Reincarnated Hero System

Chapter 195 Laurene Gets Pissed

"When you think about it that way, it somehow does."

"Yeah, and you caused Laurene a lot of problems too. I can't even begin to imagine how she felt having to deal with those 'snoopers' on a daily basis."

In response to Eliza's words, Evan just scratched his hair as he spoke of his thoughts on the situation.

"Well, yeah. I did cause Laurene a lot of problems. And not just her, but the Duke, Ralphie, and many others.

But If I had the chance to redo, I'd still choose to leave. Because if I didn't, so many things would not have turned out the way they did.

I would not have met you or known about your unique skill, which would then lead to me having a bit of a harder time when I go to Bultom. The incident with Xakon would not have happened and I would not have discovered that the bishop in Bonas has a skill that would make dealing with Vazgan (Dullahan King's Name) easier.

I would definitely not be allowed to come here and level up this much, and neither would I have been able to go to Hobha to help find Pride's brother.

You and Laurene might have not ended up as close as you are now. If I recall correctly, you did say you guys got closer after discovering you had a mutual acquaintance that was me.

All of these may not have happened without my original decision to leave so I don't regret leaving."

As he finished speaking, the sound of a book snapping shut rang out and Evan turned his head in the direction of Pride who just closed the novel she was reading all this while.

"I like that attitude, not regretting past decisions."

She tossed the book in her hands to Evan and asked him for the next volume, prompting the boy to open his inventory to check for it, much to the surprise of David and Suzanne's party.

Ignoring their reactions, he tossed the book he had pulled out of his inventory towards Pride and continued with his words to Eliza.

"Besides, knowing Laurene, she would not have had a hard time dealing with the nobles' prying eyes.

It would have definitely been easy for her."

◇ ◇ ◇

"This is definitely NOT easy!"

Those were the words that Princess of the Great Western Empire, Laurene Hayes screamed out at the exact same moment Evan said the opposite.

The girl was seated at the desk of her office in the Royal Castle, her hands running through her hair as she stared at the bunches of files in front of her.

"Nope. I just can't."

She took one pile of documents and stuffed them into a random file before dropping the said file on the floor beside her desk.

"Um...Princess Laurene, exactly why am I here?"

The voice of the only other person in the office besides her rang out, causing her to raise her head and gaze at the speaker in silence for a moment before replying.

"...Mental Support."


"Yep, that's what you're here for, mental support."

Laurene repeated her earlier reply, making the person she was speaking to, the first son of the Great Western Empire's Prime Minister, Arnold Del Eris, stare at her with a look of pure confusion.

He thought about how he ended up here, remembering that he was having tea with his mother while trying to explain to the woman that he was not dissatisfied by not having the position of successor to the Duke and understands that he lost said position due to the family rules.

He was about to explain the problems with the vassals that would occur if the Duke changed the rules for his sake when a messenger from the castle came and told him that Laurene called for his presence.

'And I rushed over because I thought it was something important.'

Before he could even say anything, Laurene slammed her fist on the table, causing cracks to spread out across the table but the princess paid it no mind as to busy stopping herself from ripping apart the letter in her hands.

"They're threatening me?! Are they stupid or something?

I clearly have the upper hand in these negotiations, I'm the one who has the information they want and they're threatening me stylishly.

Do they think I'm easy to deal with cus I'm a kid?!"

She slammed her fist on the table once more, worsening the cracks on the poor table as she continued.

"They'd see how easy I am to deal with when I fuck up their entire country...they'd definitely regret provoking the princess of a global superpower nation.

When the rift's seal breaks open and they have zero intel on the opposing forces, they'd know to put down their stupid pride and beg me for help."

While spouting those dangerous words, she grabbed a blank piece of paper and set it down before picking up her pen and writing something on it.

After a few minutes, she folded the piece of paper and pressed the buzzer on her desk, before opening her drawer and pulling out an envelope.

By the time she was done putting the paper in the envelope, there was a knock on the door with someone asking for permission to enter, to which she gave consent.

The door opened and a butler entered the room, bowing lightly as he greeted Laurene and Arnold.

The princess acknowledged his greeting with a nod as she channelled magic power into her thumb and pressed it on the envelope, sealing it before tossing it to the butler.

"Send that to my father for approval. Tell him that I INSIST he approves it.

Those fucking bastards dare to threaten me, I'd show them who's boss."

Hearing her words, Arnold heaved a sigh and chided her softly.

"Princess, your real thoughts are leaking out."


Laurene looked up to see the butler's expression that looked like he'd seen a ghost, clicking her tongue internally as she spoke.

"Forget the second half of my previous statement, now go."

After chasing out the dumbstruck butler, she faced the desk and continued sorting out some files while speaking to Arnold.

"Terrok deals in the slave trade, right? Do you think cutting off all imports and exports to them while aiding the oppressed races to rebel would destabilize them for a while?"

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