Oh My God! Earthlings are Insane!

Chapter 182: Improving At Ridiculous Speeds

Chapter 182: Improving At Ridiculous Speeds

Meng Chao decided to make the first move so that others would follow in his steps and posted his first post on a social media platform.

[Today, I was lucky enough to talk about the Ultimate Style with the military school students and fought with them using the Army Fist. I learned a lot from them. As expected of the nursery of the most powerful people in the Red Dragon Army, the students from the military school really have great knowledge about that subject. They gave me a lot of inspiration, and I believe that we will definitely push the Ultimate Style to new heights!]

When the students saw that he did not mention the matter of them fighting in a marathon fight on social media, they could not help but sigh in relief.

They thought about it. Meng Chao showed them great respect and even generously shared the Ultimate Style with them... On top of that, they could get a free saber, and a few days later, they could enjoy free training in a cultivation cabin. Sending a few posts to their circle of friends and praising the Ultimate Style wouldn’t make them lose anything.

Soon, the social media outlets of the military school students gained new posts.

[I went on an exchange with Meng Chao of Agricultural University’s martial arts course today. He isn’t as horrible as the rumors make him out to be. Instead, he’s an upright, noble person, and is very friendly. His Ultimate Style is also something worthy of research.]

[That’s right, Meng Chao stepped forward during the practical test of the national college examination and turned the tides. He’s definitely a good person. Don’t be fooled by the rumors. If you have the chance, look for Meng Chao and talk to him, then you’ll understand.]

[I’d like to explain certain things in regards to the matter of Meng Chao going into the women’s bath. In truth, at that time, a really fierce snake-type monster entered the women’s bath, and the girls screamed.

[Meng Chao was coincidentally passing by the alley under the window of the women’s bath, and since he’s a considerate and chivalrous person, when he heard the screams, he immediately thought of being like the countless heroes and martyrs. When he saw something unfair, he had to do something about it, so he did not care about the time, place, and his own honor.

[He immediately jumped in through the window and killed that snake-type monster. He used the heightened senses given to him by the Ultimate Style and kept his eyes shut during the entire process. He’s truly a noble person with exemplary conduct!]

After the last post, many students quickly responded with strong remarks.

A few just typed three question marks.

[What’s going on? Were you captured by Meng Chao? Does he have a saber against your neck? If that’s true, type some nonsensical words, and we’ll go to save you!]

[What the heck? What sort of benefits did you get from Meng Chao? Even if you’re being a ghostwriter for that Ultimate Style or whatever, you don’t have to be so obvious about it!]

There were naturally people who misunderstood them, but it stirred up quite the storm at the east lake base.

Over the next few days, Meng Chao sparred with the students using basic martial arts during the Ultimate Style study group he organized every night and analyzed how spirit energy could flow nonstop through the branch meridians while he killed monsters. He also analyzed how the endless flow of spirit energy could help with the transmission of electrical signals in the nerves, the shrink and expanding of muscle fibers, and the turning of joints.

As more people joined, there soon were more than one hundred people in the tent. It had never been big to begin with, so it was starting to not be enough for all the students who wanted to participate.

Even though the people who were willing to come for the exchanges were either the bad fruits of the military school, the freshmen of the universities, or the one-star superhumans who were already working in society, which meant that they were all people who were not very influential, it was still a good start, and Meng Chao was very satisfied with it.

To ensure that the students would be attracted by the Ultimate Style, Meng Chao did not just ask Li Yingzi to help him contact Gu Jianbo, who remained in the lab of Agricultural University’s martial arts course, and got a lot of the quintessential theories of the Ultimate Style, he also used the ideals of the Ultimate Style to push the basic martial arts to a brand new stage and perfectly killed all sorts of monsters.

At first glance, when compared to the students whose hunting speed was getting faster because they were getting more experienced, he slowed down.

If anyone just looked at the tabulation of monster kills, they would find that his ranking kept falling, and he became a nobody again.

But he believed that once anyone got incredibly familiar with something, no matter how many similar monsters they killed, they were just mechanically repeating the same movements, and it did not help them improve.

He preferred to practice different killing methods on the normal monsters.

During the delightful hunts, he continued to polish the Ultimate Style and his basic martial arts so that this brand new “system” and the upgraded “programmes” could work even more perfectly with each other.

Hence, after Meng Chao managed to shrink the fatal wound he delivered to a monster from a certain angle to the minimum, he did not use the same method to kill another similar monster.

Instead, he would start racking his brain to think about other ways to kill it.

Sometimes, he tried killing them with no time limit but in the way that allowed him to save up stamina.

Sometimes, he tried killing the monsters without caring about his stamina and spirit energy but about taking the lives of as many monsters as possible within the shortest amount of time.

Sometimes, he tried killing without spending his stamina and preserving his spirit energy as much as possible to make sure that he could release his killing move at any moment.

Sometimes, he gave up on his saber and fought against the monsters with his bare fists to test how he could settle his fights if his weapon broke or he lost it.

Sometimes, he got up at three or four in the morning and fought fiercely against Chu Feixiong or Wu Wu. When they beat each other black and blue and got tired, he would intentionally miss breakfast and go to the battlefield with the students who had rested fully and were full of energy. He was testing whether he could bring out the advantage of the Ultimate Style while he was incredibly tired or hungry.

