Overpowered Sword

Chapter 73

Overpowered Sword Chapter 73

Level up with swords (73)

Naturally, there were two people at the forefront: Hansen and Leonik. Unlike adventurers, mercenaries have a lot of experience in interpersonal warfare and are well-versed in fighting methods against wizards.

The best strategy is to blow off the head of the opposing wizard before they can even utter a single spell, but this is not possible with their capabilities.

Therefore, Han Sen slammed down his shield with all his might and bent one knee. That was the reason why, unlike usual, he brought out a tower shield that could cover his entire body.


“I know!”

Leonic then supports him next to him. As the two B-ranks concentrated all their strength on one shield, there was no barrier.

This is A mercenary group’s strategy to counter magic.

Its solid defense power had once been able to withstand even a 6th rank magic. The two colors of aura coexist for a moment on the surface of the tower shield, forming a castle wall-level defense.

“Don’t climb, you bugs.”

Andrei, whose eyes were wide open at the resistance of the mercenaries, stretched out his hand.

5th level black magic .

Even so, the destructive power of the magic was comparable to that of the 6th rank, and it became several times more powerful as it absorbed power from the magic circle spread throughout the count’s residence and territory.

The lightning struck the tower shield before the sound of thunder.


With a loud noise, the two mercenaries are pushed out.

Four dents were left on the floor of the mansion, and molten iron dripped down as if the shield had melted due to the lightning that pierced the Auror.

Hansen and Leonik were also in awe-inspiring situations.

The lightning that overflowed beyond the shield scorched the body, causing hazy vapor to rise above the scorched body. Even if the aurors were just a little bit lacking, he would have died on the spot.

“…Ha Mel…!”

Nevertheless, one room was blocked.


Hamel, the comrade they protected, saw through that moment. As soon as I let go of the bow string, a ray of red light shot out.

A fire attribute auror arrow.

There are only two mithril arrows that cut off the wind and set it on fire. The blow even pierced the lightning that Andrei reflexively shot and struck him between the eyes.

However, wizards were a race that took all kinds of measures to protect themselves.


The moment the arrow reached between his eyes, one of the rings Andrei was wearing shattered and lost its power.

It is a one-time use, but a top-level artifact that transfers damage.

Andrei, who had lost one of them for nothing, was furious.

“dare! “How dare a mercenary take my ring!”

Several magic circles appear behind him and glow ominously.

“I will not let you live! No, even if he dies, his soul will not be able to rest! “You all become my slaves!”

With Andrei’s roar, black magic was unleashed.

All high-level magic of the 5th rank or higher.

The darkness that bestows disease and curses pours out, and dozens of evil spirits screaming horrifying sounds have been summoned. A commandment-level undead that is almost invincible to physical interference!

At the same time, daggers rained down from the ceiling.

Papa pa pa paak!

Even with Leon’s eyesight, he could barely count them.

A total of 36.

Before I knew it, the daggers that Karen, who was up on the ceiling, had pierced through the bodies of dozens of evil spirits. A blow that penetrates the top of the head, rips through the spine, and protrudes into the groin.

It is a secret attack that can only kill a human being with one hit.

“Tch, that doesn’t work either.”

However, the demons did not suffer enough damage to be reverse summoned, just because they were in some pain as they twisted their bodies.

It is difficult to destroy the spirit body even with .

In addition, since ‘shadow’ is an attribute close to black magic, its power was reduced. If it had been Leon’s ‘Sun’ or Cesare’s ‘Moon’, it could have been a fatal wound.

Karen, who failed one surprise attack, melted into the darkness again. Immediately after that, a exploded towards that place, but it had already disappeared without a trace.

“쥐새끼 같은 년…!”

Andrei gritted his teeth at that stupid thing.

Karen’s dagger did not extinguish the evil spirit itself, but it bound its feet with a shadow. A shadow is something outside the realm of physics. Thanks to this, it was possible to at least capture it, even if it was a spirit body.

The companions did not let the opportunity she gave them go unnoticed.

“Light! “Please illuminate the future of those who are wandering!”

A white flash flashed as Damian’s holy law removed the curse that covered the room and inhabited the weapons of Leon and the mercenaries.

It is an auxiliary method that temporarily grants sacred attributes.

Leon, who understood the intention, swung his sword first.


Even without using an aura, an evil spirit is cut off and disappears. The true value of sexual nature was to impose order on the ‘force that goes against the law’ of the dead interfering with the living.

This was also the reason why the natural enemy of black magic was Holy Law.

“Are you planning to let only the young master be active? “Follow me, you idiots!”

“How shameless the captain was when he fell asleep first!”

“You show off your body all the time, and it turned out to be pure muscle!”

Gustav, who barely got up, and the mercenaries who had recovered from the Holy Spirit followed him and killed the evil spirits.

