Playboy Cultivator in the Apocalypse

Chapter 191 Let The Bidding Begin

After blowing a kiss to potential investors, Mackenzie turned around to show off her perfectly sculpted ass in her thong, driving the soldiers crazy.

"I can't believe I get to see Mackenzie's ass."

"Right? She's royalty."

"It's strange.... I'm glad I get to see but I hate to see her hoeing herself out."

"Whatever; say that when she's stupid powerful. I wish I had a body to offer."

"Hah! What!? You're serious?"

"Shhhhhhh! Mackenzie fuckin' Levi is shaking her ass in a thong, and you're debating the virtues of having sex with men? You both disgust me."

An explosion of laughter in the male soldier section rippled through the area, leading the woman to wink at the group.

Mackenzie didn't mind playing the game. She only needed to charm three men to access private classes and whatever job she desired. Both could continue indefinitely after that.

Adding the option to get a personal room, the amount of power and luxury she could get from having sex three times was absurd.

It was the only rational option in the apocalypse, and Kaze would not hold against any woman. He [may] have even made an exception for romance—in his past life—for Mackenzie.

However, he removed the desperation from the apocalypse, so he wouldn't make exceptions this cycle.

"Let's get started!" Kylie announced, "We will begin with [presale] funding. Investors can preorder Mackenzie's service, and that RP goes to the placement cost.

After the presale ends, investors can bid on who will be first. Let's get this event started!"

An explosion of cheers rocked the ballroom.

"First, let's get started on pre-sale—who's buying Mackenzie's services if she wins!?" Kylie asked boomingly, building excitement.

As she spoke, Mackenzie pushed her thumbs into the front of her green thong and pulled out the fabric, raising and lowering it.

The men in the audience watched in slow motion with beating hearts, praying for an accidental glimpse of her hidden peach.

Without thinking much about it, a man raised his bidding sign.

"Mackenzie has secured one client!" Kylie announced, breaking everyone out of their trances.

When the soldier blew a seductive kiss to the geeky Lockheed Elite who fought in the pit matches with the Special Forces, he turned bright red. His expression only got more uncomfortable when she gave him elevator eyes, and men and women started whistling.

"Any other clients?" Kylie asked, bringing everyone's attention back to the stage.

The tan soldier started dancing, swinging her hips before lowering herself onto her knees and whipping her hair.

Another man blushed and raised his sign.

"We got a second!" The cute brunette announcer yelled, triggering more whistles, "That's how you earn RP, everyone!"

"It's pretty easy when that lady was a stripper [before] she joined the military." A woman complained dryly.

"Did you say something?" A man asked loudly, "You think Kenzie's hot too? We have a lot in common!"

An explosion of cheers rocked the area.

Another two men raised their signs before the festivities ended.

"Now, onto the priority bidding!" Kylie announced loudly, "Everyone here will bid over who will get the service first. If the pre-orders don't cover the placement cost, then the winning priority bid fills the space.

If there's excess, it goes to the service provider as a tip! Bidding starts at 1 RP; you may begin!"

"One RP!"

"Three RP!"

"Four RP!"

"Five RP!"

"20 RP!"

The room fell still when the geeky man called out a comical number, declaring he'd pay seventy RP to spend a night with the soldier.

"Twenty-five RP!" A good-looking brown-haired soldier yelled. He and the woman knew each other, and when their eyes met and she saw his sincerity, she blushed slightly.

"30 RP!

"31 RP!"

A bidding war ensued until the geeky man stole first place with a wild 41 RP, paying a grand total of 91 RP, most of his reserve, to sleep with her first.


"What a fool." Sage chuckled amusedly, watching the man jump for joy, "He gave her the key to power for a single night of pleasure and bragging rights.

If he used the points to build power, he could've been the person people would be bragging over."

"It's true." Kaze replied calmly, "However, for a tragic character who is satisfied living as he's told, making a living, and obtaining pleasure, this purchase isn't about simple pleasure.

For him, he's trading the potential for power for a guarantee of internal confidence, losing his virginity to someone attractive with potential.

Were we destined for mortality, such an action would be understandable. However, as we can live forever through progression, his bid is a declaration he's giving up. It's pitiful."

