Reincarnated with a Military System in Another World

Chapter 169:  The Demons Making their Move

Chapter 169:  The Demons Making their Move


In the dimly lit throne room of the Demon King's castle, Valeria paced restlessly, her dark energy swirling faintly around her. The massive black stone pillars cast long shadows across the cold floor, and the tension in the air was palpable. Astonoroph, her most trusted general, stood nearby, his brow furrowed as he studied a broken rifle laid out on the stone table before them.

"This isn't working," Valeria growled, her voice low and irritated. "We've been trying to produce these rifles for weeks, and yet they keep breaking down after only a few rounds. What's the problem?"

Astonoroph, with his hulking frame and weathered features, looked up from the table. His eyes, glowing faintly with dark magic, met hers. "The materials we're using, my lady. They aren't durable enough. The rifles can't withstand the repeated fire without cracking or warping."

"But I thought the materials you're using are different from the humans," Valeria continued, her frustration evident. "How come they still break so easily?"

Astonoroph exhaled, the weight of the problem evident on his face. "It's true we're using demon-forged metals, but even those aren't enough to handle the rapid-fire mechanisms we've adapted from human designs. These rifles need a material that can endure intense heat and pressure—something beyond what we have access to."

Valeria's expression darkened, her eyes narrowing. "Then what good is all of this if we can't even mass-produce reliable weapons? We can't afford to lose momentum."

Astonoroph ran a hand over his stubbled jaw, considering her words. "There is one solution, my lady. The materials we need... they exist. But they're not in our lands. As I mentioned before, the dwarves possess ores far superior to anything we have."

Valeria's dark energy flared momentarily as she stopped pacing, turning to fully face Astonoroph. "You think the dwarves have the solution to this?"

He nodded firmly. "I do. Their ore—Vorithium—is unlike anything we've ever seen. It's stronger, more heat-resistant, and nearly impossible to break. If we had it, we could produce rifles that would not only match the humans' but surpass them. The only problem is getting our hands on it."

Valeria's lips curled into a cold smile. "Then perhaps it's time we took what we need from them."

Astonoroph raised an eyebrow. "Invading the dwarves won't be easy, my lady. They're a reclusive race, but they're fiercely protective of their mines and resources. We'd need to strike fast and hard before they can organize a defense."

"Which is why I am going to summon all the Demon King Generals and plan the attack," Valeria continued, her eyes gleaming with purpose. "But to do so, I need to get permission from His Majesty."

Astonoroph's expression hardened as he folded his arms across his chest. "The Demon King… He won't make this easy. His interest in the dwarves has always been one of neutrality, though he knows their strength. Are you certain he will agree to an outright invasion, my lady?"

Valeria's smile faltered for a moment, replaced by the cold calculation she was known for. "The King is cautious, yes. But he is also pragmatic. If I present the dwarven ore as the key to our victory over the humans, he will have no choice but to approve. Once he understands that this is about securing our place at the top, even he won't hesitate."

"Very well my lady. As you were to do that I will do my job here. I wish you good luck on your endeavor."

Valeria nodded at Astonoroph's word,

Without another word, Valeria turned on her heel, her dark cloak billowing behind her as she made her way toward the throne hall of the Demon King. The halls of the castle stretching out before her. Shadows flickered in the corners, twisting as if alive, reacting to Valeria's dark energy as she passed.

Reaching the massive doors of the throne hall, Valeria took a deep breath, knowing full well the weight of the request she was about to make. She pushed open the doors with a gentle wave of her hand, her magic guiding the ancient iron as they creaked open slowly, revealing the vast expanse of the throne room.

The Demon King sat upon his throne, his towering figure shrouded in darkness, only his glowing crimson eyes visible beneath the shadow of his crown. Though she had served him for centuries, Valeria still felt a chill run down her spine whenever she entered this chamber.

Without hesitation, she knelt before him, bowing her head low in a gesture of absolute respect. "Your Majesty," she began, her voice strong but laced with deference. "I seek your permission to summon the Demon King Generals and lead an attack on the dwarves."

The Demon King did not respond immediately. The silence stretched on for what felt like an eternity, the weight of his gaze pressing down on her as he considered her words. Finally, his deep, rumbling voice echoed through the chamber.

"An attack on the dwarves? Why?"

"Their ores, Your Majesty. Specifically, Vorithium. It is the key to solving our weapon production problems. The rifles we have adapted from the humans are powerful, but without stronger materials, they will continue to fail. The dwarves possess the resources we need to craft superior weapons—rifles that will allow us to decimate the humans and solidify our dominance."

"If it's in the interest of the Demon Realm, then I have no objection. Very well, you have my permission."

"Thank you, Your Majesty. I will not fail you."

The Demon King's crimson eyes glowed faintly as he regarded her. "See that you don't, Valeria. The dwarves are not a weak enemy. Their ores may hold the key to the weapons you seek, but their defenses are ancient and formidable. Do not underestimate them."

"I understand, Your Majesty," Valeria replied, her voice firm. "I will gather the Demon King Generals immediately and prepare for a swift and decisive attack. We will take what we need before the dwarves even know what hit them."

"I will leave now to summon the Demon King Generals and ensure the preparations are swift," Valeria said, rising to her feet, her cloak trailing behind her like a shadow."

Without another word, she turned and left the throne room.

Within minutes, Valeria arrived at the summoning chamber, a dark, circular room filled with the ancient symbols of the demon realm. She stood in the center, raising her hands, and her energy pulsed outward. The air around her crackled, and the ground beneath her feet trembled as the summoning magic began to take hold.

Dark mist swirled through the room, and one by one, figures began to materialize within the fog. They were the Demon King General, Garruk, Morgath, Thalor, and Telus. "What's the sudden summons, Valeria?" Garruk asked, his deep voice resonating through the chamber as he stepped forward from the mist.

"Indeed, Valeria," Morgath hissed. "What urgent matter has you calling for us at this hour?"

Valeria stood tall and composed, her gaze sweeping over the assembled generals. "I've called you here because we are on the verge of a new campaign," she announced, her voice echoing through the chamber. "The Demon King has given his permission to launch an attack on the dwarves."

A ripple of surprise passed through the group, though none dared to speak until Valeria continued.

"The dwarves possess the ores we need—specifically Vorithium," Valeria explained.

"Our weapon production has been failing because the materials we currently use are insufficient. The humans have outpaced us in certain technological advancements, and the dwarves hold the key to closing that gap. We will strike swiftly, seize the mines, and take what we need."

Garruk let out a low growl of approval, his fists clenching as his anticipation for battle grew. "So, we take what is rightfully ours and crush any resistance along the way. Sounds like a plan I can get behind," he rumbled, a menacing grin spreading across his face.

Morgath, however, remained cautious. "The dwarves are not to be underestimated," he warned. "They have fortified their strongholds for millennia. Their defenses are likely to be more than just physical barriers—traps, enchantments, and weaponry beyond what we've faced before."

Valeria nodded, acknowledging Morgath's concerns. "I'm aware of the challenges, but that is why we must strike decisively. We cannot afford a prolonged conflict. We will use overwhelming force to breach their defenses before they have a chance to organize." "I just decimated the Empire of Ishalgen," Thalor said in a monotone voice. "Now we are going to decimate the dwarves…" "Good job on that easy campaign but this one is going to be, like I said, a challenge."

"It is a challenge because those mortals managed to injure you," Thalor replied.

"You don't have to remind me that, Thalor," Valeria's eyes flashed with irritation at Thalor's remark, but she kept her composure, refusing to let her temper flare in front of the assembled generals. "If you say so. Then when are we going to attack?" "Tomorrow."

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