Psychic Parasite

Chapter 111: Atika Light

Chapter 111: Atika Light

4:30 PM, seated inside the auditorium, Jyorta munched on a piece of hard bread. Each student was given a box filled with food, the choice of eating at their discretion. But, they were prevented from leaving the auditorium unless the situation necessitated.

The auditorium was filled with the sounds of laughter, the students enjoying the show. The screen had long since changed its contents, switching to a show Jyorta was greatly familiar withTom and Jerry.

'This is the future.' He recalled Psychic Ancestor Marble's statement, turning silent, unwilling to ponder on the topic at the moment. The blue soul in him was using most of his brainpower to help in the creation of the false persona, busy to the extent unbothered by the thoughts.

Moreover, the engineering of the false persona was a delicate endeavour; getting distracted was tantamount to making a faulty construction. As he was relying on the false persona to be completed as soon as possible, Jyorta didn't bother wasting his brainpower in facilitating unnecessary thoughts. Anything serious was sent to the back of his mind, allowed to be pondered about at a later date.

He glanced at the screen, watching the show, leaking out a burst of laughter or two, basking in nostalgia. Having seen each episode of the show numerous times, he could enact them without fail, getting each action and emotion right. Even then, the experience remained a novelty, striking his humour strings every single time.

'I have obtained the Trait of Efficiency. Now, the Trait of Recovery should be my priority, followed by the Trait of Resistance. After I have exchanged for the Unranked Skill Regen, I suppose I could give a shot at the Trait of Severability. Though, it is a stretch even for me to aim for it considering the treasures I will be exchanging for and the steep cost per each.'

Jyorta cleared his head of all stray thoughts, relishing the food that tasted better for some reason, possibly due to the show. On the screen, a blue tomcat chased after a yellow bird, making many designs in the air.

The yellow bird flew relentlessly, trying its best to avoid getting caught. It flew towards its nesta house that had been erected atop a long poleand entered through a small hole. A brown mouse flipped the roof of the birdhouse, revealing two rows of sharp nails peeking out along the ends.

The tomcat, having attached a pink cloth to its back, secured to its arms flapped them, heading towards the birdhouse, accelerating further. Looking at the inverted roof, focusing on the row of nails in fright, the tomcat tried to break its flight, turning around and exerting power in its arms.

But, the momentum carried it towards the birdhouse, allowing its butt to come into contact with the nail spikes. Letting out its signature cry, the tomcat extricated itself and fell into a pool. It then climbed ashore and showcased its butt, watching water sprinkle through it onto a nearby bush, displaying a stupid expression.

Jyorta and the others lost their cool, the boisterous laughter thundering across the auditorium. Jyorta slapped his thigh with one hand, feeling his eyes moisten having laughed so hard.

As he munched on his food after regaining his composure, a psychic arm trailed beside his ear, undetected by anyone else, conforming to a light whisper. Jyorta stood up and walked towards the exit, sporting a calm expression.

Standing next to the exit was a staff member, looking rigid, as if the show on the screen hadn't affected her. She opted for a battle-ready stance, looking vigilant, ensuring the students didn't get a read on her demeanour, acting like someone who just stood guard.

As Jyorta approached the exit, the psychic arm that whispered in his ears said something to her, prompting her to open the door, allowing him to exit. Jyorta gave her a perfunctory nod and walked out, looking at the empty corridor.

The door closed upon his exit, enveloping the corridor in silence. Waves of psychic energy flashed around, keeping a vigilant inspection of the surroundings, brushing past him upon each time, pausing for a second to confirm his identity.

A psychic arm coiled itself around him, instantly turning his clothes into a refined object. It lifted him from the ground, and carried him forward, passing him through the flight of stairs, descending down.

After reaching the ground floor, the psychic arm guided him towards the liftsituated in the middle of the halland alighted him to the ground, making him stand next to the door. The lift doors opened, showcasing the figure of Madam Mary.

"Good evening, Ma'am." Jyorta bowed, greeting the principal of the academy. He had already recognised her to be the owner of the psychic arm as she had taken measures to use her voice while whispering in his ears.

"Good evening," Madam Mary smiled, beckoning for him to enter. As he stepped forth, the lift doors closed, giving him the feeling of blood rushing to his head as the lift descended with great velocity.

"You'll be leaving the academy for some time, considering the urgency of the matter. Any content that you have missed will be taught to you by the faculty that is free upon your return. So, don't worry." Madam Mary spoke, seeing the other party stand in silence.

"I don't like what Jyovic Bone is doing," She let out a sigh, "Though, I suppose I understand his concerns."