The evil spirits who were unable to move because of Karen were helplessly swept away by weapons imbued with sexual properties.

Andrei didn’t intend to just sit by and watch, but Karen and Hamel’s control was so persistent that he couldn’t do anything. Two types of long-distance attacks, a dagger and a bow, were constantly hitting the shield.

“How tenacious these fabrics are!”

Finally, Andrei closed his eyes and took something out of his pocket.

It is a small bell.

It’s probably not an ordinary species, so in this case it’s probably an artifact. Before anyone could stop him, Andrei swung the bell, and the soft sound of the bell spread throughout the mansion.

A sound that travels everywhere, regardless of the barrier spread across the living room! The intention was clear.


The door was thrown loudly and the knights burst into the room.

The bell rang by Andrei had summoned them.

“My lord! “Did you call me!”

“No, what is this situation…?!”

But the reaction was again unexpected.

The knights jumped into the room as if they had been waiting, blinking their eyes in confusion as they looked at the remaining demons and at Andrei floating in the air.

As if I didn’t know that Andrei was a warlock.

“Welcome, my loyal knights.”

When Andrei saw them, the corners of his mouth curled eerily.

Damian, sensing malice in that expression, put his hands together, but it was already too late. The swords held in the armor worn by knights and the oath they took when they were ordained were held in their hands.

In an instant, it radiated evil power and took over the body.



The skin becomes hideously distorted like tree bark, the eyes turn dark red, and the muscles of the entire body expand abnormally.

One of the most notorious taboos in black magic.


A black magic that explodes all the potential of the living and temporarily transforms them into monsters wielding powerful power. It was very useful because it even lost its ego and obeyed the user’s words.

The only drawback is that it is very difficult to engrave magic into the body and requires a long period of time.

“Frenzy…!? “This damned heretic used abstinence!”

Damian recognized this and shouted, but Andrei laughed and laughed as if asking where the dog was barking.

“Isn’t the abstinence from drinking all decided by you guys? “I don’t know why they tie and untie my hands and feet at will.”

“Prohibition of alcohol was achieved with the agreement of the entire continent!”

“We didn’t agree to that bullshit!”

Andrei suddenly raised his voice and glared at him.

“You guys were just afraid of us! The power of black magic! Potential! They were just afraid that we would rule over those worthless and worthless bastards! “Are you saying that cutting off our heads and hanging them on a pole is justice in the name of a damnable goddess?”

“…I can’t understand anything.”

“What I will say is the dog of the church.”

After that question and answer, the two did not talk any more.

Only the primal killing intent remained and flowed through their gaze.

“Kill me, my knights! “Crush those bastards!”

With Andrei’s command, the knights who had become monsters with Frenzy charged in without worrying about who was first.

There is not that much difference in number.

Perhaps because it was the middle of the night, there were only five people.

However, its combat power was nothing compared to usual.


Gustav’s eyes widened as he clashed swords with a knight.

“What are you doing, you bastards…!”

It is a claymore with a physique of over 2 meters and a great strength that was born with it. The power of the sword he wielded with sincerity cannot be countered head-on by even a superior fighter.

But the guy hit back.

Even though I was pushed back a few steps and broke two fingers, I took it without breaking my posture.

Gustav, who was about to start after killing one guy, stiffened.

“Be careful!”

Damian, who knows the effects of Frenzy well, shouted.

“A person consumed by Frenzy feels no pain at all and demonstrates the power to surpass their own limits! Because their vitality is in a state of overflow, they cannot be killed unless they are fatally injured, and the output of the auror will increase significantly!”

“No, what do you mean?!”

The mercenaries, confused by the nonsense, asked back, but before they could answer, a melee began.

Leon immediately realized that the balance was precarious.

Gustav could handle one person alone, but the remaining mercenaries’ combat power had already dropped to less than half. This was because the count’s magic was incredibly powerful.

Even if Damian joined the three of them, even the two of them would have to remain on the defensive.

‘I have to deal with at least two people.’

Karen has a hard time holding on to just one person, Andrei, and cannot afford to support the others.

Then El Cid spoke.

[Watch their movements carefully.]

Leon listened while blocking the path of the two guys.

[I can use the sword skills engraved on my body with decades of experience, but that doesn’t mean I have the intelligence left. It might be easier to deal with two people at the same time.]


It was indeed as he said.

A narrow attack is a sophisticated martial arts technique that creates a fatal gap with just half a step. This is not something that a berserker who has lost his sense of self can do.

If you’re fighting one-on-one, the swordsmanship will only gain more power, so it’s a threat, but if you’re fighting two people, you can take advantage of their gap.


With one breath, I sink my consciousness to the bottom and

say Kaaaang!

I pass over the sword that came flying from a world that has become extremely slow.

Leon’s eyes had already become transparent like glass beads. He is concentrating his entire mind to unite himself with the sword.

