Parallel Memory

Chapter 289: Professor William vs Hiro Ernest

"Looks like I have no other option!"

Judging by Professor William's character and his actions, Hiro knows that the further he tries to talk to Professor William, the worse his mood will become.

[ "Devoted Star: Limit release" ]

Hiro's rank was already on the verge of breaking through to Rank-B -. With Limit Release, Hiro's stats increased and were on par with Rank-B +. Though Hiro doesn't want to stay in this state for much longer as its side effects are quite severe.

While Professor William was using his full power, however, he was not using any Art which made his punch less destructive though a Rank-D person would instantly die if he happened to take the punch.

But for Hiro whose power was that of Rank-B peak, it was nothing more than how a normal person perceives a punch from a normal person.

Hiro also used the mana-enhanced punch to counter Professor William's punch.


The two powerful fists collided with each other as a loud, echoing sound vibrated through the air. Both Professor William and Hiro staggered backward. However, if one focused on the fight, one would notice that Professor William was pushed back 3 meters more than Hiro.

Professor William stared at Hiro Ernest in disbelief. He never thought that Hiro, who is a student, would have power equal to his.

( Me, a noble! Pushed back by a commoner? )

"This is impossible!"

Professor roared as he increased his mana aura further. It was enough for the students to lose consciousness because of his mana aura. Fortunately, Hiro's mana aura blocked Professor William's mana aura and prevented him from harming the other students.

"Humph! Hiro Ernest, you have really managed to enrage me. I will show you how powerful a noble is!"

[ "Aristocratic Assault" ]

Aristocratic Assault, a skill that is a series of elegant, but devastating punches that are delivered with the poise and confidence of an aristocrat. However, what it is known for above all else is how elegant and powerful the punches look.

Hiro got ready to block the skill. While it lacked power compared to Hiro's skill, this Art was not something that one could easily block. Moreover, Professor William was a Rank-B professor.


A loud and oppressive voice echoed through the training ground. A mana aura surged and suppressed Professor William causing him to almost collapse on the ground.

They turned to see Professor Mia at the edge of the training ground. She was slowly approaching them.

"Professor William, what do you think you are doing?"

Professor Mia demanded, her voice stern. She didn't think that Professor William would disregard the rules of the Academy and fight with a student.

"You know that faculty members are not allowed to fight with students. This behavior is completely unacceptable, and I expect a full apology from you for your actions."

Professor Mia spoke as if she were reprimanding a child.

Professor William's face turned red with embarrassment and anger. He wasn't embarrassed about attacking Hiro, but by how easily Professor Mia managed to suppress him. Even though Professor Mia was younger than him, she could easily kill him with one finger.

Moreover, it was the girl that he was pursuing that was suppressing him and there were also students watching this happen. No matter what, it was incredibly embarrassing for Professor William.

But Professor William was not one to back down easily. He glared at Professor Mia, his pride injured by the reprimand and the difference in power.

"I am of noble birth, and I will not apologize to a mere student for teaching him his place!"

Professor William arrogantly said. Though he didn't look all that powerful as he was on the verge of collapsing and was struggling to speak.

"Professor Willaim, don't think that you can do whatever you want here. Even your father would not be able to protect you if you dare do this again."

Professor Mia said as she stopped suppressing Professor William.

"I will inform the principal about this incident. Be prepared to face your punishment!"


Professor William left the training ground without saying another word. His mouth was bleeding a little because of him trying not to fall due to Professor Mia's mana aura.

His hatred only increased because of this incident and he vowed that he would take revenge against Hiro and Professor Mia.

As Professor William stormed off the training ground, the students who had witnessed the incident looked at each other in shock and disbelief. Some of them couldn't believe that a faculty member would behave in such a way, while others were more surprised by the fact that Professor Mia had so easily subdued Professor William.

But the most shocking fact was that Hiro was able to fight Professor William on equal ground. They had only exchanged one punch but it was enough for them to see that Hiro had power equal to Rank-B.

"Did that just happen?"

Asked one of the students.

"I can't believe Professor William would do something like that."

Said another.

"And did you see how easily Professor Mia took him down? She's so strong!"

Said a female student. Her voice was full of admiration for her idol who was Professor Mia.

As Professor William stormed off, Hiro couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. It was clear that he had made an enemy in Professor William, and he wasn't sure what the professor would do to take revenge.

Professor Mia noticed Hiro's worried expression and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"Don't worry, Hiro. I won't let Professor William get away with this. I'll make sure that he is held accountable for his actions."

Hiro nodded, grateful for Professor Mia's support.

"Thank you, Professor."

"You don't have to thank me."

She said with a small smile.

"It's my job to protect my students. I just hope that this incident serves as a lesson for Professor William and he learns to control his temper in the future."

The other students nodded in agreement, hoping that this would be the end of the incident. However, they knew that someone like Professor William would never give up and that this type of incident would happen again.

Professor Mia nodded, her expression serious.

"You are a talented and promising student, Hiro. Don't let this incident disturb your training. If you ever need any help or support, don't hesitate to come to me."

Hiro nodded, grateful for Professor Mia's words. He knew that he had been lucky to have her intervene, and he vowed to be more careful in the future.

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