Jyorta felt confused, hearing her speak, unable to make heads or tails of the situation. He decided to remain silent and make a decision after getting the gist of the situation. The lift soon stopped, opening its doors, allowing a widely lit corridor to come into view.

They had reached the Lower Strata, gazing towards a metro train that had arrived on the platform. Madam Mary glanced his way, motioning for him to walk forward, "The Trait you possess, though weak, has its uses. Since the situation necessitates it, Central Command has ordered for your presence. Don't speak unless you are asked something and take heed of your behaviour."

"Yes, ma'am." Jyorta saluted, striking a pose based on the details from the videos he had referred to in the Portal. The door to a nearby compartment opened as an old lady, looking in her sixties walked out, supporting her body with a cane.

She had short stature and a slightly plump figure. Her face glistened with an oily sheen while her eyes sported a vicious look; adding on the amicable smile etched on her face, she created a contrasting picture.

Her walking posture was gentle, the approach slow to the extent she produced no sounds. She looked at Madam Mary, flashing a smile, "Thank you, Mary. I'll escort this lad from here on."

"I'll take my leave then." Madam Mary rubbed Jyorta's head, turned around, and flew towards the lift. A psychic arm flashed near his ear, trying its best to stay undetected, whispering some words, preventing the trace sounds from mixing into the air.

"She is a big shot. Put on your best appearance and pay heed to never infuriate her." The psychic arm disappeared the moment Madam Mary entered the lift, leaving behind no traces.

The lady stood before Jyorta, extending her hands, "I am Atika Light, pleased to meet you, Jyorta."

Jyorta froze up a little, taking hold of her hands, feeling like he had come into contact with steel. He then sported a smile, trying his best to make it seem natural.

"Let us sit first before I tell you of the situation," Atika Light led him into the compartment, seating herself on a window seat, motioning for him to be seated before her. Glancing at a soldier through the window, she motioned with her eyes, signalling something.

The soldier saluted in response and turned around, waving his hand towards the front, communicating something to the soldiers stationed at the engine compartment of the train.

Immediately, the train jerked into motion, picking up speed in a matter of seconds.

Jyorta looked around, noticing the compartment bereft of people other than the two of them, feeling apprehensive. He gazed into the window, glancing beyond the train, looking at a dark tunnel, with the occasional flashes of light.

"Heima has suffered from severe injuries. Even though she has been treated and physically nursed back to full health, she has been forced into a coma for now. She is on the verge of losing control, thanks to the Essence of Frenzy her Wisdom Parasite had soaked up during a mission." Atika Light said, noticing Jyorta's expression warp in concern.

Jyorta stood up in shock, feeling his hands shiver, sweat filling up from his pores, condensing into droplets on his face. His eyes turned red, the pupils shivered, expressing his mental state. Noticing his expression, one of genuine concern, and the fluster he exhibited, she evaluated his temperament.

'He's still a child and has yet to mature.' She then motioned for him to sit, her calmness infecting him, giving him the room to calm down.

"But, my sister is strong." Jyorta sported an expression of disbelief, hurriedly controlling himself from blurting out his true thoughts, lest he exposed her uniqueness. The blue soul in him placed the half-finished false persona on his blue face, watching it take charge. "Based on her experience, she shouldn't have suffered from injuries."

His mind whirred into thought, thinking back to the details he had observed ever since Madam Mary contacted him, the presence of the lady before him, and the reason for calling him. As he connected the dots, he gradually formed a picture in his head.

Also, thinking of Madam Mary, a Sky Controller addressing the lady opposite to him as a big shot, he felt like she ought to have known about Heima. At least, that was the conclusion he had arrived at.

"Yeah, considering her ability to teleport, she shouldn't have been injured to the extent her life is put in danger." Atika Light said, watching Jyorta's expression, forming a smile after guessing the conclusion he had arrived at. The thought process he exhibited made her form a favourable impression of him.

Atika Light chuckled, displaying a knowing smile, "I know of her existence. And, I also know of yours, Jyorta Bone."

The half-created false persona experienced a crack around its edges, in the places where the white hexagons hadn't been firmly affixed yet. As he felt puzzled, making his blue soul whir into action, he noticed Atika Light continue her statement with a chuckle.

"After all, Angrushen Light is my son. So, I am privy to almost all secrets, some of which even Ancestor Light is unaware of."

"Angrushen Light" Jyorta blinked twice, refreshing his memory, "As in, Rhachis Ancestor Strongest?"

Atika Light nodded, confirming his guess, "Coming back to the topic, we want to use your abilities to resolve Heima's issue. After all, we don't want to waste her talent by making her consume a Cleansement Fruit."

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