Realm of Monsters

Chapter 112: Out in the City

Chapter 112: Out in the City

Birthday? Stryg mumbled.

He had forgotten. So much had happened the past year, his age had not been much of a concern. In fact, after seeing Plum a few days ago all he wanted to do was forget about the past. He rather focus on what was in front of him, in this case, a purple haired beauty.

Yeah, you told me you were born on the new moon of the ninth lunar cycle of the year. Most people just use a calendar to keep track, but the point is its your birthday. I figured we should go out and celebrate.

Celebrate? What are you talking about? Stryg nestled closer to her, enjoying her warmth.

Do Sylvan folk not celebrate birthdays? Feli asked.

Not really. We simply keep track of our age. When someone becomes 18 we welcome them into the tribe as an adult and place them in their first night challenge.

Challenge? As in a fight? You guys celebrate with a fight? Why would I expect anything else, Feli sighed.

Its not just fighting. If the challenger wins the duel their opponent will usually find them worthy and mate with them.

So, its fighting and kinky rough sex, got it. Thats so much better, she laughed.

Well, what do humans do for birthdays? Strygs hands began to wander about.

You mean what does everyone else besides Sylvan folk do? Im so glad you asked, because I have the whole day planned out. She scooched deeper under the covers until her face was between Strygs legs.

What are you doing?

Just leave it all to me, Ill take care of everything. All you have to do today is relax and enjoy, she smirked.

Strygs last traces of sleep slipped away as Feli dove right in.

That doesnt seem too difficult, he ran his fingers through her hair.


They spent the morning in bed exploring each others body. They knew the details well, but after so long apart the couple was more than happy to become reacquainted. As usual, Stryg was rough in bed, but Feli noticed there was a tenderness, a faint trace of openness and vulnerability that hadnt been there before.

Once Feli surrendered to exhaustion they took a bath together, in which Stryg refused her surrender and continued where they had left off. After an hour in the bathtub, they eventually declared themselves clean. They dressed each other, with Stryg taking a suspiciously long time putting on Felis lingerie. 

Afterwards, Feli took him by the hand and led him to the stables. Gwen was there, directing a few men carrying an enormous bed. Rhian stood nearby watching them with an air of judgement.

How about over there? Gwen asked.

Hmm, not quite, Rhian shook her head.

Of course, what was I thinking, silly me, Gwen laughed at herself. She turned to the workers, Try a little more to the left. Remember, this has to be perfect.

The workers nodded and moved the bed to the left.

What are they doing? Feli whispered.

What I asked, Stryg said. Rhian, good morning, he waved.

Good morning you two! Rhian trotted over with a happy bounce to her step.

I see Gwen did not waste any time. Thats good. How do you like the bed? Stryg asked.

I love it! Turns out theres this shop in the Night District that specializes in custom beds. This bed was originally commissioned for some womans paramours I think, but she ended up commissioning an even larger one. Which left this bed open for sale just waiting for the perfect centaur, me. Rhian dramatically dusted off her shoulders.

I can tell, Feli giggled.

Now if they could only get the bed in the right angle it would all be perfect. Anyway, how are you two doing? Rhian asked.

Ive been worse, but Im doing better, Stryg shrugged.

What he means to say is its his birthday, Feli said.

Really!? Happy Birthday! Rhian reached down and hugged a surprised Stryg.

Thanks? His voice came out muffled, his head squashed between her colossal bust.

I was hoping you could take us into the Trade District, get some lunch and do a bit of shopping? Feli asked.

Finally, something that doesnt require risking my life in battle. Im in, Rhian released Stryg and turned to her personal stablehand. Gwen! Im heading out, prepare my saddle.

Right away, Rhiannon! Gwen dashed away without a second thought.

The workers frowned as they were left holding the large bed.

Gwen rushed back within a moment and began saddling Rhian with an experts hand. She fussed over each strap and asked if the centaur was comfortable. The whole affair looked bothersome to Stryg, but Rhian seemed to enjoy it.

Thats perfect, well done, Gwen, Rhian patted her shoulder.

U-uh, um, t-thank you so much. I promise to even work harder, you wont be disappointed! Gwen blushed.

Im counting on you, Rhian winked. Okay, my dear riders, Im ready to go.

About that, this will be my first time actually riding a centaur. Im a little nervous. And are you sure we wont be too heavy for you? You and I both know Stryg may not look it, but hes quite heavy, Feli pointed out.

I know right! Hes so small, but hes so fat, Rhian groaned.

Im not fat, Stryg said indignantly. He pulled up his shirt and pointed to his lean abdomen.

You wouldnt believe how hard it is to sleep, Feli groaned dramatically. Sometimes, while hes asleep, Stryg will crawl on top of me. Its like having a bear on my chest. Other times hell wrap his arms around me and hold me tight. His arms wont budge at all, I can barely breathe, let alone move.

Tell me about it, one time he bit my waist while he was sleeping next to me! I mean who does that!? His teeth literally sank right through my jacket. I had a mark for weeks, Rhian shook her head.

Girl, you wouldnt believe how many hickies I have under my clothes right now, Feli wrapped her arms around herself.

Im not fat, Stryg grumbled.

Anyways, dont worry about the weight. Ive grown used to carrying Master and I dont doubt you weigh less than our usual traveling supplies. Hop on, Rhian kneeled in front of them.

Stryg stepped up onto one of the stirrups. He turned around and grabbed Feli by the waist. She gasped softly as he lifted her up with ease and placed her in the saddle. He sat in front of her and tilted his head back. His head resting on her chest, his eyes looked up straight into her face.

Are you comfortable? He asked.

Feli wrapped her arms around his waist and leaned her head down, her face barely an inch from his own. Now I am.

