Reincarnated into a Game As the Hero’s Friend

Chapter 197.1

Chapter 197.1

The next few days were spent in the underground library doing research. I was looking for information that might reinforce the experiments and hypotheses I had done the other day, as well as information related to the ancient kingdom, but so far there had been no progress.

I could not hide my suspicion that there must have been some kind of cover-up, given that there was so little information available.

Various things were progressing above ground. The cause of death of the priest Kempel was apparently drowning. The body was found floating in the Great Reservoir.

Since it was related to the death of a priest, they had to go all out in investigation. The Great Reservoir was not designed to hold drinking water, so they decided to drain all the water and examine the bottom of the reservoir.

In my opinion, it was really unnecessary as there was still a shortage of water. Even if the Great Reservoir didnt hold drinking water, it was still water which could be used in many ways.

Anyway, whether it was a suicide or not remained unclear at this point. The day before that, he had been repeatedly expressing regret for attempting to take advantage of Mazells trial. After all, when all of his dirty deeds leaked outside, it triggered the blame on the temple itself.

But I couldnt really comment on that. The possibility that he was disposed of by the mastermind could not be dismissed, but there was also the possibility that he had in fact taken his own life. Either way, it was clear that the dead could not talk about it, but I have a feeling that the doomsday cult might make a story out of it because it would also affect the reputation of the Church.

The day after I met with Mazell the other day, there was also a complaint against me, or rather, gossip behind my back. They said I killed people (ones who were following MC) in the town. It was not a rumor, but a fact. It did look more like a murder case, and I couldnt help but chuckle about it.

However, I had already reported the incident to the authorities that day, and the next day I also submitted the weapon that the other party had in their possession. Mazell had also been informed by Laura via her grandfather, Duke Grunding, when they returned to the royal capital, while the government side had not yet been informed of the matter.

The eldest son of the Marquis Coltrezis was still missing. I did not know if this was actually true. Criminal investigations were not my area of expertise, and in both my previous life and in this world, such investigations should be kept secret from the public.

I was aware that I had been overzealous in my investigation, so I focused my attention on the archives for the time being. However, my eyes were already getting tired from looking for fine details all the time. In this world, glass was expensive and there were no lenses, so I had better be careful not to damage my eyes.

Um, Welner-sama, this book


I was flipping through a bunch of magic-related books when Lily brought out a rather thick book. It looked like a collection of books. She seemed to be having some trouble understanding it.

I think this is some kind of map, but I dont think its the same from what I know.

Let me see.

I looked at the page Lily had opened What the heck was this? I recognized half of the diagram, and understood the meaning of Lilys confusion.

Is this Finnoi?

I think so

Yes, it was a map of the continent I knew, but only the lower side of the map. I think that the mountain where the temple of Finnoi was built was in the center of this continent. The land to the north of the mountain would be the sea, according to my knowledge. In terms of area, it would be larger than the area of both Triot and Delitzdam combined.

Let me say it again. What was this?

I checked the title of the book. The Rise of Zermunbeck huh, Zermunbeck? I think I have never heard of a country by that name. Then, a chill ran down my spine.

You know about the ancient kingdom, right?

Huh? Yes, I do. Its a country with amazing technology that was destroyed by the Demon King a long time ago.

Do you know the name of that Kingdom?

Uh, Im sorry, I dont know.

I asked Lily involuntarily, but I guess her answer was as I had expected. I didnt know it either after all, and I didnt remember learning about it from my tutor or at the school. In fact, I never even heard of it until now. I realized for the first time that I had only ever heard of the country being called the Ancient Kingdom.

But was it just a coincidence that I was never interested in finding out the name of the country? No, I didnt think so. In any case, it was definitely fishy.

If these archives were not tempered and this place really existed, there was a high possibility that this country named Zermunbeck, which had never been mentioned before, was the ancient kingdom itself, or its predecessor.

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