Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 218: Amani

  Chapter 218 Amani out of the house

   Members of Kael'thas and the Silvermoon Council showed thoughtful expressions at the same time after hearing Charlemagne's proposal.

   "Retribution paladin...seems to be one of the three major specializations you conceived for paladins, right? Could it be that there are no retribution paladins in Dawnguard?"

  Von der Lore's question made both Charlemagne and Liadrin, who was specially summoned today, smile wryly.

As the head of the legion, Liadrin answered this question, "Although I am ashamed, perhaps due to the influence of Baron Sangunar and me, most of the paladins in the Dawnguard Legion today are protection and holy light specialists." .”

   "Although there are a few who specialize in punishment...But to be honest, it is not a system at all. The last time Charlemagne went to the Silver Hand to investigate, human beings are indeed ahead of us in this regard."

Charlemagne nodded under Liadrin's eyes and said, "I went to the Royal City of Lordaeron more than half a year ago. The development of the three specializations of the Silver Hand is relatively balanced now. I have a relationship with Captain Uther. After some communication, he said that if Quel'Thalas is willing, the Silver Hand can communicate with us at any time, but..."

  Osis crossed his arms and said with a smile that was not a smile, "It just needs us to start a formal relationship between Quel'Thalas and the Kingdom of Lordaeron, right?"

   "As you said."

Kael'thas tapped his fingers on the table lightly, frowning as if he was thinking about something. After a while, he raised his head and asked, "So Charlemagne, what's your opinion? Let's start a formal communication with Lordaeron." Is it good or bad?"

Charlemagne spread his hands and said, "From my point of view, of course I hope that Quel'Thalas can resume exchanges with the mainland countries. After all, the threat of the Burning Legion is approaching step by step, and it is no longer appropriate to stand still. It will be more convenient to help each other after the resumption of contacts."

   "But... I'm afraid there are many elves in our country who don't think so?"

  Charlemagne's sarcasm clearly hit Quel'Thalas' weakness. Although the high-level officials are more open-minded than before, the folk attitude of "the high elves are number one in the world" still dominates the mainstream.

  To suddenly communicate with other races that they looked down upon in the past, I am afraid that it will be difficult for most elves to accept emotionally for a while.

Li Reza put his chin in one hand and thought for a while, and suggested, "Is that only a limited exchange with the Kingdom of Lordaeron? Let's not rush to completely open up our foreign policy, and slowly let the people gradually get used to the relationship with the outside world." How was the communication?"

Although Charlemagne felt a little anxious about the opening of the door of darkness, which was getting closer and closer, he also knew that he could only eat food one bite at a time, and if he took too big a step, he would end up in trouble after all. The instructor's proposal is considered the most secure at this stage way.

   Kael'thas looked around at the six councilors present, "Then, all councilors, please vote on the proposal of Windrunner Councilor."

  To everyone's surprise, it was the usually taciturn Solanlia who spoke out first.


  Von der Lore also raised his hand casually and said, "I also agree, after so many years of being closed, there must be some communication with the outside world."

After thinking for a while, Osis also voted for it. Although Muric and Likert still had some doubts about it, four people agreed. No matter what they voted for, it didn't make much sense. In the end, Simply selling face to the new colleague, the two nodded together in agreement.

   Kael'thas smiled and nodded, "Very well, unanimously approved, then this matter is settled."

   "Liadrin, you will be in charge of military exchanges with the Kingdom of Lordaeron. Osis, this time you will take Von der Lore with you to discuss formal exchanges with Lordaeron."


  The motion to formally communicate with Lordaeron is passed, and next is the report of the new Ranger General Sylvanas on the Amani trolls.

  Cirvanas seemed a little nervous when he entered the conference hall for the first time. Under the encouraging eyes of his mother and sweetheart, he calmed down, saluted the Sun King and the councilors, and began to report on the situation in the southern forest.

"After the rangers' monitoring and investigation, the sorcerous atmosphere that continued to spread in Zul'Aman some time ago has disappeared, but these trolls have left Zul'Aman in small numbers after 9 years of repairs, and now they have joined forces with the Ranger troops. And there was a small-scale engagement with the Farstriders."

Charlemagne, the leader of the Farstriders, also added at this time, "Because the city walls have been built in the Far Travelers Village, these small numbers of Amani trolls can't do us any harm, but there is nothing near the Temple of the Sun in the west of Zul Aman. It is dangerous to guard, and recently Shaun Dawnwalker mage has made many support requests to the ranger troops and farstriders in the southern forest."

After all, trolls are not idiots. The Far Traveling Village in the north of Zul'Aman has clearly built strong fortifications. They will not rush to the city walls in a foolish way. The Western Sun Temple, which is relatively weak in defense, has become their first priority. Target.

Cirvanas, who received Sean's call for help, has ordered his adjutant Halduron to lead a team to the Temple of the Sun. With the cooperation of the mages of the Tower of Dawn, it is basically no problem to prevent the trolls. trend.

Osis remembered the intelligence received by the council some time ago, and asked with a frown, "General Windrunner, I remember that the southern forest had reported the vision from Zul'Aman before. What conclusion did you finally draw? what the hell?"

Cirvanas shook his head regretfully, "I'm sorry, Morningwalker Councilor, because Zul'Aman was covered with a layer of enchantment at that time, the rangers couldn't enter it to investigate in detail. After the enchantment disappeared, the trolls They have come out of Zul'Aman again, and we have not yet figured out Zul'jin's intentions."

   Charlemagne frowned at this time and seemed to think of something. Kael'thas noticed his expression and asked, "Advisor Theron, do you have any clues?"

   "Hmm... Everyone should have heard that trolls have the custom of offering sacrifices to Luo animal gods?"

  Everyone present nodded, "Of course."

Solanlian, whose face was mostly covered by the hood, also explained briefly in a cold voice, "The trolls' worship of Loa can be traced back to tens of thousands of years ago. Our elders in the troll war I have fought against these powerful wild spirits many times, and it is indeed quite difficult."

Charlemagne looked up and glanced at the high-level people present, and asked the second question heavily, "Then, everyone, have you heard that trolls sacrificed to loa in times of crisis, and forcibly confined the power of these loa gods to their original priests?" Tradition on your body?"


   Thanks to book friends "Lingren", "hanhzx" and "Irresistible Force" for their support.




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