Reincarnated as Napoleon

Chapter 197 Taking A Short Break From Work

"That's enough for now, gentlemen," Napoleon stated as he got up from his chair. "I appreciate your input." 

Berthier and Talleyrand stood up as well.

The three men exchanged nods, acknowledging the conclusion of their discussion. The room seemed to exhale a collective breath as the weight of the decision settled in. With a final glance, Napoleon moved towards the door, the others falling in step behind him.

Napoleon held the door open for his advisors. "Until we see each other again." 

Talleyrand inclined his head in respect. "Of course, Your Excellency." With that, he stepped forward, passing through the door frame.

Berthier followed a nod of agreement accompanying his departure.

Napoleon released the door handle and let the door close behind them. 

He went back to his table after that and sat in his chair. He doesn't want to do anything for now as he just finished discussing something important with his advisers. Louisiana, the territory Napoleon truly wanted from the beginning, is now within his arms reach. When he said before that the United States posed no threat to France's military, he meant that. The United States at this point in time is weak. So he is not concerned if the United States were to engage in a conflict with France.

Still, he would much prefer that the United States accept the treaty France is going to sign with the Kingdom of Spain. 

He slumped back into his chair, the cushions welcoming the weight of his fatigue. The room seemed quieter without the presence of his advisors, the echo of their discussion fading away. His gaze lingered on the closed door for a moment before drifting to the scattered documents on his desk. The stack was an imposing sight, making him feel lazy. 

Napoleon let out an almost inaudible sigh, his shoulders sagging imperceptibly. "I'm going to do this later." 

He decided to break free from the confines of his office, his fingers tired of the endless papers and his mind craving a different kind of stimulation. Pushing himself out of the chair, he straightened his coat and left the room behind, the door shutting with a solid thud. 

"Your Excellency?" Beaumont said with a surprised expression, not expecting Napoleon to come out of his office early. "Where are you going?" 

"I'm yearning for some fresh air, Beaumont," Napoleon replied casually and walked past Beaumont.

Beaumont followed a few steps behind, his hurried pace betraying his surprise.

"Shall I arrange for an escort, Your Excellency?"

Napoleon waved a dismissive hand, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "No need, Beaumont. I am quite capable of navigating the palace on my own."

The truth was, he relished these moments of solitude. The weight of his responsibilities pressed upon him constantly, and these brief interludes offered a chance to escape the never-ending demands of leadership.

As he walked, he could hear the faint echoes of footsteps reverberating off the marble floors. There, he would encounter manservants and maids walking past him, occasionally bowing their heads in acknowledgment of his presence.

And there, he realized something.

"Where is my daughter?" Napoleon asked.

"Lady Aveline is in her music room, Your Excellency," Beaumont answered. "Along with her friends."

"Friends?" Napoleon tilted his head to the side.

"Ah, yes, Your Excellency, Lady Aveline invited her friends she met at the birthday celebration of Louis de La Rochefoucauld's daughter."

"Is that so?" Napoleon mused. "Hearing that makes me happy, I wonder how they would react if I were to visit them in surprise."

With a curious glint in his eye, Napoleon changed his course, heading towards the direction of the music room. Beaumont followed the surprise of the moment causing a slight fumble in his usually composed demeanor.

Reaching the music room, Napoleon could hear the lively chatter and laughter of young voices mingling with the notes of the piano. The door was partially open, allowing him a glimpse of the scene inside.

Aveline was indeed surrounded by a group of girls, their dresses and lively demeanor adding youthful energy to the room. Napoleon couldn't help but smile at the sight of his daughter in her element. 

Pushing the door open a bit more, Napoleon stepped inside with Beaumont a step behind. The sudden intrusion caught the attention of the girls…Oh, it's not all girls inside, there was a boy too, playing the piano. 

"Francis?" Napoleon said in a slight shock. He didn't expect his son to be among the company. His surprise was mirrored in the faces of the young ladies.

Francis stopped playing, his hands freezing over the keys.

"Papa!" Aveline exclaimed, rising from her seat and crossing the room to greet him.

"The First Consul?" Marie, Louis's daughter, and Aveline's friend exclaimed softly.

"Father, what are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in your office?" Francis stammered, his surprise evident.

Napoleon chuckled lightly at the reactions he had stirred. "I was taking a break from the papers and decided to enjoy some fresh air, and my steps led me here. Francis, I must say, I didn't expect to see you here."

"That is because Brother Francis wanted to learn how to play the piano," Aveline explained.

"Oh really?" Napoleon exclaimed, flickering his gaze to Francis who was slightly embarrassed by the attention.

Francis scratched the back of his head, offering a sheepish smile. "Yes, Father. I've been learning to play when I have some free time."

"When did he show interest in learning musical instruments?" Napoleon asked.

Aveline placed a finger on her chin as she remembered the day Francis asked her to teach him. "I believe it was after we visited Marie."

"Marie?" Napoleon glanced at the little girl who was staring at him since he entered the room. "You are the daughter of Louis de La Rochefoucauld?"

"Yes, Your Excellency," Marie stammered as she tried to address Napoleon formally.

Napoleon chuckled. "And who are the other ladies?"

"Father, let me introduce you to my friends, Isabelle, Marguerite, Camille, and Louise," Aveline said, gesturing to each of her friends in turn.

Napoleon nodded, acknowledging each of them with a smile. "It's a pleasure to meet all of you. You all look lovely and beautiful."

The girls blushed at the compliment from Napoleon, finding themselves somewhat tongue-tied in his presence. 

"I see now why Francis is eager to learn piano, that is to impress these young ladies," Napoleon teased. 

The girls exchanged glances and giggles, their embarrassment only growing. Francis turned an even deeper shade of red.

"Father…what are you saying things like that?" Francis blurted out, his embarrassment evident.

Napoleon grinned and clapped a hand on Francis's shoulder, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "Ah, my boy, forgive an old man his jests. I'm glad to see you're finding interests beyond science. Now, I believe I have taken a considerable amount of your practice time, so I'll leave you all to your music and camaraderie."

With that, Napoleon left the music room, leaving his children and the girls stunned. 

"That's the First Consul? He looks awesome," Louise blurted out, her eyes wide in awe.

Isabelle nudged her with an elbow and whispered, "Louise, don't be so forward!"

Marguerite chimed in with a shy smile, "Well, he did say we looked lovely and beautiful."

"He's even more handsome in person," Camille added her cheeks a deep shade of pink.

"I never thought I'd meet someone so important!" Marie said.

Aveline grinned, enjoying her friends' reactions. The way they were praising her father made her feel even prouder of him.

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