"Are you saying that a person can accomplish anything with enough time?" Sage mused.

"As is only logical." The emperor smiled mysteriously, "Unlike before, mental decay can reverse through healing, and any person can become the strongest through their actions alone."

"You sound like you speak from experience." She smiled seductively, "That's tough talk from someone who learned cultivation from a basement bookshelf.

Or was it coming to Earth to infiltrate us using techniques on par with top elites? I forget."

"Neither." Kaze replied with a magnetic tone.

Before she could reply—


"Third on the list, Mary Remart, a Lockheed University student!" Kylie announced with an amused smile, "As someone who has been a cheerleader with this blonde, I can tell you one thing about her."

The brunette turned from her blonde co-athlete, wearing pink booty shorts and a tied white t-shirt, to the crowd with a strange smile. "She's flexible."


Everyone when wild when the blonde turned around and bent over, touching her palms to the ground to the sound of wild whistling. She did exercises with her back to the crowd until the brunette picked up on the ploy and continued.

"Mary offers an hour of conventional wish-fulfillment or light BDSM role-playing for 20 reputation points." Kylie announced, "People can buy multiple hours if she isn't booked. Who wants to preorder?"

Mary bent over again, put her thumbs into the elastic of the shorts, and started pulling down extremely slowly. Everyone held their breath until she spoke into her headset microphone. "Would you like to see?"

The area detonated with howls and whistles, everyone devolving into true animals.

"Then start your pre-order." The blonde said, slowly standing back up, "I'll pull them down slowly. At the fifth preorder, I'll take the shorts off. And… oh."

She turned around and blushed slightly, looking away shyly, "If we break Mackenzie's RP record, I'll prove tonight's a full moon."

One second of silence, an explosion of cheering the next.

"Let the pre-order begin!" Kylie yelled.

Mary was a beautiful woman who was a cheerleader—that was a fantasy many had. So she could compete with Mackenzie on equal footing.

However, she offered a service for 20 RP, a number that most audience members had. Combined with the wild, festive atmosphere and testosterone—

"I'm in!"

"I'll sign up!"

"Wheeeeew! Over here!"

—something disturbing happened.

People started raising their signs in a wave, caught in the fervor.

At first, Mary was stoked, adding up the reputation points and pulling down her shorts. After crushing Mackenzie's number, fulfilling her competitive experience, and securing three hundred points, giving her an advantage, she was satisfied.

She dropped the shorts, revealing her black thong and modeling her flexibility to reward the audience.

Mary found it amusing until—the signs kept popping up without stopping.

Her stomach sank when she broke the 500 RP mark.

While it could instantly move her into the Executive, giving her a suite and a technique, she was lined up to sleep with 25 men, and it was still going!

Mary and Kylie watched the feeding frenzy playing out with rapidly beating hearts, praying that something would end the situation.

The Public Relations Director subtly turned to the VIP skybox, hoping that Kaze would do something.


"What will you do, Emperor?" Sage asked in sadistic amusement.

"What do you think I should do?" Kaze asked curiously, watching the numbers go up.

"I'd let it happen." The redhead shrugged.

"For amusement, as you're expressing right now?" He asked mockingly.

"No, for her reputation." Sage replied, turning to him with a dangerous smile, "Whether she has sex with twenty or fifty will make no difference.

Everyone will label her the same: [whore]."

She emphasized the last word breathlessly, mocking the term.

The emperor didn't find it amusing, but he did agree with her forthcoming conclusion.

"However, by amassing resources and growing immensely powerful, people won't care about her being—a whore." Sage smacked, "They'll be forced to bend to her."

"You sound mocking, but your eyes claim it's nearly envious." Kaze smiled mysteriously, "Am I wrong?"

"Not in it of itself." The redhead smiled, narrowing her eyes at the cringing blonde, getting bids from sadistic men enjoying the shitstorm playing out, "I'd just call it an opportunity.

I don't think I'd mind being on that stage if I didn't have what I have. Then I could revel in the satisfaction of becoming the most powerful and striking fear into the hearts of everyone that berated me for doing something rational.

I'd find that very, very satisfying."

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