Parallel Memory

Chapter 283: School Starts Again

After the entrance exam, Yui, Sylvia, Lisa, and Hiro decided to go out for a meal to celebrate Yui's success in passing the exam. Sylvia was excited to take Yui shopping, but Lisa reminded her that Yui might need to rest and recover her stamina before doing any shopping. Yui didn't mind and was happy to be accompanied by the group.

Sylvia led the way to a restaurant that she claimed sold delicious food. Yui, Lisa, and Hiro followed along, looking forward to a nice meal after all they had been through.

As they walked, they chatted and Sylvia told many things about their experiences at Ace Academy and what to expect at her new school.

Sylvia and Lisa also praised her for her strength and skill. Hiro was just happy to see his sister doing well. He felt that there were not many things he did for his sister because of how busy he was. But he was happy that she was able to grow well even without him by her side.

Finally, they arrived at the restaurant and sat down to enjoy their meal. As they ate, they continued to talk and laugh, feeling grateful for the opportunity to have a nice meal together. It was a special moment, and they were all thankful to have each other's support and for this moment of peace.

However, Hiro and others knew that this peace was temporary and the devil would soon make trouble. After suffering from the Devil's invasion, they knew more than anyone how dangerous devils were

After their meal, Yui, Sylvia, Lisa, and Hiro decided to go shopping as planned. Sylvia led the way to a popular shopping district, and the group browsed the stores, looking for the perfect outfit for Yui.

Yui was excited to try on different clothes and styles, and she was grateful to have Sylvia and Lisa's help and advice on things that she would need at Ace Academy. They were able to find some cute and stylish outfits that suited Yui's tastes and personality.

As they shopped, they talked and laughed, enjoying each other's company. It was a fun and relaxing afternoon, and Yui was grateful that her brother's friends were so nice and friendly to her. She was almost jealous that her brother was able to make friends with such nice girls.

Recently, Sylvia and Lisa spent most of their time in a dungeon, so they were also having fun. They rarely got the time to go shopping like today.

However, as Hiro mentioned, they all knew that this peace was temporary. The Devil's invasion was still a threat, and they knew that they would have to be ready to face the dangers that came their way. But for now, they were happy to have this moment to relax and have fun together.


Hiro didn't stay together with Yui for a long period. After some days, he returned back to conquering the dungeons while at other times he would be seen training at The Authority headquarters. On the other hand, Yui was also immersed in her training as well.

Unlike Hiro, who wanted to avenge his parents and get Elixir, she didn't train for those reasons. She just wanted to be strong enough to be an Explorer and earn money while being able to look after her parents.

She didn't really think that she would be able to procure the Elixir which was extremely rare that even a Rank-SSS Explorer might not get. It was better to hope for their parents to open their eyes on their own or hope that with the advancement of technology, there would be a way for them to save their parents.

Yui was a realistic thinker, unlike Hiro who was an optimistic thinker. She would rather spend time on something that she knows she can achieve than relying on some luck.

However, that didn't mean that she disagreed with her brother's goal. Rather she admired him because he was willing to do anything in order to save their parents.

Anyway, right now all she could do was train harder to become strong enough to help her brother.

School has started again.

First-year students could be seen as nervous and at the same time excited as they entered the Ace Academy gate.

The students who were returning to Ace Academy for their second and third years seemed more relaxed, but they still had the same butterflies in their stomachs as the first years. After all, starting a new school year always brings with it a mix of excitement and uncertainty.

As the students made their way to the school ground, they couldn't help but feel a little bit nostalgic for the winter break that had just ended. But at the same time, they were eager to see their friends and teachers again and to take on the new challenges and opportunities that the school year would bring.

For the first years, the transition to Ace Academy was especially daunting but it was their first real step toward becoming full-fledged Explorers. It didn't help that the professors that were standing on the podium were all famous and powerful.

Though as soon as they saw their seniors especially Hiro, Lisa, Zion, and Sylvia, they became excited. They were like idols to them and many had joined with the expectation of meeting them.

It was not easy for a student to earn the admiration of another student unless one showed amazing talent just like Hiro. Regardless of whether they are young or the same age as Hiro, after witnessing his power they cannot help but admire him.

The same was with Zion, Lisa, and Sylvia. While their popularity was less than Hiro, many new students admired them.

Though there was also their extraordinary appearance to factor in which made many admire them, especially their opposite gender.

"Greetings, students! I hope you all had a great winter break and are ready to learn new things.

To our new students, welcome to the prestigious Ace Academy! You are joining a long line of talented and accomplished Explorers, and we have high hopes for your future.

This year, we have many exciting and useful skills to teach you, and we will also be focusing on honing your fighting skills and developing your potential. I encourage all of you to take full advantage of the opportunities that this school has to offer and to make the most of your time here." …

Ace Academy's principal went on and on. However, despite it being such a lengthy and almost boring speech, the students were all excited. It is because it is rare for anyone to see a Rank-SS Explorer and having gotten this chance, they can't help but feel honored.

They can see that Ace Academy is really a number one school even with all the scandals and malicious rumors going around. After all, only Ace Academy had a Rank-SS Explorer as principal though he rarely taught them.

But just being present there was enough to skyrocket the prestige of Ace Academy. Having shown Rank-SS on the first day of their school, it left a powerful impression on first-year students.

"I'm glad that I decided to come to Ace Academy!"

"Yeah! Who would have the opportunity to meet Rank-SS like us? I can't wait to brag about this on TwitFlick."

"Also look there! Can you believe how beautiful our seniors are? Just getting to see them every day is enough to make me come to this school." …

Students left the school grounds discussing various things and expressing how fortunate they were.

As the first day of school came to a close, the students of Ace Academy couldn't stop talking about the Rank-SS principal who had made such a strong impression on them.

They also talked about Hiro who was always in the spotlight. Many of them were excited to have the opportunity to learn from someone who had achieved such a high level of skill and accomplishment.

Hiro was a bit overwhelmed by all the attention he was receiving from his juniors. He had always been a dedicated and hardworking student, but he had never expected to receive such adulation from his juniors. Despite his initial reservations, Hiro was happy to be able to inspire and motivate his juniors.

Though he was troubled by the number of love letters that he got from the juniors.

As the weeks went on, Hiro became a bit of a celebrity at the school. Everywhere he went, students, would stop and stare, hoping to catch a glimpse of the famous student. Hiro tried his best to remain humble and approachable, always taking the time to answer questions and offer advice to anyone who asked.

Yui was also getting popular. With the media publishing their news, everybody knew that Yui was the sister of the genius Hiro. Therefore, many approached her in the hope of meeting Hiro.

It was also because Yui was among the top performers in the first year that others wanted to be her friends. However, because of her fame, there were others who felt jealous and wanted to make trouble for her.

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