Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 541 Even Monsters can be Battle Junkies too!

Chapter 541  Even Monsters can be Battle Junkies too!

'A battle junkie. From the start, it was here because it had sensed Luke's presence and wanted to fight him.'

The realisation that trying to talk the creature out of a fight was pointless since the start made Evan feel like he wasted his energy.

"My Sword has been thirsting for some action lately, make sure you entertain me, human."

The moment the Blade Wraith spoke, it rose its legs and took a 'step' forward.

In that instant, the space between Luke and the Blade Wraith 'bent' and the monster was suddenly in front of Luke.

Its pupils locked onto the Sword Saint's neck, right before its sword moved with supersonic speed, slicing through the air and straight towards Luke.


The sound of blade clashing rang out as in that same instant, Luke rose his sword diagonally and blocked the strike going for his neck.

"I don't have all day so I'd finish you quickly."

As soon as Luke said that, his arm blurred, moving at a speed so fast that Evan could not catch it even with his Time Difference.


Even so, the Blade Wraith's eyes were able to perfectly catch the movements of his sword, rising its own weapon to block it.

What followed was a supersonic sword battle that Evan knew best to stay far away from the two combatants who blitzed across the hall at breakneck speeds, hacking and slashing at each other with their blades.

The Blade Wraith lunged forward like a black blur; its sword was filled with lethal intent that was met head-on by Luke's blade. It pulled back and moved like a phantom, combining both spatial and shadow elemental abilities that made its movements barely visible to the eye.

Even so, no matter how many times it bent the space between them, Luke was never caught off guard, allowing Evan to note that the man had reduced the amount of power he kept limited.

The air crackled with aura as the two danced around with their weapons, moving so swiftly that they left afterimages in their wake.

The sound of metal scraping against metal echoed with each strike, while the force of their blows created shockwaves that rippled through the walls around them.

'This is definitely gonna attract attention.'

Luke thought as he knocked the monster back with his fist, only to raise his brow in slight surprise as he sensed the creature suddenly appears behind him right after.

His hand moved behind his back, blocking the Blade Wraith's strike, and then tilting his head to dodge the mass of spatial magic power that threatened to cleave his head off his neck.

He then spun around and threw his fist forward, enhancing it with body-strengthening magic and delivering a straight punch towards the creature's featureless face.

However, even though his aim was impeccable, his fist still narrowly While Evan thought that to himself, the Blade Wraith laughed sinisterly, its voice resonating through the hall as it activated missed the Blade Wraith's face by a few millimetres.

'Space Bending. Spatial attribute is cool AF.'

While Evan thought that to himself, the Blade Wraith laughed sinisterly, its voice resonating through the hall as it activated another skill, unleashing a blast of shadowy force that threatened to consume everything in its path, Luke included.

"Tempest Dance."

The Sword Saint activated a skill for the first time today, unleashing a flurry of strikes that seemed to defy the very concept of speed, his sword coated in white flames that tore through the Blade Wraith's shadows with ease.

He then kicked off the ground, leaping into the air and bringing down his sword upon the Blade Wraith with the force of a crashing storm.


A deafening crash rang out, sending shockwaves of power in all directions, yet, the walls of the hall did not crumble and Evan didn't need to be told the reason why.

"His power control should be at least 90%..."

The impact knocked the Blade Wraith towards the other end of the room, its body slamming onto the wall and dropping down to the ground like a rag.

Immediately, it got up the same instant Luke motioned to charge forward, activating a skill to make and thrusting its weapon forward.

Magic power condensed at multiple points in front of it, creating two dozen dummy swords with spatial and shadow-attributed magic energy, before sending them flying towards Luke.

Each one looked identical to the original, but they were all constructs of space-distorting energy capable of slicing through almost anything, and due to the nature of the spatial element, injuries inflicted by this could not be healed normally.

'This should put him down for the count. I'd then use that time t-??!!'

**SHRING!! CLANGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Blade Wraith could not even finish constructing its thoughts when Luke's sword arm suddenly blurred, followed by a single loud clanging sound.


The creature let out a voice of confusion as in a single flash of light, all its dummy swords had been knocked down to the ground at a speed that it could not comprehend.

Luke, the person responsible for this scene, casually sheathed his blade and deactivated his skill while heaving a soft sigh.

'Trying not to use more power than necessary is tough.'

The man thought to himself as he took a moment to calm his energy.

"The heck did you just do?!"

The Blade Wraith screamed out in question, its voice tinged with both shock and fear along with hints of excitement.

But Luke did not answer him and instead looked at his watch before saying.

"Five minutes. Time to end this."

The instant he said that the Sword Saint kicked off the ground and dashed towards his monster opponent who coated its blade with spatial and shadow energy, extending it into a longer blade to elongate his reach and slashing down towards Luke.

Space bent and it arrived right in front of the man, spinning around to generate momentum which it used to unleash a full-powered sword slash with the weight of a spatial storm.

However, Luke cancelled his movement and backstepped, dodging the attack that made the space it passed twist and contort with a paper-thin margin.

Even so, the creature did not let up, reversing its grip on the blade while generating shadows to hold Luke's feet as it delivered an upward diagonal swing.

But those hastily made restraints could not do much in the way of holding down the Sword Saint, as the man easily broke out of them and twisted his body to dodge the second strike.

The Blade Wraith continued with the combo, readjusting its grip once more turning its body to deliver a thrusting attack aimed right at Luke's face.

Spatial magic power burst out from its body and enveloped the surrounding area, constricting the space and making it harder for anyone caught within its range to move

Yet, Luke was still able to easily sidestep the Blade Wraiths' slash, before catching its wrist with his right hand and stretching out its left to hold the creature's elbow.

He then used the monster's momentum against it, flipping it over his shoulder and slamming it towards the wall, but the creature of awe and curiosity, flowing into its blade as it readied itself for regained its bearings mid-flight and flipped around, landing on its feet.

"I see! So that's your power!"

Its energy flared while it spoke in a voice resonating with a mixture of awe and curiosity, flowing into its blade as it readied itself for another attack.

"You have control over T-!"


The Blade Wraith's words were cut off at the last moment, its brain barely catching the presence of Luke that breezed past its body.


What followed was the sound of Luke's blade re-entering its sheath, before the Sword Saint turned towards the creature and spoke.

"You prattle on incessantly."

After saying those four words, he then turned towards Evan who was sitting on one of the windows while sipping a juice pack and continued.

"Let's go, it's almost noon already."

Evan nodded and jumped back to the ground, finishing his juice and burning the pack before turning towards the Blade Wraith just in time to see its head split diagonally into two pieces and fall to the ground, its body following a moment after.

"Here's the magic stone."


The two had that casual conversation as they walked out of the banquet hall, leaving behind the deceased Blade Wraith.

'Would have loved to get that Space Bending Skill.'

[Master, you'd overload your vessel if you mi-acquired any new skills.]

'We're not so sure about that now, are we?'

[I'm positive that you wou-Huh? Another one?!.]

The boy's conversation with his spirit was cut short as she sensed a presence suddenly enter her perception, with Evan's Danger Sense reacting a beat later.

"Humans? Then the Blade Wraith died?"

"That's quite obvious, innit?"

Evan replied to the newly appearing monster, a tall bulky creature, with a muscular frame covered in metallic scales that glimmered like polished armour. Its arms ended in razor-sharp metallic claws which it used to disarm enemies when fighting.

"Where's his weapon?"

"We left it with the corpse."

"That so? Thanks."

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