Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 253: Peace? enjoy? get up hi!

  Chapter 253 Peace? enjoy? get up hi!

   These cows, which Orgrim thought were walking upright, quickly refreshed his impression. The brave impact of the tauren defeated the orc's forward almost instantly.

  Compared to strength, even ordinary orcs who drank the blood of the devil are no match for the tauren, and it is far worse than the endurance.

   It is not for no reason that the tauren are known as the most stepping race. Their tall stature and strong physique bring them an unparalleled impact.

Ever since they drank the blood of demons and came to Azeroth, the orcs who rely on their physiques have finally tasted the bitter feeling of being suppressed by their physiques again. This feeling even reminded them of the battle with the Gorian Empire. Scenes.

The Gorian Empire, a glorious kingdom once established by ogres, although the orcs defeated this powerful empire with the help of Draenor elements, the powerful strength and strong physique of the ogres are still deeply imprinted on them. in the brain.

The ogre slaves in the tribe are obtained by Gul'dan infusing the orcs with fel energy and relying on a large army to break through the last city-state of the Gorian Empire, the overhanging fortress. Only a few.

Moreover, compared to ogres, these tauren are obviously more flexible, and their intelligence is much higher than that of stupid ogres. After all, except for a few individuals and two-headed ogres, most ogres It's all... stupid.

  Orgrim frowned again, and he turned his head to Zujin who was also confused and asked, "What are these races? Why have I never seen them on this continent?"

  Zujin felt more and more that something was wrong. He had seen these creatures called Tauren in the ancient books about the description of the War of the Ancients by the forest trolls, but logically speaking, they should be in the Kalimdor continent...

   "Great chief, these are tauren, originally a native species living in another continent, Kalimdor. As for why they are here... sorry, I don't know."

  Orgrim is getting more and more restless. Since he succeeded in seizing power, why has the script never followed his plan?

Under Gul'dan's signal, Orgrim knew that the old warlock should have gained something, so he simply ordered a herald beside him, "Withdraw our troops, with these powerful tauren stationed, we're afraid It is difficult to break through this fortress from the front, and... we probably have a little understanding of the enchantment centered on that tower, withdraw!"

  As the horn of the Horde's retreat sounded, all the orcs and trolls on the front line fled back in despair.

The red dragons with knights in the sky also retreated under the command of the Dragonmaw orcs. The sweaty Saladley had no energy left to pursue them. Before the giant eagle landed, he took off his body and was smoked. The blackened helmet gasped for breath.

Although the Wings of the Sun did not suffer a devastating blow in this battle, there were also many giant eagles that fell from the sky, let alone the Tianjiao tribe. I am afraid that the two troops will need some repairs before they can fight again. play.

The red dragon also lost more than a dozen young dragons, and the combined air force of the high elves and tauren killed the knights on the dragon's back. In the end, the red dragons who flew back even had most of their backs empty. .

  The few giant dragons headed by noticed Malfurion's disappointed and reproachful eyes on the city wall at this moment. The red dragons who had known the night elves during the War of the Ancients could only hang their heads in shame and fly back.

  In this tentative attack by the orcs, the high elves did not lose much. More than 30 giant eagles fell, but in the end due to the timely rescue, only a dozen or so giant eagles actually died.

The Tianhorn tribe lost a lot. More than a hundred giant eagles died. The tauren riders did not die much under the protection of the parachute created by Taronicus. In fact, in Monton's view, the Tianhorn tribe made a profit. .

   "This tactic of preempting high-altitude dives is very important to the air force. The high elves are willing to give us enough to win."

  Monton’s words made Charlemagne cover his forehead helplessly, ‘Didn’t these single-celled tauren think about the importance of seizing high altitudes before... It’s a good thing they have fought against the Harpy in High Mountain for so many years. '

  After this battle, Malfurion has always been worried. He said that he would return to the Emerald Dream to discuss with Ysera about Alexstrasza.

   Fortunately, now that Sas'ara has been connected to the node of the Emerald Dream with Fandral's efforts, Malfurion can enter the dream without taking too much time. After all, he may still have some important matters to discuss with Charlemagne.

Koda and Shaun, who had doubts about the fighting power of the orcs, shut their mouths after seeing the battle with their own eyes. Even the night elves would have a hard time coping with this kind of race that drank the blood of demons and went berserk. .

   On the second day after Orgrim withdrew his troops, the tribe really followed the western route prepared by Charlemagne to the north of Eversong Forest.

However, what annoyed Orgrim was that the food they originally obtained through looting in East Lordaeron was starting to be a bit stretched, but the elven villages along the way had completely implemented the strategy of clearing the wall according to Charlemagne's instructions. .

  The tribe found nothing along the way. The shortage of food made the orcs a little manic, and Orgrim wanted to continue attacking Lordaeron more and more.

  ‘These cunning long ears have clearly dug a hole for us to jump in, and only Zujin, a fool blinded by hatred, can be so easily fooled. '

Orgrim glanced at Zu'jin who was excited beside him. As the leader of the forest troll got closer and closer to the northern part of the forest, his emotions became higher and higher. Everyone could see his intelligence and strength. Sanity has begun to evaporate gradually.

Regarding Orgrim's northward movement, Charlemagne did not send troops to pursue it, but only ordered the rangers to retreat to the line of Arendal Bridge. He has already returned to the inside of Bandin Norrell's enchantment and will meet with the Fire Wing, Eclipse and other legions and wait for it.

   As long as Turayang's pursuers arrive, the alliance can completely pick up these tribes and make dumplings.

As for Gul'dan... Charlemagne does not believe that this old warlock can analyze the structure of the rune stone in a very short period of time. After all, this set of rune stones is the mature experience of the high elves for thousands of years. clear.

Even with the permission of King Kael'thas and the council, Charlemagne intends to deliberately let Gul'dan smash the rune stone. Quel'Thalas, which has enjoyed peace for more than two thousand years and is gradually decadent, needs a stimulus. This time Bandy The collapse of Norrell's barrier is the best opportunity.

   Thank you book friend "Zimu Chun" for your support.




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