Reborn From the Cosmos

Arc 4-Royal Pains-Part 27

Arc 4-Royal Pains-Part 27

What a beautiful morning. The sun is shining despite the approaching autumn, and birds chirp happily as they flit through the garden. Kierra is seated at our dining table, sipping a cup of tea, a masterpiece come to life as the golden light plays across her. Bell is adorable as ever, balancing on her little toes in a chair as she begs for slices of fruit from Geneva who dangles them above her with a mischievous smile. Sigh. Life’s good. “Morning.”

Kierra looks up just in time for me to kiss her thoroughly, ignoring the cup raised for her to take a drink. She puts it down soon enough, hands grabbing my waist and pulling me closer. “Good morning to you,” she purrs when we eventually pull away. “What’s brought this on?”

“I am in a good mood because today is going to be a good day.” I give her one more peck before taking the seat next to her. Geneva puts breakfast in front of me. Saints know how she got to the kitchen and back that fast. Or maybe I lost track of time.

I spear a sausage and wave it toward my wife. “Today is the day we begin to wrap this mess up. Marcus is cornered and it’s only a matter of time before Maxine can give me a list of his possible collaborators among the hunters in the city. With their names, Bell can confirm which group he’s working with, we silently take care of them, and I leave the prince’s life on vaguely friendly terms.” I bite into it, eyes closing with satisfaction. I love it when a plan comes together.

“I see.” I don’t have to open my eyes to know Kierra is leaning forward, wearing her usual smirk. “And what will you do should your plan go awry?”

Shh. No. Bad elf. Don’t bring me bad luck. “Nothing’s going to go wrong. How can it? It’s hardly as if he can shut me up.”

“Really? Are you sure you’ve thought of everything?”

I reluctantly open my eyes, fighting a pout. “…do you see something?”

She shrugs and sits back, giving her neglected tea attention. “Who knows? Politicking is not one of my strengths. I avoided all talk of queenship. What I do know is that the most dangerous animal is a cornered animal. Never let down your guard, especially when you’re sure of victory. That’s when you’re at your most vulnerable.”

I shake my head. Haaah, dammit it all. “You’re ruining my good mood.” Now I’m going to be nitpicking in my thoughts for the entire day, wondering if there’s some way my actions can come back to bite me in the backside.

“Aw, am I?” I watch her suspiciously as she stands up and walks toward me. “Then I’ll just have to make it better.”

My heart leaps into my throat as she yanks my chair back and kneels in front of me, hands going for the buckle holding up my pants.

“W-w-wait a minute.” I grab her shoulders but don’t actually push her away. Not that it matters because she ignores me. A hand grabs my ass and lifts me up, forcing me to grab the sides of the chair to keep from tipping over. In the same moment, she yanks down my pants and underwear, the clothes pooling around my ankles.

“Kii…we can’t start something now. I’ve got to leave soon,” I say uselessly as she pushes my thighs apart, moving between them.

“Then you’ll have to be quick.” She gives me a mocking grin. Oh saints, she isn’t talking about running to my class, is she?

“You—” I’m cut off by a groan as she runs her tongue along my lower lips. My head lolls backward and my hands tangle in her silky hair as she devours me.


Turns out I had to be quick in both meanings. I’m out of breath after sprinting to Mana Work which, after Kierra’s training, is pretty fast. Not faster than Geneva who skipped along beside me. Literally. Would I even notice if she strained herself? Her magic use is subtle and seamless.

The field is filled with my fellow initiates when I arrive. Hm? I’m used to getting strange stares but this is more attention than usual. And their eyes seem a bit…hostile. A few are outright glaring. What did I do to any of you?

I try to catch Mano’s eyes but even the young instructor avoids my gaze.

Okay, I’m a little worried.

Geneva chuckles inside my mind. [You are quite hated, my summoner.]

But why!? Ah, Alana. Finally, someone who isn’t avoiding me. Though she looks uncomfortable as I hurry to her side. “I’ll tell you when class is over,” she whispers.

Thankfully, the class involves little interaction with my fellows and the hour passes quickly. The moment Mano dismisses us, Alana drags me aside. She looks nervous. I’m never seen that before. “What exactly is going on?”

“There is a rumor is going around.” She looks to Geneva before meeting my eyes. “When I arrived, a guy tried to warn me about you. Apparently, you are an immoral deviant who is using her thrall to build a harem amongst the noblewomen of the Hall to raise your own status. Following in the footsteps of the Grimoires, you tried and failed to sway the mind of the prince and are taking your revenge by ensnaring Lady Rosefield.” She chuckles, no doubt at my dropped jaw. “Or so they say.”

I don’t know what part of that speech is more upsetting. Insinuating that I would use Geneva to seduce women? Comparing me to the Grimoires? Saying I tried to seduce the prince, a man? Each one is so outrageous, I can only sputter when trying to respond.

And how has the rumor become so prolific in a single night that everyone is avoiding me? How fast does word of mouth spread? Not to mention these idiots are simply believing anything said to them.

A part of me can understand as there is a precedent. The Grimoires were a nasty piece of work who used their thralls in truly reprehensible ways, so it’s not out of the realm of possibility. But don’t they understand how damaging it is for them to spread something like this without proof? Inconsiderate bastards.

Wait a minute.

Oh, saints shield me, these idiots are propagating a rumor that I tried to use a thrall on Prince Samuel. Trying to subvert a member of the royal family. That’s…that’s high treason, isn’t it?

Is this Marcus? His response to me getting too close to his plan? Nothing will happen to me because I didn’t do anything wrong, but there goes my attempt to remain unknown. Either way, with this cloud hanging over me, I won’t be able to get within a mile of the prince.

Then of course, there’s the possibility that the king has me locked away or forcefully made an underling to keep my thrall under control. After all, I’m not the Grimoires with their wealth, status, and history of dirty secrets. I appear to be a lonesome summoner who got her hands on a treasure.

Or they can ignore the truth entirely, claim I did try to subvert the prince, and order my execution. Executed for high treason.

Executed…high treason…royals…

I think I’m going to be sick.

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