Psychic Parasite

Chapter 116: Mystic Lord

Chapter 116: Mystic Lord

She couldn't observe the actions of the soul using her Tier 4 Skill. Maybe if she were to activate her Tier 5 Skill, she could glean some info by observing the working of his psyche. In this regard, her Tier 5 Skill functioned better than Deific Inference at the same Tier.

She observed each change the Caterpillar experienced, its speed of eating, the expression it sported on its face, and the variations it exhibited. She then observed Jyorta's mental state, using the small changes in his facial muscles, the movement of his eyes, his breathing rate, the amount he inhaled and exhaled, etc. to form some hypothesis.

'Using a mysterious method, he is able to control his behaviour. No, it seems to be a change in his essence. The variation is initiated in his character.' Atika Light's pupils dilated, expressing her shock. She controlled her emotions within an instant, thanks to her abundant life experience.

'It would take a person years of effort, and abundant willpower to even make slight changes to their character. But here, Jyorta is able to achieve the same in a matter of minutes?' She continued her observations, taking in each condition Jyorta exhibited.

Warriors generally nurtured sensory Skills at Tier 1, hence their moniker, Observer. At Tier 2, they nurtured skills that would amplify either their Tier 1 Skills or their physique; hence, their moniker, Amplifier.

Tier 3 Skills usually affected the surroundings, the only Warrior based Skill that had an emissive nature. This led to the Tier 3 Warriors being addressed as Developers. Tier 4 Skills were capable of morphing body parts, shifting weight, etc. This was why they were called Shifters.

Most Shifter Skills conformed to changing the body, baring a few exceptions; Atika Light's Tier 4 Skill was one of them. Despite being a Shifter Skill, its functions were similar to the Skills of an Observer, albeit possessing Tier 4 in power.

Tier 4 SkillCataclysmic Inferrer!

After activating this Skill, her observational prowess surpassed newly advanced Sky Controllers, the information she could infer conforming to all physical, chemical, and emotional phenomena.

Jyorta sat cross-legged, resting his arms on his thigh, the palms faced up. Held in his left was the box containing the Brain Crystals; sitting on his right palm was the Caterpillar, munching on a Brain Crystal.

The blue soul in him directed commands to his body, controlling his psychic arm to bring a Brain Crystal to the Caterpillar at regular intervals. It actuated hundreds of soul tendrils, each processing the myriad individual functions that went into creating the false personathe face mask.

The two blood tendrils burrowed into his nostrils had thinned out a little, making his breathing less strained. He could now inhale a sufficient amount of air each time, dissipating the faint burning sensation in his lungs.

The face mask had a transparent base, perfectly sculpted to resemble his face from the previous lifetime. Twenty soul tendrils had attached themselves underneath it, infusing the soul energy, turning it sturdy.

The soul energy was like an adhesive, perforating through the transparent face mask, holding each segment together. They also firmly attached the white hexagons to its outer surface, ensuring no gaps were created thanks to its shape.

The soul energy formed soul tendrils, largely minuscule, burrowing into the transparent surface beneath each white hexagon, firmly rooting it. Underneath each white hexagon existed hundreds of such minuscule soul tendrils, interlocking themselves amid one another, raising the structural integrity and stability of the white hexagons.

The delicate precision required to attach each white hexagon required the blue soul to divert the entirety of the brain's processing power.

It was to such an extent that Jyorta couldn't divert his attention to what happened outside. Even if an earthquake occurred at this time, he would be caught unaware.

Thanks to the curtain enveloping the subsoul belonging to his Wisdom Parasite, the Caterpillar continued to eat the Brain Crystal without trouble, ensuring its actions were controlled, its pace of eating steady. Other than that, it didn't try to do anything else.

Only when it was the time to actuate the psychic arm did the blue soul divert a part of its attention, commanding the necessary body parts. Multitasking was an easy endeavour for the blue soul. Though, the same thing didn't conform to Jyorta, the physical body as it depended on the brain.

With the personality of the previous Jyorta destroyed, the blue soul didn't have any other option. Kaushik's personality had its advantages and disadvantages. After all, he too was a human, albeit a slightly smarter one as compared to the previous Jyorta.

Hours passed in such a fashion, with Jyorta busy in his endeavour while Atika Light continued to observe him and collate her insights. She noticed some changes exhibited by Jyorta's body, prompting her to deactivate her Tier 4 Skill.

She stood up from her seat, walked towards Jyorta, and placed a hand on his shoulder, gently nudging him. The blue soul noticed a murky fog appear in its periphery, countless times massive as compared to the one in Heima, its intensity akin to an ocean during a full-moon night.

Detecting the feedback from the body's senses, the blue soul retracted all the soul tendrils working on the face mask, prompting him to open his eyes. Noticing the touch on his shoulder, Jyorta swerved his head, noticing Atika Light's presence.

"Retract your Caterpillar. Absorb any more Brain Crystals, and your body might collapse from the inside out." Hearing her voice, Jyorta noticed something wet beneath his nose, trailing from it.

