Reincarnated with a Military System in Another World

Chapter 137:  Strongest Demon King General

Chapter 137  Strongest Demon King General

Meanwhile, in the command center at Akarios Village...

"Shit… our A-10 is down," Brandt muttered, running a hand over his face in frustration. "What should we do? Should we inform Sir Vincent?"

Harper, leaning over the command table, stared at the radar screen as if willing the situation to change. The fog of war had rolled in faster than he expected, but he wasn't about to lose his composure.

"I don't think this warrants a report to Sir Vincent," Harper replied, his voice calm but firm. "Their hands are already full dealing with the mercenaries surrounding the city of Ferm. This is our fight, Brandt. We'll stop that thing before it reaches the island. And when we do, then we'll report it. Failure is not an option."

Brandt nodded, though concern was etched into his face. "But what do we know about this... thing? It's not just some random attack. Our systems are barely able to track her movements. That woman took down the A-10 like it was nothing."

Harper stood up straight, his eyes locked on the screen. "We don't need to know what she is to destroy her."

He turned to the communications officer. "Get every available aircraft online. The Apaches and the MQ-9 Reaper. Also have the Abrams and 100 troops on standby on the shore where she is heading."

The room buzzed with rapid-fire communication as officers relayed the orders. The atmosphere in the command center was tense, but the soldiers moved with precision, preparing for what was shaping up to be an all-out assault on Valeria. Harper's mind was racing, but his expression remained unflinching. They had faced powerful threats before, but something about this felt different—more dangerous.

Brandt glanced over the radar, watching the slow but deliberate movement of Valeria's small boat cutting through the water. "If she took down the A-10, you think we're underestimating her?"

"Maybe," Harper admitted, "but we've got no choice. She's coming, and we'll greet her with everything we've got. Stay focused."

Minutes later, outside the command center, the whine of engines roared to life as Apaches lifted off the ground, their rotors slicing through the air. The MQ-9 Reaper, already in the sky, locked onto Valeria's boat, its sensors tracking her every movement. On the ground, Abrams tanks rolled into position, their turrets swiveling to cover the approach toward the shore.

"All systems are in place, sir," one of the officers confirmed. "Ready to engage on your command."

Harper nodded, his eyes narrowing on the screen. "Wait for my signal."

Brandt's eyes flicked toward Harper. "We should probably hit her before she gets too close, don't you think?"

"Not yet," Harper said, his jaw tight. "We need her to make the first move. Let her get close enough so there's no chance she can escape or counterattack from distance. The moment she exposes her hand—we strike."

Suddenly, the boat slowed just as it reached the shore, and the air around it shimmered with dark energy. Valeria had arrived. She stepped off the boat, her black robe fluttering, her gaze fixed on the distant defenses.

"Now," Harper said coldly. "Engage."

The command was given, and within moments, the AH-64 Apache attack helicopters accelerated into combat formation. Their M230 Chain Guns, mounted beneath the fuselage, began spitting 30mm rounds at a blistering rate of 625 rounds per minute. The sound of the cannons cutting through the air was deafening as tracer rounds lit up the darkening sky, honing in on Valeria's position.

Simultaneously, the Apaches launched AGM-114 Hellfire missiles, the sleek projectiles streaking toward the target with lethal precision. Each missile's laser-guided system locked onto Valeria, ensuring a direct hit, while their tandem-shaped charge warheads were designed to punch through the toughest armor.

In the air, the MQ-9 Reaper drone circled high above, its infrared targeting system keeping a steady lock on Valeria's boat. The Reaper's payload—a Hellfire missile—detached from the launch rail with a loud hiss, its guidance fins extending as it screamed toward Valeria's position at supersonic speed. Its 20-pound fragmentation warhead would vaporize anything within its radius upon impact.

On the shoreline, the M1A2 Abrams tanks had already positioned themselves, their massive 120mm smoothbore cannons trained on Valeria. The tanks fired in unison, their M829 armor-piercing fin-stabilized discarding sabot (APFSDS) rounds designed to penetrate thick armor. The concussive blast of their firing was like a thunderclap, reverberating through the island as the shells hurtled toward their target.

Every weapon system was in perfect synchronization, converging on Valeria's position with overwhelming firepower. Valeria noticed all of those high-speed projectiles coming toward her at once—missiles, tank shells, and the relentless barrage of 30mm rounds from the Apaches. But instead of panic, her lips curled into a dark, wicked smile. With a wave of her hand, the air around her shimmered and crackled with dark energy as a barrier materialized in front of her, pulsating with malevolent power.

The first Hellfire missile struck her barrier head-on, detonating with a thunderous roar. The explosion sent a shockwave rippling through the area, but Valeria's shield held firm, absorbing the brunt of the impact. The fragments of the missile, red-hot and jagged, disintegrated as they collided with the dark energy surrounding her.

A moment later, the 30mm rounds from the Apaches began to slam into the barrier, sparks flying as they ricocheted off the impenetrable shield. The armor-piercing rounds from the Abrams tanks followed, the concussive blasts shaking the ground beneath Valeria's feet, but the powerful shield remained unbroken.

With each impact, Valeria remained motionless, her eyes glowing with dark amusement. She tilted her head slightly, watching the futile attack with a mix of disdain and amusement.

"Is that all?" she whispered, her voice barely audible over the chaos around her.

Then, with a flick of her wrist, the dark energy expanded outward, pushing back against the relentless assault. The missiles and tank rounds still in mid-flight were suddenly thrown off course, spiraling away from her and crashing into the ground or exploding harmlessly in the air.

The Apaches, still hovering in the sky, adjusted their aim, preparing for another barrage. But before they could fire again, Valeria raised her hand, and tendrils of black energy shot out from her fingertips, lashing toward the helicopters like living chains. The dark tendrils wrapped around the rotors of the Apaches, jerking them violently in the air.

The pilots fought to regain control, but Valeria's magic was too strong. With a sharp tug, she yanked the helicopters downward, sending them spiraling out of control. One by one, the Apaches crashed into the sea, their wreckage sinking beneath the waves.

On the ground, the Abrams tanks fired again, their massive cannons roaring. But Valeria was ready. She waved her hand, and the shells froze in mid-air, suspended by her dark magic. With a dismissive flick of her wrist, she sent the shells hurtling back toward the tanks, the rounds slamming into the steel behemoths with explosive force.

The tanks erupted in flames, their armor shredded by their own shells. Smoke billowed from the wreckage as the crews inside scrambled to escape.

Valeria watched the destruction unfold, her smile never fading. "Do not underestimate me! I'm the strongest Demon King General!"

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