Offer To The CEO

Chapter 461: Lu Corporation Board Meeting - Part 2

461 Lu Corporation Board Meeting - Part 2

Wednesday, continued

After finishing getting ready, Hou YI and Anna had a quick breakfast in the small casual dining room before heading to the hospital for Anna's physio appointment.While Anna was working with the physiotherapist Hou Yi spent the time on his phone talking to Assistant Wang who was also on another line to the lawyers seeing to the transfer of the shares and that everything else was in place for the meeting.

As they were finishing the calls, Assistant Wang reminded Hou Yi that in all the paperwork he had there was a proxy form for Anna to sign regarding the shares held by WTF International.Last night, he and Anna had discussed about when this would be signed, and they both decided that the best time was during the board meeting in front of everyone there.

While Hou Yi knew he would prefer to do this without Anna there, as she said in their discussions the night before she needed to be there at the meeting.Lu Jinhu using the backing of his father and the family company had targeted her and it made him feel safe in doing so.Seeing that backing start to crumble would, as she said, be pleasing to observe.

While waiting, for Anna to finish, Hou YI received a message from Officer Mu, about a press conference that was going to be held by the police at 11am.He explained at 3am that morning the police had conducted a raid on a warehouse in the warehouse district where CEO Lu's Wife, Rong Jingye and his wife, and Madam Yang among others were all arrested.It was set up as a private club, where there were over twenty male artists and fifteen female artists, all well over the age of eighteen, that they had determined were signed to Lu Corporation's entertainment division.

As he said their lack of clothing, in the main area of the club, made it obvious as to some of the activities that were happening in the so-called club, and some of the artists arrested admitted what they had been doing.Further, when Madam Lu and Madam Rong were found they were engaged in s*xual intercourse with males in the same room with Rong Jingye watching the activity.Madam Yang was found in another room, being pleasured by a female and male.

In the discussions, Officer Mu advised that they had determined that the warehouse was owned by Lu Corporation.Lu Corporation's name was also on authorisation for the venue to be used as a private club as well as the liquor licensing authorisation that enabled them to serve alcohol until midnight.Hou Yi knew that this was something that they would be able to use in the board meeting.

As he ended the call with Officer Mu, Anna was walking towards him with the crutches in her hands, but still obviously limping."There are letting you …?"

"Yi, for part of the day, with the hope that by Monday I should be able to stop using them.If that happened within a week of that I will be out of the Moon Boot but will for a few weeks have to wear shoes that have support for the ankle to prevent further injury. "

Hou Yi noticing the time, asked Anna, about going to a café close to Lu Corporation for morning tea before heading to Lu Corporation for the Board Meeting ensuring that they arrived right on 11am.

When they entered the café Hou Yi decided to use he asked for a quiet space, where no one could easily get close to them, or listen to their conversation.After placing their order and it being delivered, they started to drink.Anna then turned to Hou Yi and asked "What is it?"

"While you were in the appointment Officer Mu called and confirmed the outcome of the raid, he told us about Monday."

Anna, could see that Hou Yi wanted to tell her something so asked, "What was the result?"

Hou Yi, knew that this was the ammunition that could be used."It was a success.Even better for us to use today, Madam Lu and Madam Rong were located in a room with two males engaged in s*xual intercourse with Rong Jingye watching them.Also, Madam Yang was found in another room with a female and male pleasuring her."

"Can these people get any worse?"

"Well we know what CEO Lu is like, and what would you expect from the people around him.Is there not an English saying, 'birds of a feather flock together'?"

"There is, my love.And you are right to use it in this context, they are the same and have gravitated together."

"Stop side-tracking me.While we knew it was a legally established club under the clear control of Lu Corporation, over thirty artists from LU Corporation's entertainment division were there and even before the rooms with those engaged in s*xual activities was located, their state of dress made it obvious that s*xual activities occurred in the venue.All artists there were over eighteen, which is at least one good thing."

"From what Officer Mu said, the artists talking have indicated that they had lean times with Lu Corporation's entertainment division and were offered the opportunity to entertain guests at the club.They were to perform and talk to the guests but whatever else happened was up to them, but the money was good from the s*xual activities that most ended up engaging in this and it ended up resurrecting most careers in a few months."

"Interesting, I assume we will use it?"

"We will Anna.It demonstrates under CEO LU's leadership Lu Corporation assets being used illegally.The presence of his wife means he cannot deny any knowledge of the club."

Hou Yi looked at his watch and noticed it was 10:40am, "We need to finish up and head in."

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