Psychic Parasite

Chapter 118: Loss of Geniuses, Whimpering Hope

Chapter 118: Loss of Geniuses, Whimpering Hope

9:00 PM, Sector 12, 10th Ring; the 200-metre wide road that connected to an arch was bustling with activity. Spanning 100 metres tall and 200 metres wide, the gates of the arch were opened, allowing the traffic to pass through.

A huge truck, spanning 20 metres wide and 9 metres tall moved on the 200-metre wide road, looking like a hulking fortress of steel marching along its path, unhindered by none.

The tyres, seemingly made from monster leather of Tier 4 Frenzy Beasts created small indentations on the road, its tracks forming minute impressions that recovered in a couple of seconds. Spanning 3 metres in diameter, the tyres numbered 18 on one side of the truck. They existed in pairs, placed at a distance of 9 metres from each other on the otherwise 80-metre long chassis.

The front of the truck was shaped like a cone, aerodynamically flattened at the bottom while forming a small curve towards the top, grooves spanning along its sides, accentuated by fins that raised aerial stability. It marched in silence, the only sounds produced being from the friction between the tyres and the road. The exterior had a silver hue, painted with white and blue, dotted with patches of green and rusty brown.

There was the number '1' printed at its top, front, and the sides, as an indication of its position. Marching behind it were similar trucks, each moving forward in silence, raising a sonorous chill that shook the ground. Behind truck number 1 followed four trucks, numbered from 2 to 5. Trucks 2 and 3 moved in the left while trucks 4 and 5 moved in the right, splitting into two streams as they approached the arch, making use of the two paths in the 'U' shaped wall structure situated beyond the arch.

The wall was a shade of magenta, glimmering with a gentle hue, illuminating the city under the night. Countless eyes watched its resplendent splendour amid the darkness, vouching to invade it one day.

The trucks numbered in the three digits, silently exiting the city walls one after the other. After 85 trucks passed through the arch, a behemoth of steel, a mixture between metal and bones emerged, making the other trucks look like ants in comparison. Spanning 80 metres wide, 30 metres high, and having a long body that was a striking 100 metres long, it hulked among the rest.

Approaching the arch, it paused, the tyres that anchored it to the ground parting away, retracting into the chassis. The behemoth of steel floated; an overbearing fluctuation of psychic energy wrapped around it, moving it forward, suspended 2 feet high in the air. The number '0' was printed above it, in huge font, as a showcase to its size. It was also printed on its sides, in smaller fonts.

After the behemoth passed through the arch, another stream of trucks appeared, numbered from 85 to 121; passing through the arch, splitting into two as they exited the walls through the two exits, and rejoining into one in the Wilds.

The build-up was exactly similar to the formation executed during the Flying Signature Raid but, the phenomenon wasn't exclusive to Sector 12 alone. The same situation occurred in 11 other focal points, present in each Sector that connected with the Wild.

Marble City showcased its full might, mobilising the majority of their forces, displaying the gravity of the situation. Exiting the arches from each Sector, 12 streams exited Marble City, as viewed from the sky.

They each proceeded in their separate paths, painting a radial design, heading towards the Frenzy Beast habitats situated beyond 200 kilometres from Marble City. Thanks to Psychic Ancestor Marble's earlier outburst, there wasn't a single Frenzy Beast that had managed to survive within Marble City's proximity of 200 kilometres.

The only exception were the Ethereal Tail Frenzy Beasts that had fled in advance, returning after the commotion had abated to reap in the spoils.

The prime materials that went into the creation of the Unranked Skills involved the carcasses of Frenzy Beastsalive ones. The Traits too required the carcasses of the Frenzy Beasts as base materials.

The Frenzy Fruits required a massive amount of muscular energy to form, the case being the same in Fruit Strata and Grain Strata: the Wisdom Plants required the processed bodiesafter the Essence of Frenzy was extracted from themof the Frenzy Beasts as nutrients.

After Rhachis Ancestor Parasite had infiltrated Marble City through the numerous 8-centimetre tall figures, the captured Frenzy Beasts started to show signs of losing control. Moreover, even the Wisdom Plants started to sport a similar behaviour. This prompted Psychic Ancestor Marble to kill them all before they threatened the citizens.

Had he acted a second later, they would have burst, spilling copious amounts of the Essence of Frenzy, polluting the city, the excess concentration permeating through the air, causing the regular populace to lose control.

Even though he had swiftly acted, Marble City had lost a significant portion of its researchers. Moreover, they now faced a shortage of food, Frenzy Fruits, and energy to sustain their city's operationsall of which depended on the Wisdom Plants carefully Nurtured by Psychic Ancestor Marble.

In order to recuperate their losses, all the three Ancestors were working overtime, leading the remaining research elites of the city to create Wisdom Plants, and commanding the soldiers to hunt Frenzy Beasts.

The other job of the soldiers was to collect the remains of the Frenzy Beasts that had died all over in the Wilds thanks to Psychic Ancestor Marble's outburst.

