Reborn From the Cosmos

Arc 4-Royal Pains-Part 37

Arc 4-Royal Pains-Part 37

Kierra comes back early in the afternoon to find me in the front room, sprawled on one of the couches with a summoning record in hand. The declaration of my innocence had indeed made its rounds but I didn’t appreciate all the stares. Luckily, my paper on the incompetent imps, the Tome family legacy, and my good relationship with the Hall’s summoners gives me the leeway to take the precious records out of the building.

“Hey, you,” I say with a lazy wave.

“I see you took my advice,” Kierra says with a smile as she moves over and unapologetically drapes herself over me. This couch is far too small to hold both of us, not to mention that she smells like a mix of sweat and the outdoors. Not that I’ll ask her to move. More than willing to suffer those little inconveniences for some skinship. “What have you gotten up to?”

“Nothing much.” I set the record on the table and turn towards her. “How was your day? Do the teachers think you’re still under my sway?”

“Yes, and not because of mind magic. Apparently, they have been wondering about my marriage for a while and this recent ridiculousness gave them the opening to ask questions. Quite a few are interested in meeting you.”

“Ah, sure. If you want. Plenty of house for it.”

“Here.” A long white envelope appears in one of her hands. “One of the Hall’s couriers found me returning home.”

“Who would write us a letter?” I mumble, grabbing it and turning it over. The simpleness of the envelope doesn’t give me any clues and the only words written on it are To Kierra D’Attainna. “This is for you though?”

“Read it.”

I find the seal already broken and pull out the folded stationary inside. “Let’s see…” My frown steadily deepens as I read.

Dear Miss Kierra,

I apologize for the inconvenience but I have used your name to get a message to Lou. You see, my cousin watches my every move. I am convinced the only line he won’t cross is my father’s agenda regarding you.

This pertains to a request Lou asked of me. It is a conversation best held in person. I invite you to join me at Howie’s this evening. I will be waiting all night so at your earliest convenience.

I close my eyes and pinch my nose to stave off a sudden headache. I decided I wanted nothing else to do with this mess and now…

“Fancy a drink tonight?” I grumble at my wife, throwing the letter aside. I’m going. Of course I’m going. I asked her to look into the financial angle back when I thought I had the situation under control. Now that I realize how many ways these crazy people can ruin someone’s life and their desperation, I can’t just abandon her. What if she’s gotten herself noticed by the wrong people?

And maybe, just maybe, she’s uncovered something that will end that bastard Ferraro and make this whole mess worth it.

“I’d love to,” Kierra purrs as she gets off me. “But first, I need a bath.”

“I’ll go grab Geneva.” Normally, Nomad is our driver but this is a potentially hostile encounter. No harm in a few extra precautions.


True to her word, Maxine is waiting at the bar. The girl is obviously frazzled. Absolutely no one comes here, except for that guy who’s always at the end of the bar, and yet she is wearing an oversized cloak that completely hides her appearance. I only recognize it’s her from the way she’s nursing her mug timidly, holding it with two hands. Gets drunk one time and treats drink like a dangerous animal.

“Hey, Max.” She nearly jumps off her stool at my voice. Maybe that’s why Kierra takes the seat on her opposite side rather than beside me. Instinctively boxing the prey in, hehe. “Calm down. We’re all fine here.” I wave to Geneva as she takes the stool beside me and set Bell on the counter. I’d like to see who or what could get past both of them. “No one’s going to get you here.”

“Yes…you’re right.” She takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly before giving me a hesitant smile. “Thank you for meeting me on such short notice.”

“Mm, well, I did kind of drag you into this mess.” She could hardly refuse me and I counted on that. “So, what’s got you skulking around in a dump like this in that horrible bag you’re dressed in?”

“Hey!” Howie growls, serving us our usuals. His drooping ears make his sneer closer to a pout. “My place isn’t a dump.”

I ignore him.

“Right. After Bell delivered your note to me—” Ah right, never thought about how she got the message across. Can’t just send it telepathically since she’s posing as an imp. Nice save, Bell. “I decided to discretely investigate. After all, helping corrupt guilds hired by nobility as escorts to extort their clients is a scandal the Guiness family can’t be connected to in any way.”

The story Bell fed her is close enough to the truth. “And? Did you find anything?”

“He has many contacts within the guilds. It’s difficult to separate the bad from the good. I’d…I’d have to get at his accounts. The accounting books specifically. Father always says to catch a rat, follow the money.” She titters nervously. “Oh, what am I doing? If he finds me…I’m not made for this Lou. I trained to be a store manager, maybe a city coordinator. Not an interrogator. We should contact my father. He has people for this.”

“What happens if your cousin finds out? Not to mention there may not be enough time for the marquis to send help. No, you have to find those books and we can take the proof to the grandmaster. I’m sure he’d be more than happy to intervene on behalf of his students.”

That brings a little color to her cheeks. Heh, I’d be filled with confidence too if I thought Dunwayne was on my side for anything. “I don’t know…”

“You’ll be fine because Bell…” The little imp freezes as I say her name. You know exactly what I’m thinking, don’t you? I have to stop myself from laughing as she approaches Maxine with a slightly bowed head and a put-upon expression. “Will accompany you and keep you safe.” I smile tightly, brokering no argument from Bell’s upturned eyes. “For as long as it takes.”

The little imp sighs. Then she hops off the counter and into Maxine’s lap. “Coo!” [As you wish, Master Lou.]

“There, see? All fine. I know this is going to get scary but just remember this whenever you feel like quitting. If your cousin is trying to exploit members of the Grand Hall, he’ll make the Guiness the most hated family in the kingdom. Dunwayne himself may pay your family a visit. Understand?”

She pales. Her shaking hands drop her mug but Bell is quick to catch it, setting it back on the counter. Already making herself useful. “T-T-That can’t…we’ll…” A pained groaned passes her lips as she drops her head onto the counter with a soft thud.

I chuckle, giving her back a friendly pat. “Howie! She’s going to need something stronger over here!” Good luck, Max. Both our futures depend on it.

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