Omnipotent Overlord

Chapter 227: Huo Ling’er

Chapter 227: Huo Ling’er

The real name of the girl writhed in flames was Huo Linger, the third princess of the Holy Fire Empire on the Holy Fire Planet. Calling her heavens daughter truly was an apt description. 

Huo Linger was from the Fire race. Each member was strong since birth, and this race was acclaimed as one of the ten strongest races in the universe.

Huo Linger was truly amazing. After birth, she burned her holy fire for three years before dying out. A member of the fire race would always burn in holy fire when born, but the period varied. The vast majority could only keep it up for a week, but Huo Linger did it for three years. This only ever happened once, a million years ago, to their primogenitor. 

With the holy fire refining her body for three years, she was now of flawless constitution. To the fire people, this was a natural saint, and Huo Linger lived up to the name. She rose to become a sixth level in just five years. At ten, she entered the seventh. This was a feat only their primogenitor from a million years ago could accomplish.

Huo Linger was very strong, enough to fight easily in the heaven ancient battleground. But her personality was off, choosing only the yellow one no matter what. 

A peak seventh level power lowering himself to the yellow ancient battleground would still be far more powerful than a fifth level.

Only allowed on

Above the sixth level, growth was slow, while skill expertise gained a sharp increase. This level became a wall.

If, by absurd, the seventh and fifth level had the same power, the fifths attack would be like a ton of cotton, while the sevenths would be like a thin needle as heavy as a ton.

The past Li Mo first saw Huo Linger when he came to the Holy Fire Planet with a friend to look for the Holy Fires source. Li Mo and his friend acted as visitors, planning on using Huo Linger as a go between to exchange for this source. The result, Huo Linger beat Li Mo to a pulp, and was called trash for having no special constitution, then driven out of the Holy Fire Planet. Li Mos friend, however, was detained, becoming her slave for fifty years. 

What followed was a two hundred year long fight between Li Mo and her until he entered the eight level and easing Huo Lingers pressure on him. 

The past Li Mo had no chance at revenge, so how could he let her go now?

Huo Linger was wrapped in flames and wielded a pair of flaming whips, striking at Li Mo.

Huo Lingers body was refined by the holy fire for three years, making her Holy Fire Physique flawless. She wielded such power that she could burn to a crisp a sixth level opponent even in the fifth level. 

The fire whip couldnt be blocked, only dodged.

Li Mo kept dodging, and Huo Linger kept attacking. Until Li Mo had his back against a twenty-odd meter tall cliff.


Huo Lingers whip struck again, splitting the cliff in two and turning it to ash in but three seconds.

Scarry, just like the first time we met.

Li Mo sighed, then flashed right next to her and swung at her face.


Huo Lingers body exploded in flames, threatening to burn Li Mo if he dared get any nearer.

But a flick from Li Mo snuffed the flames around her in a blink

Huo Linger was dumbstruck.

Li Mo then made her fall on all four and mounted her, using her ears as the reins.

His friend became a slave for fifty years, while he was hunted down for two centuries. The more Li Mo thought the more ruthless he became.


Li Mo ripped her clothes off, then threw her pants away.

Huo Linger struggled, but couldnt conjure up even a spark. Her only defiance left was her hateful stare.

You said I couldnt touch you but youre not worthy even as a slave. Whats so great about Holy Fires third princess? Absolutely nothing!

Li Mo drew words in the air with the talisman drawing art.

The Huo Linger in the ancient battleground wasnt the real one. Her appearance was off as well, but Li Mos conduct virtually exposed her for who she was.

Li Mo clutched her chest with a hand while writing with the other, See that? Thats me touching and grabbing. What a letdown Holy Fire third princess is a washboard!


Huo Linger vanished.

She couldnt take the shame and admitted defeat to escape.

Li Mo stood up and took a deep breath.

This was but a drop in the bucket to the grief of his friends fifty years of servitude.

It wasnt just mere servitude, but also leashed like a dog to have him mate with interesting races. That was all because of his friends constitution. She wanted to experiment on what offspring wound come out depending on the race.


Li Mo kept going even after defeating Huo Linger.

But Huo Lingers match had many headhunters step down from challenging him. Half an hour Li Mo waited, yet there was no opponent in sight. 

Per ancient battlegrounds rules, if a challenge wasnt met in two hours, then the fighting would end and hed get double the reward. 


An opponent finally appeared before Li Mo.

Fire Lord was his name.

He was Huo Lingers younger brother.

Li Mo recognized him from the start. Huo Linger had a younger brother named Huo Tian. As for his constitution, it was far beneath his sisters. But fate was with him at the age of ten, allowing him to step foot on an unknown ancient planet. What he found there was a Mystical Sun Crystal, less probable of appearing even in a million years. Taking it boosted his power quickly, making him even stronger than Huo Linger, in the eight level.

Fire Lord was a famous warrior in the earth level ancient battleground. He wasnt like Huo Linger, aiming to reach the heaven ancient battleground in the future.

You bastard, do you dare state where you come from?

Huo Tian wrote with fire. He came to the yellow ancient battleground to exact revenge for his sister.

9988 Galaxy!

The planets name! Fire Lord gnashed his teeth. 9988 Galaxy was the domain of the Holy Fire Empire. 

Holy Fire Planet. I am Fire races granddaddy.

Die, you bastard!

Huo Tian formed a fire sword and attacked.

Li Mo worked harder in this match. He found his winning was too relaxed as of late, making the challengers back down. So he had to put up a thrilling show to keep them coming.

The two clashed for over five hundred times. The panting Li Mo, clenched his weary fist and finally knocked Huo Tians flames out.

Bastard, if my power wasnt suppressed, Id need only one move to kill you!

Huo Tian was too tired to even move, using fire to express his rage.

Wash your sister and get her ready. Ill soon be coming to the Holy Fire Planet to bed her.

Li Mo stomped Huo Tian to death.

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