Rebirth of the Nephilim

Chapter 363: Stoking the Flame

Chapter 363: Stoking the Flame

“Jadis, I’ve been waiting for bloody hours!”

Jadis couldn’t help but cringe a little at Bridget’s voiced complaint. She couldn’t really blame her green-skinned lover for being upset, either. After that little spar of theirs had gotten Jadis’ blood pumping to all the right places, she’d been eager to show Bridget just how much she desired her. She’d told Bridget to head to their room with the intent to follow soon after for some morning alone time, but a wild thought had subsumed her original intent, one that she hoped would make up for forcing Bridget to wait.

Seeing Bridget stand up from the bed wearing nothing but a light bathrobe made it abundantly clear to Jadis that her lover had been anticipating a fun time as well. The cross look of unhappy impatience made her seem particularly attractive to Jadis for some reason. Something about that fierce expression got Jadis’ blood pumping again, not that she’d ever really lost the desire from a couple hours back.

“Sorry,” Jay grinned at Bridget, as she leaned against the doorframe. “I didn’t mean to take so long, but I’ve got a surprise for you.”

“What is it?” Bridget asked, one brow raising in a look of curiosity. “Also, what happened to your armor?”

Jay had left the room earlier that morning wearing her suit of heavy armor, as had Dys and Syd. Coming back, she should have still been wearing it. Instead, all Jay wore was the light layer of clothing she typically wore under the armor.

“I needed to take it off for your surprise," Jay grinned. “I hope you like it.”

“Okay,” Bridget frowned, her curiosity piqued. “What’s the surprise.”

To answer her lover’s question, Jay stepped into the room and made way for her other selves. Dys entered the room, also without any armor, followed by Syd who was still equipped with her plate mail.

And then another Jadis wearing full plate armor walked in behind Syd.

And then another.

“What the fuck…?” Bridget gaped at the sight, her mouth hanging open to display her sharp fangs. “What did you do?”

“Switched around my Debauched Duplication,” Dys answered as she strode towards her stunned orc girlfriend. “Figured it would be of some use to your Stoke the Ardent Flame skill.”

“Plus, I just thought you’d like to have some fun,” Syd grinned as she removed her helmet. “That pounding I gave you in the ring isn’t the only pounding I’m going to give you today.”

Bridget looked to be at a complete loss for words. While she came to grips with the new situation, Jay helped her three other selves remove her armor while Dys took a seat on the bed next to where Bridget stood. Wrapping one arm around her warrior woman’s waist, she pulled her in close to stand between Dys’ knees. Bridget didn’t resist the contact at all, seemingly too taken aback by the sight to focus on what Dys was doing.

“How…?” Bridget finally uttered, causing Jadis to pause as her selves looked at her from their disrobing.

“Well, obviously I had to fuck myself for a couple of hours,” one of Jadis’ new bodies said, having removed her helmet and thus able to flash a grin at Bridget. “I used my ritual time reduction skill, otherwise you would have been waiting even longer, but it still took and hour and a half to complete.”

“Kind of why I don’t just switch things around all the time,” Syd shrugged one shoulder. “As much fun as it is to ride my own cock, it’s kind of time consuming.”

“The real bitch was finding a place to do it all in privacy,” Jay laughed as she helped her fifth self take off her boots. “I had to ask Aurea for help. Had her stand guard over a little prayer room while I did the deed. Pretty sure she was peeking towards the end. But at least I wasn’t interrupted.”

“Next time I do this,” Jadis’ fifth self announced as she worked to unbuckle her leg armor, “I need to have extra clothes ready. Wearing this armor without anything underneath it is freaking uncomfortable.”

Bridget continued to watch as Jadis’ selves unequipped their armor, showing that yes, indeed, the two new bodies wore nothing under the armor except for a white loincloth. It seemed that bit of clothing was an integral part of Jadis’ existence, for whatever reason, as it was the same scrap of clothing that she’d spawned into the world with and was the same bit of cloth that her other two selves had materialized with when they had been created.

Dys’ hands found their way inside of Bridget’s robe, running up and down her toned body. She quickly found Bridget’s heavy breasts, fondly squeezing them as her fingers rolled her hard nipples between them. Bridget leaned into the touch, her thighs already rubbing together as the anticipation of what she had coming to her began to grow. Her own hands rested on Dys’ legs, using her to support herself as her breathing quickened.

“What do I call the two, uh, new yous?”

“I was thinking about that,” Jay mused as she set aside a chest plate. “And I think I came up with a couple of good options.”

“You can call me Adi,” one of Jadis’ new bodies said as she stepped out of the last bit of her armor. “From my three middle letters.”

“And you can call me Dia,” Jadis’ other new body said as she stripped away her loincloth to reveal her cock already at half-mast. “A little mix on the letters. I considered going with Ida, but I have an aunt named Ida so using that name feels weird.”

“Or just call me whatever the fuck you want,” Syd cooed as she stepped in front of Bridget, putting her hands on her knees as she leaned down to put her face on eye level with her favorite orc warrior. “Because I’m pretty sure you aren’t going to be able to tell the difference between any of me after the first couple of hours.”

“Hours?” Bridget breathily moaned, her dark eyes wide as her nostrils flared.

“Hours,” Syd confirmed. “You aren’t leaving this bed for at least the next five or six hours unless you’re impaled on one of my cocks. Unless, of course, you don’t think you can handle all of me?”

Bridget gulped, then nodded once.

“I can handle you. All of you. I want all of you. Always.”

The unexpected seriousness in Bridget’s voice caused Jadis to pause, all her lustful desires taking a backseat, at least for a moment. Syd’s grin softened as she leaned in close to Bridget’s face, her whispered words caressing her lover’s lips.

