Reincarnated As Karna With System In Mahabharata

Chapter 23 Evolution & Last Visit To Palace

23  Chapter No.23 Evolution & Last Visit To Palace

After a moment of contemplation, Karna's eyes lit up with a spark of inspiration.

"I have a name in mind, Mother. Let's call him 'Shaurya'."

Radha Maa smiled, her eyes shining with approval.

"Shaurya means courage and bravery. A fitting name for our young cub. May it serve as a reminder of the strength and resilience he possesses. Welcome to our family, Shaurya."

Karna's family members echoed their agreement and welcomed Shaurya into their fold. The room filled with an atmosphere of love and acceptance, As they recognized the bond that had formed between Karna and the lion cub.

Shaurya, the lion cub, let out a contented purr, basking in the warmth of his new family. He had found a place where he belonged, surrounded by love and support.

At night, In his chamber, Karna fell into a dilemma 'What will Shaurya eat?'

[Host, don't worry about something like this, Shaurya drinks one drop of your blood, Which will help him evolve into something new, After some time, The Tower of Trials is an ideal place for prey.]

Karna listened to Athena's explanation and considered her words. While it seemed unusual, he trusted Athena's knowledge and guidance. If providing a drop of his blood would help Shaurya evolve and thrive, He was willing to do it.

With a determined expression, Karna looked at Shaurya and gently extended his arm. He focused his thoughts and flicked it with a knife allowing a droplet of his blood to form at his fingertip. Carefully, he offered it to Shaurya, who sniffed at it before lapping it up with his tongue.

As Shaurya consumed the drop of blood, Karna couldn't help but feel a surge of energy coursing through his body. It was a peculiar sensation, but he trusted that it was a necessary part of their bond and Shaurya's growth.

Shaurya lost consciousness and fell to the ground, Karna quickly caught him, concern etched on his face. He gently cradled Shaurya in his arms, waiting for him to regain consciousness. It was a moment of uncertainty, But Karna held onto the belief that this was a necessary step for Shaurya's evolution.

A light enveloped Karna and Shaurya, and Karna could sense a transformation taking place within the lion cub. Time seemed to slow down as Karna waited anxiously for Shaurya to awaken.

After what felt like an eternity, Shaurya's eyes fluttered open, revealing a newfound radiance and strength. His body had grown larger, his fur was more vibrant, and a majestic aura surrounded him.

But the most important part was Tilak rather permanent same as Karna's 'Rising Sun' on his head.


[Image Here]

As the light faded, Karna looked down at Shaurya, who had undergone a remarkable change. The once small lion cub had grown larger, its body now adorned with a majestic mane. Shaurya had transformed into a young lion, radiating strength and confidence.

Karna's eyes widened with awe and pride. Shaurya had evolved into a magnificent creature, a testament to his own growth and the bond they shared. It was a moment of triumph and validation for both of them.

With a gentle smile, Karna whispered, "Welcome, Shaurya. Together, we will face the challenges that lie ahead, and I know we will emerge victorious."

Shaurya let out a deep roar, a symbol of his newfound strength and determination. The sound echoed through the chamber, reverberating with a sense of power and unity.


"Karna, What was that? Are you okay in there?"

Adhiratha's voice sounds from behind the door.

"Nothing just going to sleep, Shubh Raatri (Good Night) father."

"Okay, Shubh Raatri (Good Night)"

With the night drawing to a close, Karna and Shaurya settled into a peaceful sleep.

As they drifted off to sleep, A sense of tranquillity filled the room, and the echoes of Shaurya's powerful roar lingered in the air, A testament to the indomitable spirit that resided within them both.

The next morning, Karna woke up feeling a renewed sense of purpose and excitement. The events of the previous night had left a profound impact on him.

They stepped out of their chamber, greeted by the warm rays of the rising sun. Karna's family members, including Radha Maa and Adhiratha, Were waiting for them in the courtyard.

As Karna and Shaurya emerged, Gasps of amazement filled the air. The sight of Shaurya, Now a majestic young lion with a prominent Tilak on his head, Left everyone in awe. They could sense the power and grace that emanated from him, A symbol of the bond between Karna and Shaurya.

