Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 296: Long live the big sister! (100 monthly tickets plus more)

  Chapter 296 Long Live Big Sister! (100 monthly tickets plus more)

  When Charlemagne was conspiring with scholars in the Great Royal Library to manufacture a certain item, Turalyon, Khadgar and others far away in the world of Draenor were sitting on the ground and panting heavily.

  Turalyon lay down on the grass in the south of Talador and laughed cheerfully, "Hahaha! Sure enough, Charlemagne's information is very useful. I'm afraid Deathwing won't be able to come out to make trouble for a long time, right?"

Khadgar also imitated Turalyon and lay down relaxed, looking at the beautiful starry sky of Draenor and sighed, "Fortunately, there is a weakness provided by Lord Theron, otherwise even with the help of Gruul and Gron It is very difficult to defeat that terrifying fallen Black Dragon King."

Halduron leaned against the tree with a piece of grass in his mouth and raised his eyebrows proudly, "Hehe, otherwise, how could he have become the powerful lord of Quel'Thalas in just a dozen years? You must know that the Duke Except for the members of the Silver Moon Council, the titles have not been sealed by the royal family for at least two thousand years."

  Since what they were facing this time was the black dragon that ordinary soldiers could not defeat, the three sons of Lothar, Turalyon, Khadgar, and Halduron, went into battle without any soldiers at all.

Fortunately, relying on Khadgar's three-inch tongue and the powerful strength shown by Turayang holding the quasi-artifact Quel'Zalam, Gruul, the overlord of Gorgrond, finally agreed to attack with the Son of Lothar Deathwing.

With the help of Gruul's Gorons, the black dragon army suffered heavy casualties. Even Deathwing himself, who was already wounded, was torn apart by Khadgar's arcane magic when he was concentrating on fighting Gruul. Removed the source plasm armor plate on the back.

  The lava gushing out of his body almost tore the body of the fallen black dragon king. After dropping Gul'dan's head, Deathwing hurriedly fled back to Azeroth through the Dark Portal.

Full of hatred, the Black Dragon King vowed to make Khadgar and other despicable mortals pay the price. He fled into the Deep Rock Continent of the Earth Elemental World through the maelstrom. At least he didn't plan to come out until he healed his wounds and fixed his armor plate. up.

After defeating the Black Dragon King, Khadgar and others were afraid that Gruul would repent and attack them, so the old mage directly opened the portal to the ruins of Auchindoun in the south of Talador. In his eyes, he escaped from birth smoothly.

The head of Gul'dan has been retrieved, and now the portal to Azeroth can be closed through this fel artifact, but the culprit, Ner'zhul, is still alive, and he is now preparing three artifacts in the Black Temple Open portals to other worlds.

  The three of them joined the large force led by Kurdran and Danath who captured Auchindoun and killed Kilrogg, and continued to march towards Shadowmoon Valley where the Black Temple is located.


   In November of the 8th year of the Portal of Darkness, Charlemagne finally got the magic weapon recorded in the book from Modant.

  This special magic device jointly produced by Taronicus and scholars looks no different from ordinary necklaces, but as long as it is activated after a certain process, it can exert an extremely powerful binding force on dragons.

"Theoretically, it has been completed, but because of the friendly relationship between the Dragon Clan and the Dark Night Empire, this magical device has never been tested on an adult dragon. Whether you want to gamble on the success rate depends entirely on yourself." choose."

Modante's words made Charlemagne, who was looking at the necklace, feel a little tangled. This special dragon trap is actually just a laboratory product. Whether it will work or not is unclear. Even if it works, I don't know if it will. What other flaws.

After seeing Charlemagne's expression, Ledros comforted him and said, "Actually, you don't have to worry too much about the follow-up issues. As long as it can be successfully applied to the dragon, we will naturally follow up with the development of subsequent versions. Let the dragon break free so easily."

  Daros looked at Charlemagne curiously and asked, "By the way, Duke Theron, which unlucky adult dragon are you planning to use? Do you want to be a dragon knight like the one mentioned in the literary story?"

  Charlemagne shook his head and smiled wryly, "Don't ask me about this, I hope this magic tool will not be used in the end, if it is really going to be used... let's talk about it."

   "That's right, then we will continue with other research. If you have any questions, you can come to us at any time."

  When Charlemagne returned to Yuanxing Town, there was no change from before he left a month ago, and it was still a thriving scene under the management of Leeson, Aurelia and others.

   "My lord, you are finally willing to come back. You have really spent a long time reading this time."

As soon as Charlemagne walked into the office, his arms were held, and a soft and fragrant body leaned forward. Charlemagne, who smelled the fragrance and recognized the beauty, said helplessly, "Sirvanas, let me go first, listen Said that Turayang and the others have the latest news?"

  Aurelia has basically given up struggling now. At first, she thought that Hill was just like when she was a child, thinking that she would be happy to steal her sister's things, so she deliberately approached Charlemagne.

  As a result, after so many years, instead of giving up, my second sister got deeper and deeper, and even the third sister...

  Miss Windrunner sighed, she knew very well that Cirvanas, just like herself, would not let go of something easily if she set her sights on it, no matter how much she objected and scolded, she couldn't change Hill's behavior, so she just let her go.

   "Okay, Hill, let Charlemagne get down to business first. Turayang has important news to send back this time, and Ms. Shadow Guard's report just happened to be delivered today."

   Charlemagne straightened his face and sat back at the desk, first picked up Emmoreel's letter and read it.

  The perceptive Cirvanas seemed to have noticed some change in the elder sister's attitude. She looked up at Alleria in some surprise, just in time to see her elder sister nodding helplessly at her.

   "Hee hee~"

  The second young lady showed a happy smile which was rare, and showed a movement that was inconsistent with her usual image, bouncing and running to the eldest sister's side and holding her hand, and the two began to chat in a low voice.

  Vereesa and Valeira looked at each other, a little confused about the situation in front of them, but Katrana turned her eyes around the two sisters with great interest.

'Ah! This Duke Theron is indeed a flirtatious person, and he can actually make the two sisters willingly be with him at the same time, in this case...' Princess Black Dragon stretched out her pink tongue and licked her red lips secretly.

   At this time, Charlemagne had no intention of paying attention to the undercurrent in the office. He frowned and looked at Emeril's report. After reading it several times, he rubbed his eyebrows with a headache.

  The content of Emmoreel's letter is very simple, only a short sentence: "I have not found a young orc named Thrall in Durnholde Castle."

  'Is it the butterfly effect that caused Thrall not to be adopted by Blackmoore? Or is Blackmoore hiding deeper? It seems that it is necessary to find time to go there in person. '


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