which made them brightly smile as they approached him.

He also wanted to see if they didn't hurt their mana circuits, because this was the first time he saw them using such wide area spells, and they practically used all the mana in their wings alongside them.

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