Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 565 Kethryllia’s Decision

Chapter 565 Kethryllia’s Decision

"Are you sure?"

"We have no choice. It's standard procedure to run a sweep of the city after a dungeon break ends, and they'd definitely do that as that Princess is coming over.

In that case, there's no way that they'd miss the nodes, which would lead them to realise something is up."


Finding truth in Kethryllia's words, Maude could not help but fall silent.

"Please do me the favour of going into the dungeon and finding out just what on Aidos is wrong with that fucking Lizard."

As Maude nodded in affirmation, Kethryllia turned her gaze back to the rest of the Senior Members present before speaking.

"I'm operating at my discretion now.

Everyone get into position; we're commencing the plan as is."

The Senior Members knew fully well that a lot of things were not yet in place—their plans for Lacertilia needed years to complete—but they understood that they had little choice considering the circumstances.

Without hesitation, they all dispersed, moving out of the building and heading straight towards different corners of the city where they had their Spell Nodes placed.

Maude blitzed towards the Dungeon, taking some of her Division's Senior Members with her and slipping in through the commotion.

The break was just beginning so the monsters coming out were still just level 200 monsters—the weakest you could see in the dungeon.

For Maude and her team of Senior Members, they could easily slaughter these weaklings and make their way into the dungeon without any complications.

Left behind, Kethryllia entered her office and closed the door, heaving a deep sigh of exasperation before walking up to her desk.

Seated on her chair with his legs resting atop the desk was her contracted demon, a tall pale-skinned man with an air of refined elegance.

He wore a perfectly tailored corporate shirt and waistcoat, with dark hair swept neatly to the side of his face.

The man's eyes—as dark as his hair—turned towards Kethryllia while his hands put down the newspaper and pen they held atop his lap.


"Nothing, was just thinking that this was quite the situation."

The mid-ranked demon, Thagol, spoke with a light shrug as he pulled his legs down and swivelled the chair around, looking out the window.

"Are you gonna request for help?"

"Already did. Told Seith's men to call him over from wherever he is."

Kethryllia replied as she searched through her wall safe for some items she needed, tossing each one into her space expansion pouch.

"I didn't mean from him."

"Huh? Then from who?"

She closed the safe and turned to see the demon staring right at her with a knowing gaze. For a moment, a look of confusion graced her face, but it vanished as quickly as it appeared.

The redhead ran a hand through her hair and rolled her eyes while sighing for the nth time today.

"You do realise they'd get worried about you, right?"

"Can that person even get like that?"

Kethryllia scoffed as she moved around to pick up a few more things that she needed for what she was about to do afterwards.

She picked up her Demonic Hand brooch, one that was a bit different from the others given she was an executive and pinned it to her shirt before tossing another spare to Thagol who silently put It on.

The brooches had been enchanted to exclude them from the effects of the spell she was about to use—and not just theirs but the brooches of all the Demonic Hand members present in Lacertilia as well.

Returning her gaze to Thagol, she spoke with a dissatisfied voice.

"Fine. You can tell my sibling."

She gave the go-ahead for the demon to contact her elder sibling, an action that would turn the attention of an entity Evan dreaded to meet towards the Alpha Continent.

◇ ◇ ◇

Leaving the building, Kethryllia moved towards the Lacertilia City Square, the hardscape used for open markets, concerts, political rallies, and other events that require firm ground that spanned an entire square kilometre in area.

Holding her communicator, she asked if all of her subordinates were in position, and after receiving positive answers all around, she switched the device off and tossed it into her space expansion pouch.

"All right, let's do this."

Kethryllia hyped herself up with those words, before releasing a burst of energy into the surroundings.

A maelstrom of dense magic power and celestial energy swept through the surroundings, enveloping the city square and spreading even further beyond.

Throughout the city, other Epic Level beings present all paused, their attentions drawn to the sudden surge of energy released by someone on their level.

Kethryllia paid this no mind as she held up her palm, constructing a strange multicoloured magic circle inside it. Different patterns, translucent symbols and letters from various languages formed across the circle, all interconnecting with each other.

Around 10 metres in diameter, radiation outward with the point where she stood as the centre, a larger replica of this magic circle materialised high up in the sky.

It also appeared beneath her feet as well, with streaks of light shooting up to connect it with the circle in the sky.

This phenomenon was visible from almost anywhere in Lacertilia, all seventeen thousand square kilometres of it.

As it was the signal they had been waiting for, all the Seventh Division Senior Members who had already put on their enchanted brooches, switched on the spell nodes they had manned.

Some adventurers who were in Cheverton during the undead crisis last year all recalled seeing a similar spell circle a few minutes before the great battle against the undead ended.

Epic Level existences raced towards the square at the city centre, hoping to discover just what exactly was going on there and who was projecting this strange magic circle into the sky, but they were all too late.

Kethryllia slammed her palm—the one with the miniature magic circle—into the magic circle on the ground and the circle in her hand fit perfectly into the centre of the one on the floor like a key.

As the glow of the magic became brighter, her lips parted and she called out the activation words.

"World Magic: Spell Number 25: World Isolation Barrier."

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