Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 573 Hollow Cannon

Chapter 573 Hollow Cannon


It was quite the macabre scene as Evan's blade cannon slash drew a massive gash across his back, breaking his concentration and causing his spell circle to shatter.

Of course, he received backlash damage from this.

"Flux. Blink."

Evan activated two skills, leaving a ball of swirling volatile energy that quickly exploded in the face of the double-armed earth user who charged into the scene intending to save his companion.

The instant the boy reappeared; he raised a brow in light surprise upon noticing that his feet seemed to have landed in a pool of water.


The water surged upwards and wrapped around his body, pulling his arms that were halfway through closing apart and setting him wide open for the flame user's spinning slash.


The sword of flames collided with his body and sent him flying through the air, bashing through a building and falling right into the park lake that was right behind it.


Her voice rang out and a radiant Sun-like orb of intense flames materialised, casting a scorching radiance upon the surroundings. The heat radiating from it was so intense that it started to liquify any nearby metals.

She flew up into the air and blitzed towards the lake Evan had fallen into, leaving a trail of flames streaking through the air.

With a determined gaze, she hurled the blazing sphere towards the lake, with it also leaving a trail of shimmering heat waves as it descended towards Evan's body.


Upon impact, an explosive eruption of flames engulfed Evan, the lake waters hissing and evaporating, creating a massive steam cloud that rose high into the sky.

She then clenched her fist once more and condensed the energy back into another smaller ball of flames, triggering a second even more devastating explosion that rocked the area, obliterating the lake in an instant and replacing it with a blazing inferno that devoured everything in the crater left behind.

Even still, she didn't believe that was enough to kill Evan who had grandmaster-level power, enchanting her claymore with intense flames and preparing to activate her unique skill as she beelined straight towards the inferno on the floor.

"Hold on, it's supposed to be my turn now, isn't it?"


Hearing the boy's carefree voice, she quickly reacted and tried to change her flight trajectory but Evan who had seen her quick reactions before was prepared for them.

Golden ethereal chains materialized from thin air, shooting towards the woman and wrapping around her legs, pulling them down onto the ground and slamming her body onto a spike of ice that emerged from the floor at the last moment.


Hearing her scream out in pain, the water user quickly sent a surge of water cascading over, quenching the flames and making way for the other two to charge in with attacks ready.

The wind user created a gust of wind to blow away all the steam while the earth user stomped his foot on the floor with his landing, causing the ground to break open to reveal multiple spiked earth columns that erupted through the air.


The woman's voice suddenly rang out, and both the Earth and Wind users had their eyes widen in shock when they suddenly sensed Evan's presence materialise right behind them.

Quickly reacting, the wind user turned around and created a large horizontal tornado that drilled through everything in front of him, shattering the ground and the ice sculpture that Evan left behind them.

"He's using shadows!!"

The water user who was some distance away, saw exactly how Evan managed to appear right behind them and warned them, but it was too late as the Everlasting Chains had already swirled around their bodies and entrapped them.

"Here, have some snickers. They're ice-flavoured, though."

A series of ethereal ice shards in the shape of icicles surrounded Evan as he spoke, before launching themselves with lightning speed and piercing through the two bodies of the two men with precision, striking their lower torsos and their laps.

[The goddess 'Artemisia' sighs in exasperation at your words.]

'But the spell is called Glacial Snickerstrike!'

The icy projectiles perforated their flesh upon impact, creating gruesome holes through which blood spurted and spilt profusely.

It left them both writhing in pain, with blood-soaked clothing and a chilling numbness creeping through their lower bodies.


The earth user roared loudly and broke free from the elemental chains, unleashing full powerful punches towards Evan who quickly cancelled the rest of the spell and jumped backward to dodge.

But there was little he could do with the wounds Evan's icicles had inflicted on him, so he dropped to his knees only after a few seconds.

However, the flame user took on the mantle, igniting her weapon and lunged forward after breaking free from Evan's chains, her massive claymore held high above her head.

With a powerful leap, she descended towards Evan, swinging her weapon downward and releasing a devastating arc of searing flames that trailed behind the trajectory of the blade.

The air itself seemed to catch figure the blade descended, leaving a scorching trail of sparks through the air.

Upon contact with the ground, the blade unleashed its full fury.

An inferno erupted, an explosive wave of blistering heat and flames surging outwards and devouring everything in its path and turning the area into a sea of fire and smouldering ashes.

But even these powerful flames met their match upon colliding with the spherical barrier of ice that surrounded Evan's body, stopping the relentless conflagration from engulfing the boy.

Evan then kicked off the ground, dashing up into the air and standing atop a void step while gazing down below at the ruined District of Lacertilia.

'Weird…why hasn't any defence force member or soldier come? It's been close to ten minutes since we started fighting?'

He scanned the area to see if they were occupied by any particularly powerful monster but noticed nothing of the sort.

'First, let me kill three of these guys.'

The boy made the decision as he looked at the water user healing his two wounded companions, muttering about how futile that was as he jumped off the void step and let gravity pull him down towards the ground.

'Elemental Armament Barrage.'

An array of weapons formed from his icy energy surged forth like a relentless storm, falling down from the sky like rain and making the flame user who wanted to attack him cancel her attack in favour of defending her other three companions.

Evan's landing on the ground was simultaneous with the barrage's ending, and the earth user took this as the cue to charge forward, intending to finish his earlier flurry of attacks.

He struck out with his two left fists, an attack Evan blocked with crossed arms, however, the force still knocked the young hero back a bit.

The man followed up, jumping into the air and striking the empty air, creating shockwaves from the pressure of his fists and sending them flying like an array of missiles.

While Evan was busy countering these shockwaves with an elemental projected sword, the wind user blitzed in from the side, holding a swirling ball of wind magic power and demonic energy which he thrust towards the young hero.


The resultant wind explosion knocked Evan off his feet and sent him tumbling through the air, where the water user came in with his clones and slashed towards the young boy with lethal intent.

Seeing the multiple pressurized water blades coming in, Evan's brow narrowed as he teleported into the air and then right behind the water user.

His palm outstretched; he activated the skill he stole from the Eighth Finger last year.

"Your clones are annoying. Hollow Magic: Hollow Cannon."

In the blink of an eye, non-attributed magic power condensed in a swirling sphere right in front of Evan's palm, launching and slamming into the man's back with zero delay.

The moment of impact was nothing short of devastating.

The Hollow Cannon blasted apart his flesh, shattered his bones, ruptured his organs and obliterated everything in the upper half of his body.

It was as though some sort of void energy had torn through him, leaving a swirling distortion in the air where he stood a moment ago.

The cannon surged forth, reaching the earth user who was charging in Evan's direction and blasting apart his two left arms and wing faster than he could even react.

"Ah…I got a little serious."

Evan spoke as if he just realised that he made a mistake of some sort, clenching his fist and forcefully cancelling the Hollow Cannon that was still tearing rifts through the air as it moved.

"How the hell did the Eighth Finger Control this thing…?"

The boy pulled back his arm and looked at his smoking palm, silently admiring the Necromancer who could control this strange Hollow Magic with relative ease.

'This is some low-level void manipulation, right? Using non-attributed magic power…'

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