Offer To The CEO

Chapter 502: After the Raid - Part 12

502 After the Raid - Part 12

Sunday, continued …

Anna took a few breaths before continuing.?"The incident involving what occurred in front of CEO Yao occurred on the day that the joint venture was launched by CEO Yao and my Husband for their companies entertainment division.?While there three young girls approached with a heart wrenching story."

"While I was, due to my physical injuries and the psychological impact of what had happened to me the previous time I was in the police station, unable and unwilling to come with them to the police Madam Yao did.?The actions of those three brave girls triggered the investigation that has led to here."Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please clickfor visiting.

"This morning when I was informed of the allegations of extent of his actions, I was shocked.?Then, added to all this my husband and I are told that Lu Jingho is allegedly responsible for the attack that occurred on Alecia Yao, CEO Yao's daughter, my husband's god-daughter and my sister-in-law."?The comment about a sister-in-law drew gasps from members of the press.?None of them knew that Alecia had married James, but that had to be let out.

"My husband and I had to break the news to my sister-in-law as to who appears to be responsible for her attack.?With everything that has happened in the last few months do you not think I want justice to be served and to hear you all questioning my integrity.?Who is paying you?"

Totally exhausted emotionally with this, Anna turned and placed her head on Hou YI's chest.?She was fed up with the press, as every time they treated her as the person always at fault, not human.?She felt that they were always in the Lu Family's pocket and another means to attack her.

Anna heard a press member shout, "Madam Hou, you are saying this as if it is a fact?"?Hou Yi tensed, but Anna turned back as she knew that Hou Yi would not stay calm.

"I am not that stupid. If you were paying attention, I made it clear that it was alleged not a proven fact.?Stop trying to put words in my mouth, as it makes you sound like you represent Lu Corporation rather than being a journalist, who if I understand your profession correctly is meant to investigate, question and come to an independent conclusion when presenting facts."?Anna started to shake and sway slightly in his arms, so Hou Yi knew that he needed to get her out of here as quickly as possible, and to the hospital for treatment.

Before he could start to say anything, Anna started to collapse in his arms, so Hou Yi immediately swept her up into his arms, and with the help of the police and their bodyguards made their way out of the room, into a waiting car, and with a police escort were quickly driven to the hospital.

On the way to the hospital Hou Yi called Anna's obstetrician and let him know what was happening and that they were on their way to the hospital. As the car arrived outside the emergency department, medical staff come racing out, to place Anna onto a trolley and quickly wheeled her into the emergency department.

A few minutes later Anna's obstetrician arrived and took control of her assessments. While he wanted Hou Yi out of the room, Anna would not let go of his hand, so she simply worked around him. After the initial observations were made and taking of blood, a portable ultrasound machine was brought into the room.

Very quickly they could hear the heartbeat from the foetus, which immediately started to calm Anna down, and the heartrate monitor on her started to show that she was calming down.

When he finished the ultrasound, the Obstetrician turned to Anna and Hou Yi "CEO and Madam Hou, everything from the Ultrasound appears to be fine with the babies, so that is one thing. We will need to wait for the blood tests to come back but let me ask you two things Madam Hou. Are you stressed out and have you eaten today?"

Hou Yi, looked at Anna, and quietly said "Stressed out, absolutely. We have just been present at the police station regarding certain offences involved CEO Lu from Lu Corporation where we have been victims of.?It has caused her to spend part of the morning crying in my arms when we were informed.?Plus, she only ate a little when we had breakfast."

The obstetrician stood there and shook his head. "OK, what I am going to do, as I want to monitor you for a few hours is I will have you admitted back to the VIP ward, simply as it will be the best calming place for you, and make a decision about whether to discharge you. CEO Hou, if you can follow me, we will start the admission processes."

Once outside the room, the obstetrician said "She is way to stressed. Unless I see her much calmer in the next few hours, we will be keeping her in for a few days and she will need to be on bed rest for a couple of weeks."

"Can she fly? We are meant to have our formal wedding ceremony in Australia, next weekend?" came a concerned Hou Yi

"If her blood pressure drops and she is calmer, yes. Not a direct flight but broken into two of three stops with a couple of hours between each leg. I will work out the legs with your pilot. I will also need to talk to your sister-in-law, who can help keep an eye on her while you are there."

"Thank you."

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