Pursuing My Rejected Alpha

Chapter 356 - 356 The Alpha Had An Interview

356 The Alpha Had An Interview

Milroy was able to easily detect the turmoil in his pack leader’s heart.

To be very honest, the younger man thought that Ronan was a little dumb.

Instead of taking the initiative to make a call or send Lucien a text message, he waited and waited like a desperate teenage girl.

Milroy’s fingers itched terribly.

He would love to call the Luna himself and tell him that the Alpha was suffering from a mysterious affliction that made him unable to think about anything else but his beloved mate.

A soft ding announced a text message from Jake to Milroy.

“How is the Alpha?” the Beta asked.

“Reporting to the Beta: still downtrodden,” Milroy typed freely.

He could almost hear the Beta sigh a few floors away.


Twenty-four hours had passed since Lucien left the pack house, and Ronan emerged at the company headquarters with dark shadows under his eyes. He looked scary and miserable at the same time.

The Beta arrived not ten minutes later, looking pallid and weak.

To make it even more convincing, he broke into a fit of throaty cough some distance away from Ronan’s desk.

“What’s wrong with you, Jake?” Ronan asked with a frown.

“Alpha, it seems that I have caught a cold. I wish to go back home to recuperate.”

To be fair, Jake did slave around for Ronan while the Alpha and his Luna enjoyed a lavish cruise vacation.

He deserved a break.

“You may go. Get well soon, Jake,” Ronan dismissed him with a wave of his hand.

Jake lit up upon hearing that he could go.

“Thank you, Alpha.”

When he left, he did not at all look like someone who had an ailing sickness.

He was in such a hurry that he almost bumped into Mara Keenthorne on her way to meet with Ronan.

“Yes, Mara? What’s up?” Ronan asked when Mara slipped through the door.

The PR Head flashed the Alpha a brilliant smile.

“Alpha, I am here to remind you that an interview with Glamvision is scheduled for this evening. Milroy will prepare the entire interview script for you.”


Ronan furrowed his brows.

“What reminder? This is the first time I hear about it.”

Mara looked mildly surprised. “Really? But I told the Beta about this interview yesterday night.”


Well, said Beta had conveniently escaped his responsibilities and went back to the pack house.

With or without previous notice, Ronan was averse to partake in the interview.

“Why do I have to grant that magazine an interview? It is not even a business magazine.”

“Glamvision is a renowned magazine and we have refused them a lot in the past,” Mara tried to explain. “Last time we managed to dissuade them due to the sensitive nature of the relationship between you, the Luna, and Miss Lillian Woodland.

This time they just want to hear from you this close to your wedding. It is one of the regular PR stunts that we do regularly to maintain the company reputation.”

Ronan scoffed.

“Then keep doing a good job and have them interview Jake and his little family. Why me?”

“Jake has featured a lot as the second-in-command at Silverback Corporation. This time, it’s either you or the Luna, or, the both of you.”

Ronan leaned back in his seat and played with the thought of having Milroy call Lucien to get him to attend the interview with him.

They were not forbidden from seeing each other, so it was a good opportunity to get to see Lucien again.

On the other side...


Ronan’s haughty and masculine pride prevented him from making the first move.

Every time Lucien left him, Ronan had been the one to give chase and beg the former to come back to him.

This time, only once, once in his life, Ronan wanted Lucien to contact him first.

After that, so Ronan swore, for the rest of his life, he would worship the ground Lucien walked on and chase after his shadow day by day.

“Shall I give the Luna a call, Alpha?” Milroy asked full of hope. He was getting tired of this cat-and-mouse game.

“No,” Ronan answered decisively. “I will attend the interview alone.”

Milroy slaved around for two hours to get the interview script ready. Ronan lazily flew over the few pages while waiting for the team from Glamvision to arrive.

Next to him, Mara Keenthorne kept repeating her instructions like a mantra.

“Alpha, please make sure to highlight only the harmonious and beautiful moments that you share with the Luna.”


Implied was the message to not even talk about Lillian Woodland or the baby or the fact that she practically disappeared from public eyes after she gave birth.

“Alpha, please don’t reveal too much about the wedding details. You know that we need to prevent the public from finding out about the werewolf community.”

Ronan lifted his eyes and shot Mara with sharp glares.

“Mara, I have done countless interviews with other magazines. I know very well how to be discreet about the werewolves.”

“Of course,” Mara hurriedly said while biting her lips.

The problem was that Glamvision was unlike other magazines that Ronan ever had interviews with.

Officially, the lifestyle magazine was geared toward sharing tidbits about the life of trending celebrities and famous people.

Unofficially, it was a high-tier gossip magazine that tried to spark sensational news through various resources.

The Glamvision readers thrived when they got to read about the rivalry and enmity behind the scene, the passionate love, the scandalous affairs, and the inconceivable betrayals.

Mara knew that Glamvision tried to get another interview from Lillian Woodland for weeks to no avail.

The lady had conveniently gone into seclusion at the Ironclad Claws Pack House.

Although Ronan and Lucien had sailed through numerous kinds of stormy weather together, one could never be too prepared.

Otherwise, one would be caught by surprise.

The woman from Glamvision who came to interview Ronan was a seasoned journalist who specialized in collecting delicious crumbs from the private dining tables of rich tycoons with massive influence.

Like a poisonous viper that bared its fangs at its victim, Miss Baker casually leaned in and asked Ronan with a wink, “Mr. Ronan Silverback, what do you think about the close relationship between your fiancée, Mr. Lucien Clearwater, and your business archrival, Mr. Kinnon Youngshaper?”

Behind Ronan, Milroy almost turned blue from holding his breath.

Mara Keenthorne barely managed to stop herself from gasping out loud.

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