Offer To The CEO

Chapter 490: The Raid - Part 2

490 The Raid - Part 2

Late Saturday – Early Sunday

When they spoke to the police Friday afternoon, it was made clear to them and their associates that they wanted to catch them both, but in particular Lu Jingho in the act with an underage girl.?These discussions made them both angry.?The police were condoning further potential abuse of girls, simply for the benefit of their investigations.

They had made the decision with their associates as soon as one of those inside confirmed either Lu Jingho or Rong Jingye had entered a room with a girl, the police would be called.?That lessened the risks to the girls that they intended to victimise tonight.?They wanted to ensure that the risks were limited to the young girls.

Without a care a smug Lu Jingho strolled into the warehouse with Rong Jingye beside them.?They were paying little attention to what was going on around them.?To Snake and Lion, this lack of care would be their downfall.

Once they were inside Snake and Lion turned to focus on the audio and video footage coming from the carefully placed devices inside the warehouse. It had been hard work from their associates over the last couple of weeks to sneak in, place and maintain the recording devices that had provided significant evidence in the investigation.?They had simply been lucky that none of them had been located.

As they entered Lu Jingho and Rong Jingye were quickly escorted to the VIP Area where one of their associates was sitting browsing the Menu that had been provided.?The money that they had been using to get this to happen, was significant but for Snake and Lion, which everyone else agreed with the money was worth it if they brought to justice Lu Jingho for what he had done to their princess.

As Lu Jinhgo and Rong Jingye settled into chairs in the VIP area, their man walked over to they, introduced himself to them. While initially it was obvious that they wanted to avoid speaking to him their man carefully steered the conversation to the 'menu' items for the night, asking for their opinion on what was on offer.

That discussion prompted Lu Jinhgo and Rong Jingye to quickly select that they wanted for the night. Lu Jingho selected a 16-year-old girl for the balance of the night, and Rong Jingye two girls, one 16 and another 17. While their man was still, to all appearances tossing up his 'selection' for the night both Lu Jingho and Rong Jingye spoke as they were leaving with their selection offering him to come and watch them, and possibly join in their fun.

As soon as they moved into the room area and along the corridor to the rooms, another associate left the girl he had been talking to and walked along the corridor watching both Lu Jingho and Rong Jingye enter rooms.?As soon as this was passed on, Snake and Lion gave the signal to the police who commenced their raid on both illegal brothels, approaching both from the security blind spots, preventing any alerting to those inside until the police were right on top of them.

Snake passed on the details of the rooms that both Lu Jingho and Rong Jingye had entered to the police at the last minute, to enable them both to be caught in action with their young victims by the police.?Snake quietly said to Lion after passing on the information he just hoped neither of them tonight had hurt a girl.

When the police breached the main warehouse, four quickly made their way towards the soundproof rooms where they knew Lu Jingho and Rong Jingye were.?They wanted to secure those two quickly and protect their victims for the night.?The other police officers fanned out through both the main brothel that was being raided and the second brothel.?They knew that they needed to find as many victims as quickly as possible and stop any people within the brothel from leaving.

To the great surprise of the police there was no reaction by anyone until after they had breached both venues, which prevented anyone from escaping.

The two officers who entered the room where Lu Jingho has his victim, found him partially undressed with his young victim stripped and being beaten with a whip.?Rong Jingye unlike his friend was undressed and in the process of tying up one girl while the other was running her hands over him.

In some of the other rooms in both venues' men were located from various levels of society abusing in various ways numerous young girls. Every adult inside both venues were arrested, and the girls obviously forced into the work in the venues were taken away, but in a much more comfortable way, so that they could be spoken to and their stories obtained.

Lion and Snake, with their men packed away their observation points and provided the last of the surveillance footage they had to the police, with promises that they would all come to the police stations to provide their statements later in the day.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please clickfor visiting.

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