Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 550 Royal Edict

Oak Avenue Manor

Gerfast, GWE

February 20th

Year 1053

"Now that I've gotten all the stuff that I wanted from Verduracliff and given Emperor Rudeus my list of demands, it's high time I went off to the next place on my list."

"And where is that if I may ask?"

"I wanted to go to the tower of trials again, but Greed and Pride aren't back yet so that's out of the question.

Guess it's high time I started hearing towards Lacertilia."

"That so...?"

Eliza replied to the young hero with a slightly pouty tone, something that Evan whose lap she was lying on did not fail to notice.

"Is there anything wrong?"


"So there IS something wrong..."

Her very unconvincing reply made Evan sigh softly, his Time Difference activating as he racked his brain to figure it exactly what Eliza sounded so dissatisfied about.

But even after a while minute in real-time, the boy still had no idea why she was pouting and decided to straight up ask her.

"Did I do anything?"

" you did not.

I'm just feeling a bit miffed at the fact that we haven't exactly had any time to ourselves recently."

"Hmm? Didn't we-"

"Don't count our trip to Duscon."

The girl cut him off when he was about to speak about their date when they went to Duscon

"I don't want a kind of date where we have to fight for our lives after.

It was fun and all but having to face two Epic-level existences right after killed all that off."

The girl certainly did not like the feeling of having to deal with over a hundred demonic hand members right after having some time alone with Evan.

'It wasn't really alone time as Kuro Kayla and Milena were there though.'

Hearing her words and seeing the pouty expression on her lips, Evan chuckled and patted her blonde hair, having figured out exactly what Eliza wanted.

All the teenage girl desired was just some 'alone time' with her younger boyfriend, no knights watching them in the shadows, no contracted spirits around, no demonic hand spies, and no having to fight dozens of assailants after.

She just wanted to have a normal date like any regular couple one could meet on the streets.

'That's not too much to ask for now, is it?'

Sensing her indignation about the matter, Evan pulled out the little schedule list he had and how he had planned out all his activities for the next few months, sighing softly as he decided to push a few things back and dedicate a day to fulfil her wishes.

'Problem is, which day?'

The boy scanned the list over multiple times with a serious expression on his face, causing Eliza who had noticed his sudden silence to turn her gaze and ask him what he was doing, a question he replied to absentmindedly.

"...trying to remove something of low importance from my schedule."

"What for?"

"Didn't you say you wanted some alone time?"

The girl stared at him blankly for a Second, a tad bit surprised that he was taking action more moments after hearing her indirectly asking for a date.

"You don't have to change your plans and inconvenience yourself just to cater to my wishes, you know?"

Her words prompted him to drop the pen he was using to cross something off the list and turn his grey eyes towards her, sighing softly as he replied.

"Come on, Liz. You should know your boyfriend had a low filter on his mouth.

If it was inconveniencing, he would have said it. But the fact that he said nothing of the sort, means it's not."

He then picked up the pen and completed the schedule editing while continuing his words.

"The only problem is I'd only be able to help you make time after I am done with the medal ceremony next week."

"Medal ceremony?"

Eliza tilted her head to the side in confusion upon hearing about this unfamiliar event whilst Evan turned his gaze out the window and spoke.

"Hmm? Looks like the Emperor's men are here. Now then, time to deal with the formalities."

He lifted her upper body from his lap and got up to meet with the Emperor's Envoys who had come over to read an Imperial Edict.

After changing to something more formal, he then walked up to Eliza who was looking out the window at the dozens of life signs that suddenly entered her perception and gave her a kiss on the side of her face before looking out the window and teleporting out faster than she could even react.

◇ ◇ ◇

As the sun casts its golden rays upon Evan's grand estate, there was a sudden sense of tension hanging in the air.

The well-tended gardens seemed to shimmer in preparation for the impending event, whilst Evan fitted in a fairly formal attire casually walked down the marble steps of the manor's entrance.

The butler and the rest of the manor's servants all looked on anxiously as the sudden arrival of the Imperial Guard and the Emperor's Envoys was certainly something none of them had expected.

The envoys approached with purposeful steps, each one outfitted in regal attires that exuded an air of authority and commanded respect.

They ascended the steps of the manor, stopping a few meters away from Evan as the Head Envoy pulled out a scroll that was adorned with the Royal Family's Seal.

Unfurling the scroll to reveal the ornate calligraphy that bore the edict, the man began his proclamation.

"By the decree of His Royal Majesty, the Sun of our Great Empire, Emperor Rudeus Hayes, and in recognition of outstanding valour and dedicated service to the Great Western Empire, we hereby announce that Count Bourne, Lord Evan, esteemed and distinguished, shall be awarded the 'Medal of National Service', and the 'Arcane Restoration Honour'.

For his pivotal contributions that have augmented the might of our revered military forces and Magical Research, the Count Bourne is to be Awarded with these honours."

Evan listened to the man speaking width a calm expression on his face, having already expected this, unlike the servants who were wondering when Evan even had the time to 'boost the empire's military prowess' given how frequently he left the country these days.

"These grand accolades shall be conferred upon him during a ceremony of utmost significance, to be held on the 28th day of February, in the Year 1053, within the sacred precincts of the Royal Palace.

All officials of Court rank Lower Fourth and above, and all Peerages of Count and above present within the capital are hereby summoned to attend this grand ceremony as witnesses.

Given under our hand and seal, on this day the 28th February of the Year 1053 in the 51st General Calendar.

By his Royal Majesty's command."

When the final words of the edict echoes through the air, a hushed silence descended.

The Envoy's gaze met Evan's and within that shared moment, an unspoken understanding passed through them.

"I am honoured by His Majesty's recognition."

The boy gave that one line, completely commuting the second half of the template reply to such an edict.

'The Great Western Empire isn't the only country whose Military I plan to boost after all.

With the number of spells in the Akashic Page, I can give each of the Major World Powers on my list more than 200 each and I would not still give any two countries the same spell.

Increasing their Magic spell arsenals would serve to bolster the planet's defensive power to withstand the demon's invasion.'

He kept those thoughts to himself as he sent off the Envoys, before deciding to make a little trip to the Duke's Manor.

'I have to go see the Duchess.'

And so, the boy made his way over to the Eris Ducal Mansion in the capital, passing by the scene of a few envoys posting a copy of the Emperor's Edict for the citizens in the Capital to see.

"You're in the spotlight again."

Those were the first words the Duke spoke to him as son as he entered the man's office.

"It's necessary for me to gain the power I want."

Evan replied as he took a seat on one of the chairs, serving himself a glass of the wine that was placed on the side stool.

"Exactly what did you do this time? His Majesty only told me about the awards this morning."

"I found an ancient spell tome that contained over 200 forgotten Magic spells and some Nuclear Magic Spells."

"Nuclear Magic? Just where did you find such a thing?"

Duke Roger was quite surprised as he knew how valuable Nuclear Magic was, and how every country that possessed any of these spells watched each other like hawks.


"Hmm? The ruined mountain country in the North."

"Yes. That one."

The two lightly chatted with one another, discussing a few things related to the medal award ceremony until the Duchess came in and dragged Evan out.

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