Even though it has been strengthened with , its swordsmanship ability remains the same.

The technique of a sword that has lost its ego and is swung according to its habits is at a truly crude level. It was nothing special to Leon, who could counter even A-rank attacks with and

Kang! Kaang! Kang! Kaga River!

The clumsily coordinated attack is defeated one beat first.

The stab aimed at the neck was slashed diagonally and brought to the sword that cut the side. Leon crossed the gap created when the two knights’ swords interfered with each other without a single error.

Slash of anger.

The holy sword plunged into one of the man’s collarbones and ran all the way to his side.


Leon’s upper body was covered in blood, but he glared at the other one without blinking an eyelid.

There is no way a berserker would care about the safety of his allies.

It was according to that judgment.


The sword light flashed along with an unintelligible scream.


The movement, which did not even care about damage to bones and muscles, barely exceeded his visual acuity. In terms of instantaneous speed, she is faster than Karen.

This is a clear example of how dangerous is.


But Leon did not flinch even at that speed.

Unlike Karen, there is no irregularity in its speed. As long as it’s fast, it ends when the orbit is detected.

He doesn’t have the brains to judge that and step back.

Berserker and Leon run at each other with their eyes shining,


Leon was hit by the and was thrown backwards.


I barely managed to stop it.

This was possible because the power of the sexual attribute resisted black magic. With this defense, Damian’s holy magic wrapped around the sword completely disappeared.

He blinked to regain his vision and looked back at the berserker who had been caught in the lightning with him.

The remains, including the armor, had been reduced to black charcoal.

“…Using your own articles as expendable items and throwing them away.”

Leon was furious at the treatment and glared at the direction where the had come from. As if turning him into a monster wasn’t enough, he attacks along with the enemy? This was not the attitude one would take towards a knight he had appointed.

Andrei spoke with a calm expression.

“What’s wrong with using the life you gave me as you wish? “If it was useful, shouldn’t we be grateful in the end?”

It was an outrageous remark that I couldn’t tell if it was a provocation or sincerity.

Rather than getting enraged by those words, Leon looked around. The mercenaries are still fighting fiercely against the berserkers. Damian is reciting a prayer while breathing heavily.

And even the image of Karen hanging behind Andrei.


In the end, perhaps because they were unable to restrain Andrei, the sight was quite miserable. The scorched clothes and blood-oozing abdomen clearly indicate serious injury, as if struck by a black lightning bolt.

If treatment is delayed, even the person’s life can be at risk.

As he was about to take a step forward, Andrei held out his hand.

“Wait. I have a suggestion for you. “If you accept that, I won’t touch that girl again.”



Andrei nodded once and smiled.

“You have quite a bit of skill for such a young age. He has more dignity than those dirty mercenaries. Judging by his swordsmanship, he is probably a scion of a famous family who has hidden his identity.”


“So, I’ll give you one chance. Take my side and slaughter those worms and the dogs of the church. If you accept, I will guarantee your woman and her life. If you refuse, I will end both of you right here. “How is it?”

It was an unacceptable offer.

However, Leon narrowed his eyes and chewed his lips as if he was thinking about the proposal, pretending to be worried.

Karen must be saved.

So he has to deceive the Count, but will the high-ranking warlock believe him without any guarantees? There was a high possibility that special oaths or restrictions would add binding force to the words.

‘If you surprise attack with and cut him in two…’ That’s

not possible.

, who still lacks proficiency, has large preliminary movements and the intention of raising the aura is revealed.

I have to find time somehow.

I can’t let Karen die or fall for the Count’s words.

It was a dilemma.

[Leon, you know that?]

‘What else is in this situation?!’

[In the world, there is nothing but front and back.]

Leon looked puzzled at those words, but soon understood what they meant and opened his eyes.

The moment Andrei saw his expression and was about to open his mouth again,

he said, “Quwaaaaaa!”

The night sky appeared with an incredible sound.

The Count’s Mansion.

The upper part and the roof were completely shattered, and even the ceiling of the living room where Leon and the others were was blown away!

Even Andrei was mesmerized by the sudden turn of events.

It is said that the mansion’s defensive barrier was weakened because it was in the middle of a battle, but it is even more strange to assume this level of destructive power. Even if you were hit by an iron ball fired from a new catapult, it would not have been this much.


Damian, who saw someone at the edge of the missing roof, laughed out loud and shouted.

A castle knight who attacked the camp with two vampires.

A woman with a silent voice and an iron fist.

Angela jumped down without a moment of hesitation.


Angela calmly pulled out her leg, which was stuck up to her knee in the floor tiles, raised both fists, and stretched out one hand.

She can’t speak.

Since I couldn’t speak, I got into the habit of expressing myself with my hands.

Angela raises her left thumb towards Andrei and


I turned it over and slammed it towards the ground.

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