Sector 9, 10th Ring; it was created just a year ago, with most of the buildings in it still under a construction phase. A similar phenomenon occurred here, with the massive trucks marching into the arch, in formation, exiting the city.

The city walls spanned a height of 200 metres, similar to a barrier that separated their worlds. A dense fluctuation of psychic streamed across it, heading into both the vertical directions, forming a globe. It prevented the Frenzy Beasts from infiltrating into the city, also shielding it from the psychic energy attacks of the Tier 6 Frenzy Beasts.

In the colossal truck numbered '0', seated within the control room was Jyovic Bone, directing the other Bone Family members. He spearheaded the operation for the batch that headed out from Sector 9, despite having retired long ago. He had his reasons, wanting to strengthen his family by using this major operation initiated by Central Command.

"It is thanks to you that we no longer need to capture the Frenzy Beasts alive. Now, we can directly extract their Skills after death and form Relics." Seated next to himthe chair spanning the same dimension as hiswas a Tier 5 Esper, old enough to announce his retirement any day.

"I am honoured by your praise, Sir Light." Jyovic Bone put on a humble expression, his demeanour steady, as if what he had done wasn't anything worth noting. His actions were calculated, showing his expertise for having lived so long.

Seeing his stature, Ankrakhen Light sighed, "In the span of 6 years, your Bone Family has shown considerable development. I am appalled by your foresight, Sir Bone."

He gazed at a man sitting next to Jyovic Bone, barely able to suppress his Tier 5 Aura. To his back sat another lady, looking calm and collected, showcasing a fearless demeanour, and also possessing similar strength.

"It is all thanks to the hard work of my Family members. They have strived for the development and betterment of the Bone Family despite their lacking talents." Jyovic Bone replied, continuing with his humble character.

"That just comes to display the terrifying potential of Bone Devour. As someone who had looked into its inner-workings, I am in awe every time I recall it. Its offensive power, defensive power, energy recovery ability, and its healing prowess, they are all complementary to Warriors, multiplying their strength to greater heights. This also fastens their cultivation journey, creating a virtuous cycle, giving less time for the Wisdom Parasite to develop." Ankrakhen Light glanced at the man beside Jyovic Bone, shifting his focus to the lady seated behind him.

"They were lucky, that's all." Catching his train of thought, Jyovic bone slapped the back of the man sitting next to him, looking pleased. The smile etched on his face turned wider, displaying his pride. Within the span of 6 years, his Bone Family managed to produce two more Transformers, significantly boosting their overall standing.

It was a bit awkward mingling among the Aristocratic circles while possessing only a single Tier 5 existence. Now, their situation was somewhat better. Even though they were still the weakest among all the Aristocratic Families, their speed of growth spurred others to place greater importance on them.

The man seated next to Jyovic Bone had a cold expression, not having once uttered a word, concealing an emotion of wrath, hidden amid sadness. When Jyovic Bone patted his back, he sat like a rigid statue, expressionless.

He turned around, looking at the old men engaging in pleasantries, showing no shame in praising the other party to the high heavens. He opened his mouth, pursing his lips, leaking out a sentence by vibrating his vocal cords. "I will be standing on the deck."

"Sure," Jyovic Bone nodded, uncaring about his attitude. Ankrakhen Light and Wunris Marble, seated opposite to them nodded their heads, showing no change in their expression.

"Remember to return when we summon you, Hubert." Seeing the man head to the exit of the control room, Jyovic Bone spoke, transmitting his voice by controlling his vocal cords.

Looking at the lack of a response from the retreating figure, Jyovic Bone made eye contact with the lady sitting behind him, trailing his eyes towards Hubert Bone. The lady let out an exasperated sigh and stood up, performing a curt bow to Ankrakhen Light and Wunris Marble.

She then followed after Hubert Bone, her steps light and brisk. Jyovic Bone trailed his gaze after her, letting out a sigh, "Watching her reminds me of my late daughter."

"Was she the one who demonstrated the use of Bone Devour 6 years ago?" Wunris Marble inquired, trying to recall the incident.

"Yes," Jyovic Bone nodded, "She is my third child. The one who left just now is my first daughter, the most talented of them all. The other one was the second born; after the death of his sister, his personality had warped into this."

Having recalled the name, Wunris Marble let out a self-deprecating laugh, "Henrietta was a talented child. The same fate has befallen numerous geniuses in our city across the times. If not, our strength would have ballooned to the peak by now."

"The sneak attack we experienced at the end of the Flying Signature Raid amplified our losses tremendously. The losses we suffered in that last battle was ten times the losses we suffered throughout the Raid." Ankrakhen Light sported an expression of sadness, the muscles in his cheek twitching in response, looking like he controlled his sadness from gushing out.

He pinched his thigh, using the pain to control his emotions, "We had lost Anruhen Light in that battle, the individual with the highest chance to become Marble City's fourth Ancestor. Of all the remaining Transformers and Sky Controllers, not even one has half the chance as him at clenching Tier 6."

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