Offer To The CEO

Chapter 522: Total Mayhem - Part 8

522 Total Mayhem - Part 8

Tuesday, continued …

Having heard Lu Jingho's muttering the judge turned and said "Mr Lu, these proceedings are about crimes that you are alleged to have committed.?If you claim that the allegations against you are false, make a complaint to the police and they will investigate that matter.?I will give you this one warning if you do that one more time you will be banned from being present in court during any of the proceedings relating to this matter, whether I am in charge of it or another judge is charge."

"Now, I would request that the lawyers, including those representing the victims, whether present in court or who will be appointed to have discussions to determine not only what matters can be resolved, and the batching of the charges.?This will allow a better determination of the future progress of this matter."

"As to Madam Jones, provided that confirmation of her enrolment in a school in Australia is provided to the court I will excuse her from being present at court.?Additionally, and this is for the National Prosecutors to see to, with any minor victim who is in education, please provide confirmation as soon as possible of their education and they will be also exempted from being present in court at this time."

With that the judge quickly completed the formalities on the bench before indicated that one Lu Jingho signed the paperwork he could go.

Once the Judge finalised the matters, Alister Nang stood up and signalled to Anna, Amanda and Yao Tan to follow him from the courtroom.

When they found a quiet spot back in the room, they previously had been in Alister Nang spoke, "Madam Hou, go enjoy your wedding ceremony in Australia, and have a good time while you are there CEO and Madam Yao. Can you please contact me when you return CEO Yao as I will need to have further discussions with you??CEO Hou has already told me when he returns for the same purpose."Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click .Comfor visiting.

"Now, please do not be disappointed.?From what happened in court, my view is that Lu Jinhgo will contest the charges, despite not confirming it.?He will, going to use these proceedings to attempt to intimidate victims, particularly to force them to settle.?It will work with some and they will accept compensation for the charges to be dropped.?I cannot predict how many will though."

As Alister was sending them on their way there was a knock on the door, and in come the lawyer from the national prosecutor's office.?"CEO Yao, I did not want to say anything before, but Lu Jinhu has indicated that subject to negotiation as to the actual penalty and charges to proceed he will plead guilty to his involvement with what happened to your daughter.":

"While we have our opinion as to the penalty, we have to negotiate directly with Lu Jinhu.?He fired his previous lawyers as they are involved with the representation of his father.?He has, however given to us two letters, one for you and one for your daughter.?He asked that you please read your letter and have your daughter read her letter before you consider what you want imposed on his as a penalty.?He said he is in no hurry, but has asked that when there is an agreement on the penalty that we act to keep it secret to ensure that the main perpetrators, being his father and Rong Jingye are brought to justice for what happened to her."

With that the two letters were handed to Yao Tan, and the national prosecutor turned and left the office. Yao Tan threw them on the table and said angrily "I do not give a care what he says, he hurt my little girl and he deserves to pay."

Amanda reached and picked up the letters, before quietly saying "Tan, Do not get me wrong, I agree he absolutely deserves to play for his role in what happened to Alecia, but we are no better than him if we do not at least take the time and read what he has written. We can ignore it, but at least we have heard his words."

Amanda opened the envelope and started to read the letter. After each page handing the letter to Alister Nang who then handed it to Yao Tan to read. Anna simply picked up each page as Yao Tan dropped it on the table. Fifteen minutes later, the four of them sat stunned after having read what was contained.

Amanda to break the silence turned to Alister and Anna and asked, "What do you think?"

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