Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 293: Delaney's gone

  Chapter 293 Draenei went to heaven

   "Draenei has disappeared for a long time?"

Although Kael'thas felt a little strange about Charlemagne's focus, he nodded and explained to him, "Yes, this is the latest information from Turalyon from the world of Draenor. After the fall, this race called Draenei has disappeared from Draenor."

Charlemagne frowned deeply. In his memory, it seemed that Draenei had never moved his nest since he came to Draenor. Originally, he planned to go to Draenei to exchange magic technology and win him over in advance. These eredar exiles came to Azeroth, but now...

  'Wait, I remember that the draenei seem to have a spaceship called Tempest Fortress, shouldn't these draenei hide in the spaceship and float on the outer layer of the planet Draenor when the orcs beat them to near extinction? '

  This is not impossible. Storm Fortress is not a single spaceship. It is a spaceship group composed of four auxiliary spaceships including the main ship, the ecological ship, the energy ship, the Exodar and the Arcatraz.

  Because the spacecraft group has a very complete energy and ecological cycle system, it is enough for them to sail in the universe for a long time.

   Now it seems that the draenei returned to the broken Outland with their spaceships after Draenor collapsed and the Alliance recovered Shattrath.

Since Draenei is not in Draenor now, Charlemagne has no interest in this planet that is about to be broken. Now his wife and children are hot in Quel'Thalas... Ahem, he has a great career in Quel'Thalas, There's no need to take the risk of entering Draenor. If you are locked up in Outland and can't come back, it will be a big mess.

  Since Turayang had led several members of the Sons of Lothar into Draenor, Charlemagne didn't let Immorel continue to follow, but let her lead the secret passage to Durnholde Castle.

  He wanted to confirm whether Thrall was still adopted by Blackmoore like the original historical track. It would be better for this core figure of the future tribe to be kept under surveillance for a long time.

  After so many years of traveling, he can't remember the future 100% clearly, he can only remember the general trend, but it's hard to say when it comes to the specific year, and it's a good idea to focus on one of the sources.

  The celebration of the high elves lasted for half a month, and all the ministers who made contributions to the expedition were rewarded. Lor'themar finally won his title this time by relying on his military exploits.

  Although he is only a baron, many upper families are envious of a double baron.

In view of Liadrin's outstanding performance, her father retired early and handed over the position of Patriarch to his daughter, while he and his wife enjoyed peace of mind. The position of hereditary earl was upgraded to hereditary replacement.

At any rate, it is the royalist family that has followed the Sunstrider family for thousands of years and has never changed their minds. Finally, after several generations, a talented person appeared. Kael'thas will not be stingy with this reward, and at the same time, it can be regarded as using the Liadrin family as a reward for others. A sign of encouragement from the royal family.

   "As long as you continue to be loyal to the royal family and make achievements, the Sunstrider family will still trust you as always!"


  Dark Portal In October 8th, the Sons of Lothar and the Alliance Expeditionary Force led by Turalyon had broken through the huge fortress on the Hellfire Peninsula. Unfortunately, the whereabouts of Ner'zhul, the new chieftain of the orcs, was not found here.

  On the contrary, the appearance of the black dragon made Turayan specially send Khadgar to question Charlemagne. He believed that Duke Theron, who had dealt with the dragon clan, should know a little bit about the inside story of the dragon clan.

  Responding to his friend's inquiry, Charlemagne told Khadgar everything he knew and could say.

   "In other words, Deathwing is seriously injured now, and his strength is not as good as before?"

   Khadgar fell into deep thought after hearing Charlemagne's description. Now that the Skull of Gul'dan has fallen into the hands of Deathwing, the Alliance needs to use it to close the portal, so a direct conflict with the Black Dragon King is almost inevitable.

  If he is really injured, it will undoubtedly make Khadgar's next actions much easier.

  Among the several members of the sons of Lothar, Danas and Kurdran went to pursue Ner'zhul, and are now besieging Auchindoun, the holy land of the former Draenei.

  Turayang tricked Halduron into joining the Sons of Lothar. The two and Khadgar were responsible for chasing the black dragon, and now they entered Gorgrond, which has a dangerous terrain.

  After Khadgar obtained the information, he recorded it in the parchment he carried with him, and he was going to return to Draenor immediately to provide support to Turalyon.

Charlemagne stopped Khadgar before he left and gave him a final reminder, "Wait, if you want to fight Deathwing head-on, remember to start with the armor plate on his body, as long as you can knock him out to fix yourself If the armor plate of the body collapses, this fallen Black Dragon King will face a life crisis."

   "Armor plate? I see, thank you again for your information, Duke Theron, then I will take my leave first."

   Khadgar saluted respectfully, and then immediately used the teleportation book to return to Fort Watch, and then he will continue to pass through the Dark Portal to Gorgrond non-stop.


After Khadgar left, Charlemagne breathed a sigh of relief, and Ner'zhul was almost driven to a dead end by the Alliance. This great chief who over-studied Gul'dan's head and was gradually corrupted is now thinking of finding a new home for the orcs. To allow himself to escape, for which he was able to sacrifice all the rest of his clan.

  It's a pity that his arms can't twist his thighs. Facing the more powerful Deathwing, this guy can only honestly hand over the head of Wu Goudan to Neltharion's dragon egg to strengthen the black dragon.

   While Charlemagne was staring out the window in a daze, Alleria stepped forward and gently massaged his temples, "What are you thinking of? Could something happen to Delano?"

   At this time, there were only two people alone in the room. Charlemagne did not hide his lover, and said with a wry smile, "It's a big accident. I'm afraid the whole Draenor will blow up with a boom."

   Alleria's fingers massaging Charlemagne's head stopped suddenly, "Blow it up? Who did it? Is it so easy to blow up a world?"

   "The orcs are just trying to kill themselves, so fel energy is untouchable. Those who are not strong enough to touch it are guaranteed to die."

Ner'zhul is a typical example. Although his resourcefulness and outlook on the overall situation are not bad, the biggest problem with this guy is that his willpower is too weak. Whether he was seduced by Kil'jaeden or seized power by Gul'dan, His reaction made Charlemagne, who knew the inside story, dumbfounded.

   After Kil’jaeden revealed his identity, you either fight to the end and die in battle, or you just kneel down and confess. What do you mean by fighting and then being cowardly?

   It's no wonder that Kil'jaeden looked down on him replacing Gul'dan as a pawn. Although Wu Goudan is ambitious, at least his goal is clear, and it is easier for the boss to manipulate.

  Gul'dan went to the tomb of Sargeras to die. Sargeras and Kil'jaeden were behind the scenes. This is the most suitable punishment for the disobedient servant who wants to stand on his own.


   While Charlemagne was wandering in the sky, the door of his office was opened, and a black-haired high elf woman with a protruding figure and a delicate and charming face walked in.

   "Excuse me, Your Excellency the Duke, Mr. Leeson has something to report to you."


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