Reincarnated into a Game As the Hero’s Friend

Chapter 185.2

Chapter 185.2

Im sure your owner must have lectured you afterward about how useless you were for not being able to stop me at the library, Viscount Vogel-dono? (Welner)

The sound of clenched teeth reverberated around them. Vaughan Sven Vogel looked as if he could kill him with a glare, but Welner had a cool expression on his face. With that expression on his face, he continued speaking.

Well, you certainly have a face that is easy to be followed by mobs like them, dont you?

Welner smirked and looked around at the group of surprised-looking bandits, and Vogel interjected.

Mobs, you say? What does that mean?

(T/N: They dont know the word mob.)

It doesnt matter. Anyway, from my point of view, the biggest problem was finding where you were hiding, but it got solved in due time.

In some of the pattern predictions Welner had made, he had considered the possibility of Clara or someone else close to her as a hostage, but thankfully it did not happen because of the strategy used by them.

To be fair, in this world, life below the level of commoners was cheap, so Welner didnt need to be concerned about the hostage situation at all, but he wanted to avoid it if possible.

I didnt expect you guys to run away from the back of the house in a hurry even without confirming whether you were actually surrounded by soldiers or not.

We have clearly heard the sound of armor in the darkness of the night, and then afterward witnessed people moving around a lot. You mean those in armor were fake?

Well, one or two of them probably look familiar to you, too. By the way, the reward for those people was a bottle of wine each of them.

I had asked my schoolmates, who had shown their faces during the Duel Trial, about what they were doing and what they were up to, and they told me that they were free, so I asked them to don their armor and join the encirclement, and a few of them agreed.

Ironically, running around the battlefield in Anheim was probably one of the reasons why I was able to do this. The fact that more people showed up than I had anticipated was a testament to my reputation.

Anyway, the success of this strategy not only helped to avoid the hostage situation, but also made these guys escape without preparation and get caught off guard, unable to put up any tough fight.

By the way, there were six of my people following Clara this evening as she entered one of the buildings. I was a little worried about whether the mastermind was inside with them but fortunately, when people inside moved out, there was one who moved separately.

For this purpose, Welner had hired experts in tracking and tailing from Grand Duke Seyfart. This would suggest that the matter had already reached the highest echelons of the kingdom, but Welner made no mention of this and continued his story.

Also, the guards should have entered the building at this time to investigate and rescue Claras mother and brother, but Welner was not concerned about that at this point.

How did you know we will escape from this route?

I just know what routes idiots take.

It was only after returning from Anheim that I learned that Grand Duke Seyfart asked Lily to draw a map of the royal capital. At that time, Grand Duke Seyfart had suggested that Lily bring a draft of the map back to the Zeavert residence.

Lily was puzzled by the suggestion, but Seyfart told her, The map will be useful to Lord Welner, so you can take it home, but dont spread it around too much, with an expression of a bad boy, and she couldnt refuse.

It was an item that made Welner seriously worry about, but it was useful, so he could not complain.

I just determined that if they were to travel in the dark of night, they would not take the complicated roads, but would take the shortest route, so I used the capitals map to predict their destination. Also, I had some people follow them as they made their escape from the building.

Of course, I also placed a few people on each of the other roads just in case they didnt move as predicted, and instructed them to stall for time until we arrived, in case any suspicious people should pass by.

It was a lot to arrange in such a short time, but it helped that the person behind all this was so simple.

Im so grateful that you got caught so brilliantly. If I could give you a word of advice, it would be to spend more money on the people you want to work with rather than getting good poisons.

Welner quickly raised his voice as he saw Vogels hand reaching for the hilt.

If we let them live, theyll probably end up as bandits. I dont care how you do it, but get rid of those small fries!


The knights responded to Welners voice and attacked at once. Clearly, Vogel and his men had been caught in the act. Somehow, they had let their guard down, thinking that they would be asked to surrender at least once, and that the actual use of force would come later.

The men hurriedly pulled out their swords, but as soon as they did, one of them was cut down by Max.

A fierce battle immediately broke out in a corner of the nighttime royal capital.

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