He touched the wet area with his index finger, feeling a viscous solution, the texture similar to water having dissolved coarse soil. It was white in colour, the shade conforming to a creamy white, mixed with the traces of blood, the two being immiscible.

"The base structure of the Brain Crystal is formed from the body of the Wisdom Parasite fused into the Brain. Its start is the amalgamation of some excess body parts remaining in the brain. As it absorbs the psychic energy, it grows in size and density, thanks to the Wisdom Parasite's Nurturing." Atika Light handed him a towel, having retrieved it from outside.

A Ground Controller stood beyond the door, ready to receive orders, only unleashing a part of his domain after receiving her permission, being careful to ensure it doesn't overlap the room. The rest of the doctors had retreated from the area, resting in a different location, ready to be summoned by Atika Light at any instant.

"As you absorb Brain Crystals one after the other, the cells belonging to the Wisdom Parasite present in them accumulate inside your body. At present, they are similar to dead cells, flushed out by your body when their concentration hits a certain amount."

A viscous solution dripped out his eyes, forming two lines across his cheeks. Jyorta used his middle-finger to wipe it, noticing it being the same as the one flowing out his nose. "Ma'am, what should I do now? Isn't sister's situation serious, with her borderline Sync Rate? Wouldn't her Wisdom Parasite soon evolve into a Frenzy Parasite?"

Atika Light's pupils contracted a little, hearing his string of questions. 'After hearing a single sentence I mentioned in passing, he has managed to link them, deriving to a conclusion. If trained well, he can become a splendid researcher.'

Atika Light showcased a gentle smile, watching him wipe his face with the towel. "Take some rest; it has been five hours since you arrived here. Moreover, you will experience a loose motion any minute now. Everything you need has already been prepared; we can continue later. As for Heima, it would take at least another week for her Wisdom Parasite to finish evolving into a Frenzy Parasite."

She then snapped her finger, producing a crisp sound, watching it vibrate the door, producing a silent tune, inaudible to the ears of a regular human. The doorknob gently twisted, creaking the door open, allowing a head to peek inside.

"Take care of him for the time being. Bring him here at sharp 8:00 AM tomorrow." Her voice resounded through the room, the tone gentle.

The head that peeked inside hurriedly nodded, seeping a psychic arm into Jyorta's clothes, lifting him up. Without a sound, he was carried to the exit, the sequence of actions happening before he could respond. The door closed shut, enveloping the room in silence.

Atika Light stood before Heima, her gaze boring into her. She checked her pulse, her pupil dilation, and the aura she unleashed unconsciously. In order to protect Jyorta from suffering the brunt of Heima's aura, she had been shielding him with her aura all along; her expertise was to the extent Jyorta couldn't sense anything amiss.

Now that she had retracted her aura, the bed Heima rested on began to vibrate, rattling like it was amidst an earthquake. The air was filled with a feeling of craziness, one immersed within battle lust, ravenous hunger, and mindless frenzy.

Any normal human caught in it would become mad within a couple of seconds; the feeling permeating in the environment condensed to the extent it achieved a qualitative change.

'Ethereal Tail Frenzy Beast; the newly discovered species that are elusive, possess exceptional danger sense, and sport a mysterious ability to escape from hold. Despite the numerous expeditions launched by our Grapple Force, we have yet to capture one of them, dead or alive. After suffering from such grave injuries, and having her team experiencing a complete wipe-out, she only managed to bring in some dried blood samples.'

"Even their Essence of Frenzy possesses an invasive nature, quickly affecting the best of our Warriors." Atika Light sighed, taking a couple of steps to the back.

Her body puffed up, emitting a blinding radiance, similar to the appearance of the sun during daybreak. Numerous inscriptions condensed on her skin, turning it a shade of navy blue, their lustreless appearance forming a sharp contrast.

Her limbs shrunk, retreating into her body, turning it into a sphere, emitting the sounds of crunching bones. Her body ballooned sideways, flattening along the front and back, looking like a 2-Dimensional image.

Her body floated to the air, despite not using any Skills to induce the effect. The inscriptions on her skin condensed into a circle, forming on her flattened body. Three arcs, each spanning one-third the circumference of the circle cut into it, separating it into three segments.

They lacked lustre, forming dark regions on her body that emitted a blinding radiance. Three dots formed along its centre, spinning around one another, producing a faint undulation in the air. The flattened part of her body expanded to its original girth, reverting to her prior figure, albeit one that lacked any limbs.

Four psychic arms appeared, similar in shape and size to her limbs, also positioned in their respective spots, looking un-extendable. They allowed her body to float in the air, also imbuing in her various abilities. Numerous inscriptions formed along the psychic arms, turning it semi-solid.

Atika Light had transformed, the aura she exhibited permeated through the air, pulling out the essence emitted by the unconscious Heima, the ones pertaining to the crazy atmosphere. She floated towards the bed, shooting a gentle beam of light into Heima's body, focusing on the area of her spine.

Tier 5 SkillMystic Lord Transformation!

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