Ranger King of Azeroth

Chapter 212: giant eagle blot out the sun

  Chapter 212 Giant Eagle Covering the Sun

Under the red-backed golden horse-headed battle flag of the Morning Vanguard, Liadrin, who took the lead, used the holy light to condense a huge golden warhammer phantom on her warhammer during the charge. Shouting and rushing into the enemy's flank, she also swung this huge warhammer at the centaur.

   "Holy Hammer!"


  The powerful impact almost emptied a group of centaurs on the way of the morning vanguard's charge in an instant, and the unprepared centaur camp was immediately completely pierced by the 500 elite cavalry.

Although the race of centaurs can be regarded as all people are soldiers, as long as individuals who can pick up bows and arrows to hunt can be called combat effectiveness, but like most nomadic peoples, people are always people, and they can do well when fighting with the wind. Follow the orders of your superiors, but once you encounter adversity...

  Although the three khans and their warlords were shouting and commanding, the camp of spellcasters who were attacked on the flanks and even attacked to the rear obviously made the centaur panic for a while.

  The soldiers in front were still attacking the ghost post that the tauren were trying their best to defend, but the center and rear formations were completely cut off by Liadrin's surprise attack, and chaos inevitably spread throughout the centaur position.

After releasing the Hammer of Light, Liadrin put the hammer into her backpack, and took out a two-handed sword suitable for swinging on a horse... It's not that the whole family doesn't enter every house, this female man also has a relationship with Lorther Ma also has the heart to play with two-handed weapons.

"Drink!" The Sin'dorei greatsword blessed with the Holy Seal of Justice cut the Centaur Thundercaller beside him in half with a vertical slash, and the dark red blood even splashed onto Liadrin's gleaming silver armor and helmet.

  The female knight, who was already in a state of excitement at this time, didn't care about it at all, relying on the breakthrough power of the horse's charge, she continued to charge and kill the panicked centaur without any hesitation.

  The knights of the Morning Vanguard also put on lances or other heavy weapons suitable for charging when they charged. Thanks to their efforts, the entire centaur camp was cut into two clearly and clearly in a short period of time.

  Some terrified centaurs have already started running around, which further exacerbated the chaos of the situation.

At this time, Charlemagne also commanded the mage group left by the Dawnguard Legion, and began to release a large-scale blizzard under the cover of the tauren in the front row. The sudden change in temperature and the rapidly falling ice edge caused the centaur in the front row Difficult to make progress.

   Khan Dazpa saw that he could not control the situation at this time, and he turned his eyes and began to order his personal guards to approach him loudly. Obviously, this guy wanted to take advantage of the chaos and retreat secretly.

  Although Jayne and Shaka cursed loudly at this time, and executed a few deserters with their own hands, the chaos was over, and they could only retreat to the rear under the sway of the chaos.

  Charlemagne, who had been paying most of his attention to the battle situation at the ghost post, squinted his eyes, and shot a second quotation mark arrow into the sky again.

  Accompanied by a loud eagle cry in the sky, in front of the retreating direction of the centaur, a cloud that had been floating in the air suddenly dissipated like a phantom, and at the same time a well-equipped air force rushed out of the cloud.

Headed by the leader of the Sunstrider Wings Legion holding a sword and shield, Saradley, behind him is a giant eagle knight with a conspicuous Sunstrider Wings battle flag on his back, embroidered on a background as bright as a newborn red sun. A golden eagle head logo.

   "Giant Eagle Destroyer Squad Assault! Target enemy long-range units, the Dragon Eagle bomber squad is on standby at any time and is ready to break into the battlefield for fire coverage, charge! For the glory of Quel'Dorei!"

   "For the Sunwell!"

The more than 100 giant eagle knights in the lead rushed towards the receding centaur spellcaster position unambiguously. The second round of charge was launched, and the target was also directed at the rear of the centaur.

   "Arcane Barrage!"

Saladre was the first to release multiple arcane arrows when he flew above the centaur Thundercaller. These centaurs were hit on the spot before they could recover from the fear of being raided in the air. Spraying blood while screaming and falling to the ground.

The magic swordsmen learned how to swipe across the air and began to cast simple and effective spells on the enemy below. At this time, the rangers were also calmly pouring down arrows on the back of the giant eagle. The centaur's defeated army encountered the enemy head to tail for a while, and they spun around in a panic.

  Of course, there are still some centaur hunters and thunder caller commanders who are loudly directing their subordinates to fight back in the air. At this time, the paladins riding on the back of the giant eagle are needed to provide assistance.

  The giant eagles that were hit would almost all be healed by the paladins immediately. Although their wounds could not be completely healed in a short period of time, they could effectively maintain the endurance of these air units.

  At the same time, the aura provided by the paladins can also greatly reduce the damage received by the air troops, and also add a certain amount of holy power to their attacks in the various blessings blessed to them.

   "Priority to kill those enemy troops who fight back. Beheading the commander can effectively disintegrate the combat effectiveness of the enemy army. The magic swordsman team will follow me! The ranger continues to suppress the enemy hunter remotely!"

  Sara Delei kept casting spells to kill the thunder callers who were still fighting back in the sky, while commanding the giant eagle troops under his command under the blessing of amplification magic.

At this time, the centaur warriors who were still so excited that they were demolishing the tauren fortifications in the front row finally realized that something was wrong behind them. When they looked back, they were frightened out of their wits. There is a possibility of destruction at any time.

In fact, the actual situation is of course not so serious. After all, the combined troops of Saladley and Liadrin are less than 1,000 people. During this chaotic period, the three khans can quickly regroup, and the ones who are in danger are the high elves who have already penetrated into the enemy's line.

It is obviously impossible for Charlemagne to just sit back and watch this happen. Seeing that the soldiers in the front row of the other party were already flustered, he immediately ordered loudly, "It's now! Send Kodo cavalry to charge, and the other tauren quickly followed. The target Kocal tribe Khan Dezpa!"


Kane, who had been aggrieved for countless years, finally let out a hearty roar at this time. When the Kodo cavalry rushed out beating the drums, he also picked up his long-handled chopping ax and made a heroic leap towards the halfway point where he started to turn. Jump in the formation of people and horses.

Among a group of unarmored centaurs, Kane swung his giant axe like a unparalleled man, quickly killing the surrounding enemies, and from time to time he used the talent of the tauren to stun those who wanted to be killed. The centaur who fought back.

   Naig laughed excitedly when he saw Kane's heroic charge, "Hahaha! Great Chief Kane is arrogant, I can't lag behind you! Boys, keep up with Chief Kane and charge!"

  After Bale and Naig went to battle one after another, shamans such as Jie'er, Magasa, and Hamuul hurriedly cast spells behind them to provide them with support.

While blessing Kane and others with the Earth Shield, Magatha complained to Hamuul beside him, "This Kane... I used to say that I was impulsive, but now I don't know who is alone without waiting for the guards to catch up." kill it?"

  Hamuel kept his hands on, and continued to use Healing Rain on a wide range, laughing like he said, "It's rare to fight such a refreshing battle, Magatha, don't criticize him."

At this time, Charlemagne and the three female elves had also mounted chocobos, and while shooting and killing the retreating centaur along the way, they followed the Kodo cavalry with strong breakthrough power, and locked on Daz Park Khan's position rushed over.

   Thanks to book friends "Mill Killing Little Q" and "Ling Ren" for their support.




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