Offer To The CEO

Chapter 465: Lu Corporation Board Meeting - Part 6

465 Lu Corporation Board Meeting - Part 6

Wednesday, continued …

Somewhat in shock CEO Lu spat out "How in the world …?"

"You forget CEO Lu I am a lawyer.A Will is a Will wherever it is written, and your father had land in Australia, which meant that his will had to be proven there as well.I simply made a request through the right channels and was able to obtain a copy of all the documents which included the original will and the translation."

"Who cares what you have done and think.I still own the largest parcel of shares in the company.So it is irrelevant."

"No it is not irrelevant.Plus I believe the keeper of your company's share registry can confirm that you do not own the largest parcel of shares in the company..."

The gentleman who had been telling the people assembled of the change of share ownership could only say, in a very quiet voice "She is right CEO Lu."

"I do not give a care if she is right.They time allowance we gave for the new owners of the shares to be present at this meeting has passed so I am ending the meeting."

"You cannot," came the firm strong response from Anna.She knew that CEO Lu was almost to the breaking point, and she so wanted him to snap in front of everyone as that would kill his ability to be CEO of Lu Corporation in the future.

"Do not tell me what I can do little girl, I am CEO of this company and chairman of the meeting.While these shareholders exercised legitimate rights under the company charter and despite me being generous and allowing them additional time to arrive, they are not here.I will therefore be ending the meeting."By the time he finished speaking CEO Lu had a complete smug look on his face, utterly believing he had won.

Anna, despite feeling Hou Yi put some pressure on her arm as a means to tell her to stop playing games to let them get down to business decided that she had to have one more dig at CEO Lu.She knew he deserved it.

"What, you do not want to continue to play this game.I never thought you retreated from anything," Anna said in a sweet voice.She then continued "Oh, and by the way thank you for admitting your role in what happened seven weeks ago.I will be telling the national prosecutors office so that can request a copy of the minutes from this meeting with your admission."

CEO Lu had a complete stunned look on his face realising that he had said something in the heat of the argument with this little witch which he had hoped she had ignored but had not.

Anna, finally taking the quiet message Hou Yi was sending now wanted to move this to the next stage to allow Hou Yi to take over."However as to you ending this meeting, could I suggest that you do a roll call of the shareholders with a sufficiently large enough parcel of shares to vote, or those who control the voting rights of the shares?If I have no right to be here after that I will quite happily leave."

"Fine" CEO Lu spat out, signalling to the controller of the share registry to start reading out the names.

"CEO Lu, on behalf of the Lu Family, forty percent"


"CEO Lu, on behalf of himself and Madam Lu, as trustees of three percent"


"Mr Yang, on behalf of himself and Madam Yang, as trustees of three percent"


"CEO Yang, of the Yang Group on behalf of the Yang family, fifteen percent."

"WFT International?"

With that, knowing she was nominally the CEO of the shell company Anna spoke "Present, I am the CEO."

"WHAT!" screamed CEO Lu, "There is no damn way."

"Would you like the documents to show this CEO Lu?"

"You could not prove anything."

Hou Yi now moved into action "CEO Lu, CEO Yang, Mr Yang.Please take these folders."With that he pulled six folders out of the briefcase the bodyguard had placed beside him, handing one each to them, along with one to the company lawyer and the share registry manager.The sixth copy he sat in front of Anna, which had clipped to it the nomination form"They confirm the CEO of each of the four shareholders you were waiting for, and their ultimate share ownership.My wife is CEO of WFT International, and I am the CEO of the remaining three companies.The share, as you can see are ultimately owned by my wife and I jointly."

"What the …?How …?"

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