Offer To The CEO

Chapter 544: Post Wedding Fun - part 1

544 Post Wedding Fun - part 1


Having spent a late night with all their wedding guests at their reception, Hou Yi when he woke up Sunday morning was careful to make sure that he did not disturb Anna. She had been totally exhausted when they returned to their room and it was a struggle to even get her out of her wedding dress and into bed. The?only thing at the reception Anna was grateful for, was that the hairdresser, had ensured that she could remove the veil as soon as they arrived at the venue without disturbing her hair or the tiara.

Hou Yi, was simply grateful for when they were able to hand the tiara in its box to the bodyguards to secure it until they headed home. While it was highly sentimental to his family, he knew from dealing with Fengs and jewellery more generally the true value of the tiara. Given how hard it was to spend money on jewellery for his wife, she would have been highly concerned if she had realized that the tiara was worth over ten million US dollars, due to the rubies, diamonds and gold in it.

Even after he had quietly showered and changed, Anna was still asleep in bed, so Hou Yi slipped into the lounge/dining area and made himself a drink and pulled out his laptop. Despite his best to try to deal with all work matters so he could have a week away, the reality was that he was unable to avoid work. Some things, despite all his plans required his attention, or were necessary to deal with for upcoming meetings.

Hou Yi quietly worked while keeping an eye on Anna, letting her sleep as long as he could. The last thing that he wanted was another day like Friday. That panicked him, and in the end,?he made a real mess of dealing with everything. He was worried that Anna might have thought that he was more concerned about their baby, rather than the truth, she was the most important thing.

Hou Yi concentration on the work before him and before he knew it, he felt Anna wrap her arms around him from behind, and gave him a kiss, before asking "What in the world are you doing. We are meant to be away from work and our worries at home for a few days."

Turning around slightly, moving his chair backwards a bit, Hou Yi gently pulled Anna onto his lap before giving her a kiss "Sweetheart, you needed to sleep, and I have wall to wall meetings Wednesday and Thursday, so I figured as I was not going to go back to sleep I might as well do something constructive."

He looked at his laptop and noticed the times "Now get yourself into the shower. It is after 11am, and those invited are gathering at the farm for lunch and a relaxing afternoon."Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click .Comfor visiting.

"Relaxing afternoon, you have to be kidding me with Adam and Ben involved," Anna said laughing, before scrambling off Hou Yi's lap and heading into the bathroom to shower.

Hou Yi, while waiting for Anna, finished reading the document he was reading, given he only had a page left, before shutting down his laptop and packing everything away.

As he put his laptop away, Anna walked out of the bedroom, and headed over putting her hand on his arm. Looking up, she quietly said "Yi, I want to do one think before we head out today, given our intention to leave early in the morning to head back to Melbourne."

"Whatever you want, but I promised that we would be there by 1pm."

"Not a problem.?There is just something that I am craving, a hamburger with the lot. Do you want one?"

Hou Yi looked at Anna, baffled. Why in the world would she want a hamburger when they were heading to the farm for a party.?Anna simply ignored Hou Yi, and telephoned her favourite Hamburger store, Kermonds for a take-away order.?In addition to the burger for herself, she ordered another seven hamburgers, and if Hou Yi or the bodyguards did not want one she was aware her family would polish them off, particularly when someone else brought it for them.

Anna dragged out finishing getting ready, so that when they arrived at Kermonds, with a bodyguard she walked straight in, paid for her order and collected the food and headed back out.?As she reached the car, she started to offer the burgers out.?Three bodyguards decided to take a chance and try one.?Hou Yi was determined to refuse until he looked directly into his wife's eyes and immediately took it to try.

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