Me too, he whispered.

Okay, lovebirds, off we go, Rhian stood up and cantered away.

Feli yelled in delight as she ran past the stable. Shes so fast!

Shes going slow, Stryg said.

Hehe, you havent seen anything yet, Rhian stretched her arms and cracked her neck.

Gods, please no, Stryg gripped Felis arms tightly.

Feli furrowed her brow, Huh, what do you me-

She screamed as Rhian charged down the street, leaping past the apartment gate entirely.


So, what exactly are we doing here? Stryg took a step back.

Relax. Your hair has grown a bit unruly, Feli massaged his shoulders from behind.

Rhian sipped her hot cocoa, What she means is that your hair looks like a stack of white hay after a tornado flew past. Its ugly. Thats what I'm trying to get at. Its ugly... Uh-uh, I dont like that face, Master. Thats the bite you face. I didnt do anything, I just relayed what Mistress was saying.

Please, just call me, Feli. Were family after all, she smiled.

Rhians eyes widened, there might have even been a tear in the corner. Aw, thats so sweet. Rhian pointed at her face, Its all Felis fault, bite her!

Not the response I expected, Feli pursed her lips.

Why does your hair look nice and mine looks bad? We both were traveling together these past few months, Stryg crossed his arms.

Rhian whipped her raven-black hair through the air, Thats because I care about my appearance. That and I went to a spa with Gwen yesterday.

Is that what spas do? Fix up your hair? Is my hair really that bad? Should I go to a spa? Stryg grabbed a few strands of his hair.

You look fine, honey. I just wanted to give you the premium care you deserve for your birthday, Feli kissed his cheek.

Is that why were in front of this Salon? He asked.

Bingo, now, come on, Feli pushed him inside.

A young human with one of the most eloquent beards Stryg had ever seen sat a table nearby, polishing his equipment.

He looked up as the group entered, Hey, Feli, darling! Are you here for a touch up on your roots? We just got a new shipment of potion dyes from the White Rose Cauldron.

Not today. Im actually here for my fianc. I want you to meet, Stryg, Feli stepped aside.

Oh, so this is the famous mystery man. Ive heard so much about you. Youre a hotshot mage, right? The human walked over.

Who are you and why do you call Feli darling? Shes mine, Stryg pulled her close to him.

Stryg, hes my hair stylist and one of the best in the business. Hes also a good friend, so please, play nice, Feli whispered.

The man smiled, You have nothing to worry about, Mister Stryg. Im not interested in women. Now, why dont you take a seat over here and let us see exactly what were working with.

I thought humans disliked people with such interests? Stryg tilted his head.

Is he always this straight forward? The hair stylist asked.

To a fault, Feli admitted.

He can be pretty rude too, Rhian said through the doorway.

Stryg made a mental note to bite Rhian when they got home. He would take his sweet time choosing where.

The hair stylists jaw went slack, Well, Ill be damned. Please, come in Miss.

Rhian ducked under the doorway and stepped inside, Hello?

Your hair, its beautiful, he walked up to the centaur.

Thank you, I did just go to a spa, she fluttered her eyes and posed.

No potion could make ones hair this silky smooth. This is the work of your natural hair, the hair stylist said in awe.

Well, I have been told I am the best, Rhian laughed whole-heartedly. 

She is my centaur after all, Stryg nodded.

You're encouraging this? Feli asked.

The hair stylist stepped away from Rhian, Well, to answer your question, Mister Stryg. Many humans judge me for whom I choose to love, but none of them can deny my skills with the scissors. Hence, why Im still in business. I dont mind what others think, so long as the ones I care about accept me for who I am.

Those you care about? I never thought of it that way, Stryg said slowly.

Well, why dont you take a seat, and I can regale you with more of my fascinating life as a commoner, he laughed.

Stryg followed the suggestion and sat down, Now what?

Now we take a look at what were working with, the hair stylist gently pulled strands of Strygs hair here and there.

Stryg felt uncomfortable at a stranger touching his hair, but Feli held his hand, which strangely made him feel better.

Huh, I see the issue. Your hair has grown entangled. Not to worry, I can take care of that fairly easily. Fascinating, is the color natural? The hair stylist asked.

Yeah, its like a dark elfs hair, Feli took a seat next to Stryg.

Mm, this is more optimal. Ive worked with plenty of dark elves. Their hair is pale or dark grey. Mister Strygs hair is similar, but the shades are different, which of course is to be expected. Still, if you look closely, do you see how the light catches within the strands? His hair shines like silver, a metallic sheen almost.

Is that a bad thing? Stryg asked.

The hair stylist spoke as he worked, Not at all. If anything Id say your hair is what most dark elves try to achieve. You wouldnt believe how many dark elves come in asking for your kind of hair.

Of course, my Masters hair is wonderful, Rhian grinned.

Hey, Stryg, Ive been meaning to ask, Feli said quietly.

Yeah? Stryg glanced at her.

Well, you told me you dont see Rhian as a pet, but as part of our tribe, yes? Feli asked.

Right, Stryg said.

So, why does she still call you Master?

Stryg blinked, I dont know, because it sounds nice?

Kinky maid play, I like it, the hair stylist laughed.

Ugh, should have guessed, Feli rolled her eyes.

Rhian looked herself over, How would I look in maid clothes? Hmm. Master, can we go buy some maid clothes?

Yes, Stryg said without hesitance.

Do you even know what maids are? Feli crossed her arms.

No, but from everyones reactions I get the feeling Ill like them, he shrugged.

Okay, Im done disentangling. Time to actually cut some hair, the hair stylist said.

Cut? Stryg frowned.

The hair stylist pulled out a pair of scissors.

Stryg stared at the sharp foreign object, ...What the fuck is that?

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