“I want all of you, too.”

Bridget made a noise in her throat before she closed the gap and pressed her mouth against Syd’s in a tender kiss that made Jadis’ toes curl. When Bridget broke the kiss a few seconds later, she didn’t pull back far, continuing to speak with her face pressed close to Syd’s.

“Thank you,” she murmured. “Now, hurry up and fuck me already you absolute menace. Don’t make me drag you by the scruff to our bed.”

“I dunno,” Syd chuckled. “I might like it if you get rough with me.”

“Bloody pervert,” Bridget growled as she pulled back from Syd. “I’ll show you rough.”

Slapping Dys’ hands away from her breasts, Bridget reached forward and grabbed hold of Syd’s cock with one hand. Her firm grip wrapped around her stiff member like it was the shaft of her flail, or at least she tried to do so; Syd’s cock was far too thick for Bridget to fully wrap her fingers around. Still, with a very firm tug, she pulled Syd along, forcing her to swing around so her back was to the bed.

“Keep mouthing off and I’ll teach you not to tease someone who’s teeth are so close to crotch height,” she mock-threatened before giving Syd’s cockhead a wet kiss.

“Keep acting like that and I’ll teach you not to tease someone who’s cock is at your head’s height,” Syd shot back with a grin.

Another growl rumbled out of Bridget’s throat as she pushed hard against Syd, forcing her to fall back onto the bed. Discarding her borrowed robe to reveal her muscular warrior’s body, the beautiful orc crawled onto the bed on her hands and knees, making her way between Syd’s legs to arrive at her cock again. She began licking and stroking her shaft, occasionally nipping at her sensitive flesh in a way that couldn’t truly hurt Jadis.

As she lavished her cock with attention, Bridget level Syd with a hungry gaze that promised she was just as insatiable as Jadis was. Working her way up the pale pillar, she paused at the top, just before her open mouth was set to engulf Syd’s twitching member. Looking over her shoulder, she shot a questioning look at the rest of Jadis while shaking her hips in an enticing wiggle.

“Well? What are you waiting for?”

The other four of Jadis answered in unison, their hard cocks bobbing with their heartbeats as they stood together in a cluster behind Bridget.

“Just enjoying the show.”

Without further need for invitation, Jadis moved in and quickly began finding new ways to explore Bridget’s body with a couple more pairs of hands.

Jadis wasn’t wholly sure how much time had passed before her time with Bridget was briefly interrupted, but when the cry of shocked surprise pulled her out of her lust-haze, she glanced out the window to see that the sun had moved at least a few hours closer to the horizon.

“What the fuck…?” Kerr gaped at the scene, standing nearly the still partially open doorway to their suite.

“Oh, hey Kerr,” Dia panted, feeling a bit breathless as she leaned back and away from the cluster fuck on the bed. “Did you need something?”

It took her therion lover a moment to respond, Dia’s question not quite registering until the question was asked a second time. When she finally did realize that Jadis was addressing her, Kerr blinked and shook her head as if to clear it.

“Uh, yeah,” she said, her eyes fixed on the bed, or rather, the bed’s occupants. “I wanted to go out to, uh, explore a few places in the city and I needed to get my coin purse—is she alright?”

“Huh?” Dia blinked, then looked down at Bridget. “Oh, her? Yeah, Bridget’s doing just fine.”

At Kerr’s question, Bridget gurgled, her throat convulsing around Dys’ cock in a way that sent shivers down her spine. Taking it for the signal that it was, Dys pulled back, letting her cock pop free of Bridget’s mouth. With a wet smack, her cum and saliva coated cock fell across Bridget’s face, the meaty shaft covering half of it as she turned to meet Kerr’s eyes.

“Hey,” Bridget gasped, her throat a bit raspy from sucking Nephilim cocks for the past several hours. “Kerr. You’ve got to try this. I think my brain fell out of my head a couple hours ago, but it’s so worth it.”

Bridget’s assertion made Jadis laugh, causing some interesting sensations considering where several of her cocks were currently shoved.

“Okay then…” Kerr tilted her head, seemingly to get a better look at the lewd tableau before her. “I’m, uh, definitely feeling a little shown up here. Was not expecting you to out lewd me, green bean.”

“I can be ambitious,” Bridget grinned before Dys slapped her cock on her face a couple times.

“Hey, enough chat,” she commanded. “I’m still fucking you for at least another hour.”

“Duty calls,” Bridget quipped and gave Kerr a wink before letting Dys cram her cock down her throat again.

“Okay then,” Kerr announced, still looking pretty nonplussed. “Well, I guess I’ll just, hm, go and get my coin purse then. You two, er, six, keep at it.”

“See you later Kerr,” All five of Jadis called as the archer quickly grabbed her coin pouch from her belongings before making her way back to the door. “We’ll talk about fitting you into this setup later!”

“Yes, we will,” was the last thing Jadis could hear Kerr say before she exited the room.

“Now, where were we?” Dia asked Bridget as Dys pulled her cock out of her throat once more.

“I’m pretty sure I was about to cum,” Bridget panted, her eyes clouded with lust. “And you were about to cover my tits in your cum while your others were going to fill my stomach, ass, and pussy with even more of your seed.”

“Don’t forget about me,” Syd pouted from Bridget’s other side.

“I didn’t,” Bridget laughed as she tugged on Syd’s cock with her right hand. “You’re coming on my tits too.”

“Ah, but which of us is doing which?” Jay asked from underneath Bridget, her voice slightly muffled by Dys’ legs due to positioning.

“I don’t bloody care,” Bridget gasped before positioning Dys’ tip at her lips with her own hand. “As long as you’re Jadis, that’s all that I want.”

The Novel will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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