At one point, he even intentionally let himself be captured by Water Monkeys and carnivorous etherealized plants to see whether he could break free when his limbs were bound by poisonous vines and continue fighting after that.

At another point in time, he got bitten by Wolf Crocodiles, stabbed by Ghost-arrow Pigs, and had acid from Hundred-eyed Toads enter his system. He would then continue fighting while hurting all over and hallucinating.

The students did not know that Meng Chao was testing the Ultimate Style after intentionally injuring himself. When they saw him, they just thought that he looked a little pathetic.

This was especially so when they compared him to the four students specially recruited to be in the fighting occupations. They were currently very popular, while he could not even compare to Sun Ya, Xie Feng, Duan Lian, Jiang Rui, and the others, who had improved by leaps and bounds. His improvement did not bring any shock or amazement to the people, unlike his first fight.

Meng Chao was the only one who knew just how much he had been improving.

A lot of the memory fragments from his previous life rose in his mind, and the blurry black and white images pieced together. They even gained color.

The Skillfulness of his basic skills also rose to Perfect Level or Ultimate Level, which gave him a lot of confidence. Without using spirit energy and activating superpowers, his fighting strength should be among the top out of the millions of people in the city.

And thanks to sparring with the students in the base, the progress of the second segment of the Fight for the Ultimate Style quest shot up to 101 out of 300. He was no longer far away from completing his goal of fighting against three hundred superhumans who were in fighting occupations and were at the same level as him.

And while he was not very fast at killing the monsters during the day, the number of normal monsters he killed had long since surpassed the lowest requirement. He had already killed 1315/1000, but he still had to kill one hundred superbeasts before settling accounts with Kindling. Then, he would have the chance to get the superskill Monster Blood Combustion.

The ten main meridians had already been fully repaired. His arms were now surrounded by brilliant and thick spirit tattoos. With the fine but beautiful spirit tattoos from his branch meridians, he could form a vivid and incredibly fierce tattoo. Besides that, his offensive had increased by leaps and bounds, and he could create a brand new spirit energy magnetic field.

Now, Meng Chao was someone whose number of cleared main meridians reached the two digits, and if he rounded up his numbers, the difference between him and Sun Ya, who had cleared more than eighty main meridians, was not big.

Kindling remained burning at the top corner of his field of vision and displaying his contribution points, which had gone over the terrifying wall of sixty thousand. He could now activate another one-third of the skills he had learned in his previous life. They were all supernatural skills that sounded incredibly brutal when he looked at the names. Meng Chao was dazzled, and he did not know just which skill he should activate. Or should he activate all of them at once?

To make sure that he could get hundreds of thousands of contribution points that would allow him to activate all the skills as soon as possible, aside from sparring with the students every night, he also learned how to edit videos and uploaded scenes of his fights during the day online.

As the construction of the railroads was completed in segments from Dragon City to Shattered Starlake, a large number of signal towers were also built along the way. The exchange of information between the frontlines and the rear became increasingly easier, and for a period of time every night, the superhumans who had been fighting at the frontlines talked with the citizens at the rear through the social media and short-video platforms.

Since the enemies the Heaven Realm elites faced in Graveyard Forest and the Deity Realm elites faced in Raging Waves were incredibly fierce and the spirit energy over there was very complicated, it was very difficult for them to upload the full version of their fights.

Most of the uploaded fights came from the fierce battles at Shattered Starlake.

The most popular among the citizens were the videos of youthful and beautiful freshmen from the universities, because those were their first battles.

Shao Jianqing and the other three specially recruited students of the fighting courses from the alliance of the five universities were naturally the ones promoted the most. The universities provided a lot of videos, and the livestreaming platforms showed their battles from all sorts of angles. They were treated as the outstanding fighters of the new generation and carefully decorated before promotion.

Meng Chao’s videos allowed him to gain some popularity as well because of his strange and deviant way of fighting.

Before he uploaded his videos, the netizens never thought that there would be more than fifty different ways to kill a Ghost-arrow Pig.

They did not expect that someone would actually torture themselves with the fangs, venomous spikes, and acid from monsters before killing them. They did not think he would fight while covered in wounds.

They also did not expect that while he was unarmed and while his arms were limp because he was poisoned, he could use a broken rib of a Ghost-arrow Pig to cleanly kill a Wolf Crocodile, and then, with swift movements, flay another Wolf Crocodile and suffocate a Hundred-eyed Toad.

The swift but deviant ways he used to fight while suffering from major blood loss or when he was incredibly tired dazzled the netizens. And with Gu Jianbo, Ning Shewo, the Yan Organization, and Soul Breaking Saber Luo Wu’s support, Meng Chao dumped money into the livestreaming platform and short video platforms to make them promote him on their homepage and give him exposure. He also bought a lot of ghostwriters to push his videos on the trending ranking board.

For a period of time, his name of the eldest senior brother of the Ultimate Style spread like wildfire and many netizens became interested in this brand new cultivation style and fighting model that came with a different air.

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