Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 224: only live one

  Chapter 224 A good friend who only lived one chapter

Charlemagne, who was monitoring the movements of the trolls in the territory, was very puzzled. Although this group of Amani trolls had made a lot of big moves in recent years, and had even had some head-on conflicts with the morning vanguard and ranger troops of the high elves, their leader Zujin remained silent.

   Now he is basically sure that Zujin has left Zul'Aman. Although his movements are not clear for the time being, Charlemagne has a bad premonition in his heart.

  ‘Could it be that this old fox ran to connect the forest troll tribes everywhere? '

  After the defeat of the Amani Empire, the tribes of the forest trolls gradually dispersed during the defeat.

  Zujin himself took over the vacant seat after Sinsa's death, and led the Amani tribe to flee to the capital Zul'Aman. The largest forest troll tribe besides the Amani, the Xiezhi, retreated to their ancient territory of the Hinterlands.

   Also in the Hinterlands are the small forest troll tribe, Evilfang, and some trolls from the Witherwood tribe. The other part of Witherwood trolls live scattered in the Arathi Highlands, fighting against the Kingdom of Stormgard all the year round.

  In addition, there is a tribe of forest trolls named Rotten Moss in the remote mountainous area of ​​East Lordaeron. This tribe has attacked caravans many times throughout the year, bringing a lot of losses to the Kingdom of Lordaeron.

   There are other small tribes such as Huoshu and Burningthorn, but they have disappeared for the time being. If Zujin really wants to show his old face and connect all the forest trolls together... then it will really be a big trouble.

   Not to mention anything else, the Evil Branch tribe now entrenched in the Hinterlands is an extremely large force, and the troll city Xinsaro they live in is also a forest troll city second only to Zul'Aman.

  Charlemagne rubbed his chin and thought uncertainly, 'The Wildhammer dwarves who also live in the Hinterlands shouldn't just watch Xiezhi's large army enter the land of East Lordaeron, right? '

   However, I think so, but it is really hard to say what actions the Wildhammer dwarves who are also extremely autistic will take...

Over the past few years, in addition to closely monitoring the movements of Amani, Charlemagne has also sent many travelers into East Lordaeron and even as far as the Hinterlands to investigate intelligence, and the results made him more and more convinced of his inferences. .

   "The evil branch trolls obviously have a big move, at least I can see that they are preparing for war."

   "It's also on my side. The moss troll temporarily took back the tribesmen who were attacking outside, and they all gathered in Zumashaer. Obviously they have some plans."

  Garinder and Eleanor, who had just returned to Quel'Thalas, reported to Charlemagne about their investigation, but this was obviously not good news.

Charlemagne frowned, and unconsciously tapped the table with his fingers, "It seems that Zujin is really old-fashioned and lowered his head to seek help from these former subordinate clans, but this will cause trouble, I'm afraid we We will face the biggest war with forest trolls after the troll war."

   Immediately, Charlemagne raised his head and asked the two elders, "Don't leave after you come back this time. Now that the war is approaching, I hope you can stay and contribute to Quel'Thalas."

  Garinder gave a military salute in a funny way, "Got it! Lord Theron, I originally planned to join the Farstrider when I came back this time, and I will follow your command from now on!"

Eleanor also smiled and said, "Me too, the two of us have been wandering for so long, and it's time to settle down. Unfortunately, we are used to freedom and can no longer adapt to the atmosphere of the regular ranger army. Joining the far traveler is the best Good choice."

The return of the two heroic rangers gave Charlemagne two more powerful combat forces, but he felt that it was not enough. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he issued a command summoning order through the high elf embassies in various places, ordering all the far-striders to Return to Quel'Thalas to prepare for the forest trolls.

   It has been 2 years since the Portal of Darkness opened. In the past two years, the spies sent by Quel'Thalas have gradually brought back news of the orcs.

Although most of the weapons and armor of the orcs are relatively primitive, this race that drank the blood of demons has strength and physique that far exceeds that of humans. When the Kingdom of Stormwind fought against the orcs, it basically used three fully armed soldiers to fight against them. Defeat an orc.

  The wars in the past two years have also been as Charlemagne remembered. The Stormwind Kingdom, which did not understand the orcs, suffered a big loss. It was captured along the way in Westfall, Dawn Forest and Redridge Mountains. Now the orcs have pushed into Elwynn Forest.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, Grand Marshal Sir Lothar personally accepted the order of King Lane, led the remaining army to defend the Elwynn Forest, and dealt a heavy blow to the orcs under the beautiful raid of the cavalry led by General Gavin Ladd .

   It was the first time that the knights, a unit that came and went like the wind, appeared in the eyes of the orcs. This reminded Orgrim, who had just lost his best friend, of the wolf cavalry of the Frostwolf clan.

A few months after Durotan led his wife and people to live in seclusion in the Alterac Mountains, Draka finally gave birth to a son, but just as Durotan worried, he just named Goel's son It is also cursed and infected, and has green skin.

  He is determined to take his newborn son to persuade his friend Orgrim to oppose Gul'dan and lead the orcs back to the right path.

Orgrim still remembers what happened that day. He has already judged the existence of fel energy through the gradual barrenness of the Black Swamp. He, Durotan and Draka finally finalized the plan to get rid of Gul'dan and his puppet master. Chief Blackhand's plan, he also personally sent guards to **** the family of three all the way north back to Alterac.

   Who knew that the guard was actually a subordinate of Gul'dan and Blackhand. He killed Durotan and Draka in a sneak attack, and even Go'el was missing.

  Thinking of this, Orgrim clenched the Hammer of Doom in his hand, and Orgrim, who was overstretched, exposed his ferocious fangs.

  ‘Durotan, I will definitely kill Gul’dan and Blackhand to avenge you, I swear to my ancestors! '

   Now the armies of the two sides have been confronting each other in Elwynn Forest for some time, and neither of them can do anything to the other for the time being.

   After all, the Kingdom of Stormwind is one of the two most powerful countries in the seven human kingdoms. After fully mobilizing the war machine, it finally temporarily withstood the attack of the orcs, but this was only a temporary situation after all.

  The sacrifices of the soldiers of the Stormwind Kingdom are on the rise, which makes Lothar feel that the situation is gradually getting a little out of control, and as the black hand recalls the Blood Ring tribe who attacked Stranglethorn Vale, the situation is still getting worse.

  However, Gul'dan ordered him not to rush to continue the attack for the time being, and as a puppet chief, Black Hand could only obey orders.

   As for what Gul'dan is doing? This guy was trying to learn the location of Sargeras' tomb from Medivh while King Lane was asking for help from the northern kingdoms. For this reason, he specially sent his favorite toy—the half-orc Garona.


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