Pursuing My Rejected Alpha

Chapter 278

278 The Day Of The Trial (2)

Upon hearing Ronan’s words, Elder Devin, who slammed his hand against the table in front of him, shouted, “Alpha Ronan! You are speaking about the birth family of your late mother! Do watch your tongue!”

Ronan turned to look at Elder Devin. The pair of eyes typical of the Fangblade bloodline looked extra fierce when coupled with Dane Silverback’s signature cold gaze.

“Thank you, Uncle. I am aware of what I just said.”

Elder Devin turned beet red. He looked like he wanted to curse Ronan out for being disrespectful, but in the end, he decided to swallow the indignation instead.

Elder Devin did not continue defending the Fangblade family against Ronan, but everyone felt uncomfortable badmouthing an ancient bloodline that had unfortunately been discontinued.

“We should rule out this possibility, Alpha Ronan,” Gregor said. “Unless you think that Elijah Summertide stole the poison when he was but a youngling of ten years old or less.”

Ronan broke into a smile.

“I trust that the talented Mr. Summertide is not that proficient that he could steal from the Fangblade family when he’s just an immature lad.”

The Alpha cocked his head in the Woodland family’s direction.


“But someone else could. Someone who was old enough and had access to the poison.”

It was clear who he was referring to.

Someone who also hailed from the Fangblade family and was old enough to steal it more than thirty years ago just happened to sit in the row where the Woodland family members sat at.

Even Lillian’s younger siblings and cousins knew who Ronan was referring to.

“G-grandmother?” One of them whispered in disbelief.

The matriarch of the Woodland family, Lucrethia Woodland, gave Ronan a sneer in response.

She then shot Elder Kragen a sharp look. Shocked by Ronan’s bold accusation, the elder even forgot to defend the pack that he was representing.

“That is nothing more than speculation, Mr. Gravecrown!” Elder Kragen shouted. “Do you have any evidence for accusing Madam Lucrethia Woodland? Back when she allegedly stole the ancient poison, you haven’t even been born to the world!”

“Of course, it is a speculation. Don’t you think that it is a bit too much of a coincidence, though?” Ronan asked. “Elijah went after my mate for no apparent reason. The Woodland family just happens to draw benefit should he succeed.”

“Reason has yet to be divulged,” Gregor pointed out. “Not that it is necessary once the defendant pleads guilty. For the sake of justice, Elijah Summertide, why did you want to take Lucien Clearwater’s life?”

“I held a grudge against him.”

“What grudge?”

“He... He hurt me a long time ago.”

Ronan rolled with his eyes.

“When? What did he do?”

“It was about two years ago during the Moon Banquet.”

From one of the rows at the backside, Annalynne stood up abruptly and shouted, “LIAR!!!!”

Elijah gritted his teeth.

“My brother did not return to the pack until last year! He skipped a lot of Moon Banquets! And don’t tell me that you met him somewhere outside of the temple!”

“Alpha Annalynne, please control your temper,” Gregor growled. “Otherwise I will hold you in contempt of the court.”

Annalynne plopped back on her seat unhappily. Next to her, Kendra squeezed her arm while throwing furious looks at Elijah.

“Mr. Summertide? If you do not tell the truth, I will be forced to consider that Alpha Ronan’s speculation carries some truth.”

Elijah swallowed hard.

He never thought that this matter would take such a complicated turn even after he pleaded guilty. The man wanted to sneak a glance at Lucrethia Woodland to get some clues, but one look sufficed to establish a connection between them.

Elijah held his head down.

From this point on, whatever he said would only make things worse. Might as well shut up. If he did not want to talk, who could make him talk?

Gregor scoffed.

“Alpha Ronan, obviously you don’t have any lead that can point out the connection between Elijah Summertide and Madam Lucrethia Woodland. I am sorry but we cannot do any trial based on mere speculation.”

“What if I have a witness who can testify that the two people are indeed related?” Ronan asked calmly.

The question was very simple, but it caused the whole hall to break into an uproar.

“No way!” one person exclaimed.

“Alpha Ronan, you are being delusional!”

“Madam Lucrethia Woodland is an esteemed elder! Why would she have anything to do with this... this rogue werewolf!”

Elijah gritted his teeth and clenched his fists when he heard the two words that never failed to remind him of his humble origin.

“Alpha Ronan, you need to stop now before you go too far and offend the Woodlands!”

Sitting among his family members, Conrad Woodland whined and held both hands against his ears.

“Nooo,” he begged. “Please stop...”


Dane Silverback hollered at the crowd. The entire hall fell into a deathly silence in an instant.

Gregor cleared his throat.

“Thank you, Mr. Dane Silverback. Please let me handle it.”

Dane gave Gregor a stiff nod. That was all he could do to preserve his colleague’s dignity. They both knew that the crowd would not listen to Gregor the way they listened to Dane. This was the main reason why Dane was asked to serve as a judge for the worst court cases that the Werewolf Council had to deal with.

“So, Alpha Ronan, where is this witness that can prove that the unlikely connection exists?”

Ronan shifted his gaze to Kieran Locksworth, who was squeezing Lillian’s hand so hard that the latter began to wince.

“I would like to have Kieran Locksworth as my witness in this regard.”

It had to be noted that Kieran was sitting together with the Woodland family members during the trial. More than ten pairs of eyes followed his every movement as the man let go of Lillian’s hand, stepped out of the circular row, and walked to the center of the hall.

“Traitor,” one of them whispered.

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