Radha Maa (Mother) approached them, Her eyes shimmering with pride. She extended her hand towards Shaurya, And to everyone's surprise, He nuzzled against her palm, Acknowledging her as a trusted member of their newfound family.

"Karna, My son, How did this happen?"

Radha Maa asked, her voice filled with curiosity and wonder.

Karna looked at his mother, his expression filled with a mix of joy and determination.

"Mother, it was a moment of inspiration and trust. I believed in the bond between Shaurya and me, and I took a leap of faith. I offered a drop of my blood to Shaurya, and something remarkable occurred. He went through a transformation, evolving into the magnificent lion you see before you."

Karna explained.

Radha Maa listened intently, her eyes gleaming with admiration for her son's courage and the extraordinary connection they shared.

"This bond between you and Shaurya is truly extraordinary, My son. It is a testament to the strength and resilience within you. Together, You will embark on a path filled with challenges and triumphs, But Ido not doubt that you will conquer them all."

She said, her voice filled with pride.

Karna nodded, feeling a renewed sense of purpose. He knew that their journey together would be filled with hardships, but he was determined to face them head-on, with Shaurya by his side.

"Anyway, Everyone is ready we just have to go to the palace for permission, And then we are good to leave."

Karna smiled at his father's words. The time had come to seek permission from the palace for their departure.

"Okay let's go, I will talk to King and Queen while you can prepare carriages."

Karna and his family made their way to the palace, the magnificent structure looming before them. As they entered the grand gates, they were greeted by the palace guards, who recognized Karna as Angraj (King of Anga)

Inside the palace, they were escorted to the throne room, where King Dhritarashtra and Queen Gandhari awaited. The room was adorned with opulent decorations.

The king and queen sat on their thrones, radiating authority and wisdom. As Karna and his family approached, they bowed respectfully, paying homage to the royal couple.

"Rise, Karna, What brings you and your family to the palace today?"

King Dhritarashtra commanded with his voice firm yet benevolent.

Karna stood tall, his gaze steady as he addressed the king and queen.

"Your Majesties, I come before you to seek your permission to leave for Vrindavan."

King Dhritarashtra remembered Goddess Ganga's request (Order) and sighed.

"You have my permission Angraj (King of Anga) Karna, But I must remind you that your responsibilities as the King of Anga should not be neglected. Ensure that the affairs of your kingdom are well-managed in your absence."

Karna bowed respectfully once again, acknowledging the king's words.

"Thank you, Your Majesty. I assure you that I will make necessary arrangements to ensure the smooth functioning of the kingdom during my absence."

Queen Gandhari was surprised at King's fast agreement and spoke up, her voice filled with concern.

"But Karna, why do you wish to leave the kingdom? Is something troubling you?"

King Dhritarashtra answered instead of Karna.

"My queen, Goddess Ganga visited me when Karna was born and said about Karna's Niyati (Destiny) is in Vrindavan, Where he will find answers and fulfill his purpose. It is a matter of great importance, And we must support him in his journey."

"Karna, if this is what you believe is necessary for your path, Then I trust in your judgment. May the gods guide and protect you on your journey."

Karna felt a surge of gratitude towards the queen for her understanding and support. He bowed deeply to both the king and queen.

"Thank you, Your Majesties, For your trust and blessings. I will carry your words and wishes with me as I embark on this journey."

With the permission granted, Karna and his family took their leave from the palace. They returned to their home, where preparations for their departure were already underway.

Carriages were being loaded with supplies and provisions for the journey. Karna's family members gathered around, offering their good wishes and prayers for a safe and successful journey.

As the carriages were ready, Karna, accompanied by his family and Shaurya, climbed aboard. The wheels began to turn, setting them on the path to Vrindavan, a journey that held the promise of discovery, growth, and the fulfilment of destiny.

*To Be Continued*


Hello There, Author Here.

Sorry for the unexpected locks on chapters, Actually yesterday I went to a party for my friend's birthday. My phone was charging on the corner when one of my friends took it to find any embarrassing things on it, But they found this novel and one of my friends knew about it So that bastard applied for Premium Chapters and was going to delete all chapters which were uploaded, But thankfully I saw them and was saved from disaster well, Because I don't have backup of any chapter.

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