Reborn From the Cosmos

Arc 4-Royal Pains-Part 33

Arc 4-Royal Pains-Part 33

“Your excitement relieves me.” Dunwayne waves to Miss Talia and she moves over to me. Her eyes open, revealing the strange, inverted colors that still send a chill down my spine. She holds out a hand and I grab it.

“This is a simple process. I will ask a series of questions. You will answer them to the best of your ability and I will validate the answers. My magic is painless as long as you do not actively think of resisting me. Do you understand?”

“Perfectly.” Bell, you know the drill. No deeper than what she is looking for.

“Coo!” [Understood, Master Lou.]

“…then let’s begin. Lourianne Tome, are you acquainted with Cecilia Rosefield?”


“When did you meet?”

“About a week ago. My lunch was rather rudely interrupted by the prince. She was with him. Looking rather amused with the situation.”

“Did you go to the dorms to visit Lady Rosefield?”


“Why did you do so?”

“I was hoping she could help me get on the prince’s good side. It is not exactly good on my nerves having a member of the royal family so…dissatisfied with my existence.”

“Were you accompanied by your thrall, Geo?”


“Were you accompanied by your incompetent imp, Bell?”

“Yep. Bell goes where I go usually.”

“Coo!” I give her an affectionate rub of the horns.

“Did you in any way try to subvert Lady Rosefield’s mind or that of her handmaiden with the mental affinity?”

“Absolutely not.” My answer is quick and firm, with no room for interpretation or doubt. Because there is none. I’m offended I have to answer the question but better to have these people on my side to defend my reputation. I might not have much of a voice compared to a prince but the Grandmaster of the Hall sure as saints does.

[Lou.] Talia’s voice is serene as it echoes in my mind. [I can feel the imp controlling my magic. Refusing to let it expand.]

Is she stopping you from getting what you need to ascertain my innocence?

[…no. I know you are telling the truth.]

Then that’s all that matters, isn’t it?

[If you are hiding a secret that involves Cecilia Rosefield, I would prefer you tell me. I wish to be your ally and since you have not abused the mental affinity, I am free to help you.]

Thank you. Really. But I mean it when I say I have no plans for Cecilia. I only wanted her to get me close to the prince so I could figure out the plot to assassinate him. Nothing else. I’ve done nothing to her and don’t want to do anything with her. Trust me?

[Very well.] Miss Talia releases my hand. “I have verified her answers as true. Lourianne Tome did not use her summoned elementals to subvert the will of Lady Rosefield.”

“What a waste of time,” Lady Filagree mutters. Sir No-Neck agrees with a nod of his head.

“Not a waste. We must take all accusations like these quite seriously,” Dunwayne responds. “As promised, Lady Tome, you are free to go with my apology for taking up your time. Rest assured we will investigate the matter of your accusation.”

“Great!” I jump to my feet with a grin. Hah, to think I was worried. Dunwayne really is as great as the stories. Didn’t listen to stupid rumors and got right to solving the matter. I am full of admiration for you right now.

“One moment please, Your Eminence.” Aurelius makes himself known by moving toward the center of the room. He gives me a brief look before turning to his boss. “While we are all gathered, I would request that Umphrieltalia investigate the possibility of Lady Tome using the mental affinities of her elementals on…Miss Kierra.”

I suck in a sharp breath. “You rat bastard,” I hiss before I have the chance to think about what I’m saying and who I’m saying it around.

Thankfully, the attention of the room doesn’t stay on me as Kierra gets to her feet. She looks annoyed. “You dare to suggest that I wouldn’t notice an inferari dipping her fingers into my skull? You insult me.”

“Forgive me but those who abuse the mental affinity are insidious. Their ways can get past the sturdiest body and strongest spell. If it were a caster of sufficient ability and skill, not even you would be able to notice.”

“This is crap,” I practically growl. “What is this? You can’t throw around stuff like that with no proof just because you’ve got a hard-on for my wife!”

This is a teacher at the Grand Hall, for saints’ sake! Him whispering rumors about me is just as bad as the prince doing it! “Maybe explore the idea that your rotten personality that can come up with something like this is why she chooses me over you, not me mind-raping her, you sick bastard!”

“I’m with the kid on this,” Lady Filagree says, crossing her arms. “Someone in your position should know better than to say something like that. Unless you have the proof?”

He waves toward us, as if me standing beside Kierra is proof enough. “If the caster was of sufficient skill, there’d be no evidence besides that which can only be detected by someone with Umphrieltalia’s skills. Something that can be figured out right away with Lady Tome’s consent. I find it interesting that she is being more vocal about this topic when she so readily submitted to the previous interrogation.”

That’s because you are accusing me of doing something despicable to the woman I love so you can get into her pants! “Fine!” I drop back down into the seat, grabbing Miss Talia’s hand. “Ask away. Really get in there.” Bell, only block her from my rebirth, my time on the elven continent, and Kierra’s fetish. She can see anything else. In fact, I insist she see it. See if they doubt me then.

[As you wish.]

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