Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 570 Luring out Senior Members

Chapter 570 Luring out Senior Members

All around him, buildings were being destroyed, people were running away while adventurers were confronting the reptilian monsters.

Some were not in gear when the attack suddenly happened, so they had to exercise more caution than they usually would while fighting.

The Mages guild deployed some of its members to assist, using magic to shield combatants and buildings from being damaged excessively by the attacks of the monsters and adventurers alike.

Lacertilia had many armed organizations within its borders: The Army, the City Defence Force, the Police Force, the Knight Order, the Adventurer's Guild, the Mage's Guild, and the Mercenaries Guild.

Yet, in the game, the Demonic Hand was still able to carry out their plan and ensure more than half of Lacertilia's citizens perished in this 'Lizard Lord's Outbreak'.

Even if the combatants of these organizations with S rank level power and above were removed from the equation, the fact that they were able to still do so made Evan actually feel a bit of awe towards them.

Especially the Seventh, Ninth and Tenth Fingers who had handled things in the game.

And right now, despite the fact that things were largely not going according to their plans, they still had Lacertilia in a state of unrest due to their actions.

'Making the civilians see the disappearing S-SSS level combatants had a far greater effect than Kethryllia probably imagined it would.'

As he had that thought to himself, Evan kicked off the ground and boosted forward, slicing through a lump of flame that was flying towards the back of an S ranker before releasing an aura slash that bisected the monster that launched it.

The S ranker's companion who was about to assist, gaped at Evan who just dispatched a level 298 monster with a single strike, and seemingly without effort.

"I see…the defence forces at the dungeon area are keeping all the grandmaster level monsters within the Buffer Zone so it's only the non-grandmasters that are able to slip through and get this far."

Just as he said that, he turned his gaze towards the giant Flame Lizardman that the A rank party was handling, activating his Harbinger skill and stomping his foot on the floor.

A wave of icy energy surged forth from beneath his foot, towards the Flame Lizardman's feet and encased them in a thick layer of ice.

"Milena: Frostbrand."

The water spirit acted as a conduit for his technique, touching the Lizardman's back in his place and branding it with an icy sigil.

The frost aura seeped into its very being, harnessing its own magic power and aura to build up power within it while it struggled to break free from the ice holding down its legs.

"Get back!"

He shouted out towards the party whilst condensing energy into his palm as if he was about to attack, and when they did fall back, he quickly dispersed the energy and spoke.



A surge of unnatural cold erupted from the lizardman's innards, a stark contrast to its fiery aura. This quickly transitioned into a grotesque spectacle, a the Frostbrand burst forth in an explosion, tearing the lizardman's form asunder.

The explosion's shockwave rippled through the air, carrying with it the remnants of the flame lizardman's existence.

With the creature dead, Evan casually turned around and moved to catch up to his party members who were butchering other lizardmen up front.

"Elemental Armament Barrage."

Upon command, an array of weapons formed from his icy energy surged forth like a relentless storm, their blades and tips seeking out the monsters with unerring precision.

Swords, spears, daggers, arrows, knives, and more converge upon their hapless victims, burrowing through their defences and leaving behind a tapestry of punctured scales and flesh.

As if that wasn't enough, Evan made the second half of the barrage detonate upon contact, triggering explosions of raw ice elemental energy that rended their forms asunder.

"You aren't collecting the corpses anymore?"

"I'd only collect the grandmaster ones from now on.

Anyway. This place is good enough for us to split up. We'd go around, sweep up a few monsters, save some people and meet up at the Dungeon area.

We can all sense where the main battlefield is, can't we?"


Greed spoke as he lifted up Mammonas from the corpse of a Lizardman and hoisted it atop his shoulder.

"To maintain contact, one of the Spirits would go with each of you guys.

Kayla's with me, Kuro's with Liz as always and Milena, Imma have to trouble you to go with Greed."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Just as Greed asked that, Pride walked over to Milena and held the spirit's hand before saying.

"I give you full permission to smack the heck out of him if he side-tracks."


The high demon's protests were ignored both by his sibling and her contractor who quickly turned their attention towards other directions.

"Ah, Hold on, Liz."

Evan ran up to his girlfriend who had just placed buffs on all of them and pulled her into a tight hug, before capturing her lips in a deep kiss that lasted close to half a minute.

"Good. Now I have motivation."

He gave the dumbfounded and blushing blonde a grin before taking a step back and dropping right into his extending shadow, emerging from within the shadow of a tree about a few hundred metres away.

[Ha…Master never ceases to amaze me.]

Kuro's voice was what snapped Eliza out of her dumbstruck state, while Pride only shook her head silently and blitzed off in the opposite direction with Amy.

Greed whistled through his teeth as he unsummoned his weapon, before dashing off in the direction of the city's Western quarter with Milena on his shoulder

Left behind, the shadow spirit simply climbed onto Eliza's shoulder and then activated his shadow movement, wrapping the girl in his shadows and teleporting her towards the city's Eastern quarter.

◇ ◇ ◇

Evan ran through the sea of buildings at sonic speed, taking advantage of his sheer movement speed to one-shot every monster he came across.

Since he was moving at around 380+ metres per second, all he had to do was stretch out his sword arm whenever he came close to a monster and infuse it with aura, and the force with which he passed and slashed the monster would be enough to end its sorry life.

He occasionally teleported when he sensed finely positioned shadows or when he reached dead ends and wanted to go over the buildings using Blink.

The boy's mood was quite chipper, and the reason could not be anything but the kiss he just had with his girlfriend some time ago.

With a bright smile on his face, he sliced and diced all the reptilian-type monsters he encountered on the ground, while Kayla only shook her head while making lightning descend upon the ones in the air.

Arriving at a secluded area, he pulled out the walkie-talkie that he took from the Seventh Division Senior Member and cleared his throat lightly before activating it and speaking into it.

"Guh! Does anyone copy? I need help, someone's onto me!!"

There was a scrambling noise coming from the speaker as the communicator seemed to search for a radio signal, followed by a 'click' sound.

[Help?! Who's speaking?]

"It's Thuto!"

[Thuto? Weren't you supposed to be bringing in Lord Seith's men? What the heck happened?]

"I don't know, we got attacked when we were trying to get into the barrier. I should be the one asking what the hell happened?!

Why did Lady Keasatra activate the barrier now?! We nearly got killed by an enraged Living Legend!!"

Evan breathed heavily as he spoke, giving the impression of someone who was exhausted from running.

This really did help in making 'Thuto's situation' seem very dire as the man in question was a grandmaster; For him to get tired from running, then the person who was after him must have been pretty powerful.

Kayla only just watched her master deceive the Demonic Hand member on the other end of the line with her hands folded, shaking her head silently.

The conversation proceeded and Evan was actually able to get the other person to leave his position and come over to 'where Thuto was', but before Evan could give his location, he sensed something nearby and quickly made something up.

"Fuck! They found me?!

I think that legend guy sent some S rankers after me and they just found me. I gotta go!"

[Thuto, wai-]

The boy cut the connection and then spread out his aura to check what he thought he sensed earlier, sighing softly upon confirming it and quickly moving in that direction.

A few hundred metres later, Evan emerged at a park entrance, where what looked like a family of six was being chased around by a Lizardman.

The creature was clearly having fun with them, chasing around its prey with what Evan could only guess was a grin on its face.

[Hmm? Another human?]

This particular Lizardman seemed more intellectually developed than its other brethren that Evan had fought earlier—either that or it was just more talkative.

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